Sunday, November 24, 2013

Letting Go is Accepting What Is

Rainbow and Rain

The moment you accept WHAT IS…is the moment the pain eases…it is the moment that things start to change.

Maybe WHAT IS…seems unfair

Maybe WHAT IS… seems like a waste of time

Maybe WHAT IS… seems like it should not be


You can fight it.  You can be depressed.  You can feel hopeless.

Hopeless: that is how it feels when you are stuck in a job that you hate, a relationship that’s unhealthy, a body that’s overweight, when you’re addicted to a substance, when your business plans don’t work out, when your spouse is cheating, when your kids are not doing well in school, and when your finances are a mess.

Depressed and Hopeless…BUT…there is a way to turn your depression and hopelessness around….right now and today. It’s called Acceptance.  Accepting yourself, your past,  your problems, your financial situation, your family life, your work status and even your resistance  to accepting things as they are right now.

Acceptance helps you to let go of HOLDING ON.

What are you HOLDING ON to?  You are holding on to what you WANT the present to be.  What you THINK should be your life, right now.  But it’s NOT your life right now and by not accepting WHAT IS you are missing out on YOUR LIFE…right now.

Once you wake up and realize that you can let go of resisting WHAT IS  (your life right now) and just accept it, then it frees your future to start to emerge. It ‘s a pause. It gets you out of wishing, hoping and even praying that your present circumstances (right now) will somehow MAGICALLY be something ELSE.

There is a saying that is almost like a mantra in Law Enforcement.  Sometimes I get tired of hearing it, but when I do it reminds me of the power of letting go.  The mantra is: “IT IS WHAT IT IS”  That’s how cops get through their tough jobs by accepting WHAT IS. hapiness

If you are depressed today.  If you want things to be different tomorrow, then you have to 1st accept WHAT IS and 2nd know that with acceptance it’s like a message that your mind, body and soul is giving the universe –that you trust it.  You trust the plan for your life.  You may not know the plan for your life, but you trust it. You trust that things are happening for your good or your learning or both. You trust the timing.  You trust that things will change. Things will get better.

The rain will end.

Things will change. Things ALWAYS change…don’t hold up the progress by your resistance to WHAT IS…it just keeps you stuck longer than necessary…instead…

Choose Happiness (even while it’s raining).


Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Just Quit" Career Counseling Help from Sharon McCormick

“Where there is ruin, there is hope for a treasure.” ~ Rumi

For those of you who are in need of career counseling, and especially if you are at the end of your rope and thinking about quitting your job without another one please know that there is hope.

After looking for a while for a true professional career counselor who has years of experience in many environments and is able to actually give people the tools and guidance that they need to move forward I would like to recommend Sharon McCormick.  You can find out more about Sharon on her website at  Career Treasure .  

“Just Quit” Blog Vision

I remember when I first started planning this blog it was my grand vision to have resources for all of the “Just Quit” categories. Over this past year the blog has tended to focus on providing encouragement to people who feel stuck and depressed in their current jobs.  Although it’s been 10 years for me now since I quit my job without another one, I remember the feeling of KNOWING that NO ONE in my family or ANY of my friends REALLY understood how SERIOUS things had to have gotten for me to decide to “Just Quit” my job.

I understand the need to “Just Quit”.

I understand the toll you are under mentally and physically staying in your job


I also know that the job market worldwide has changed dramatically since the 2008 recession.  Just google “end of the middle class” and you will get tons of articles about how jobs are moving from full-time to part-time and that wages are stagnant.  Because of this I want to make sure that people are VERY clear about the “Just Quit” decision that they make BEFORE they make it.  I want to advocate for creating a plan, and even though it might seem impossible to save enough money to tide you over for six months still it’s important to have a “Just Quit” Saving Account.

To all of you hurting out there just know that there is hope

Please Don’t Give Up

Letting Go to Let Come is a Process

You may feel like all is lost, and your career and life is in ruin BUT sometimes it is only out of a ruin that you can find out –  who you are, what really matters and what you have to offer to the world. This is your time to shine.  This is a time for a new you to come through.

Sharon can properly help you to preserve both your physical and mental health during this difficult time.  It’s worth a try to finally develop a strategic career action plan so you can move forward.

Remember…There is Hope…THERE IS HOPE (period)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Think Different...Here's To The Crazy Ones

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

― Apple Inc. Campaign


 Sometimes you have to be different…think different…Just Quit What is Not Working…Let Go…Follow Your Intuition…Follow Your Heart…You may not know the plan…but…the plan is good…the dots will connect…just keep going…find what you love…do great work…love what you do…keep looking…don’t settle…you’ll know when you find it…here’s to the crazy ones…Peace, Ridea

Crazy Ones

Sunday, October 13, 2013

"Just Quit" Your Job Survey Results - September 2013

I want to do amazing things! And stop living a mediocre life.

~Comment from an Australian on Sept 22nd.

Total Responses: 548Just Quit Date


Female 61%;  Male 39%


Under 25 years old – 19%

26 – 35 – 50%

36- 45 – 23%

46 – 55 – 8%

56 years and over  – 0%

How Much Folks Make: 

Under $50,000 – 56%

$50,000 – $100,000 – 33%

Over $100,000 – 11%

Comments about Salary:

  • No raise in six years, but my two departmental co-workers have both gotten them.
Monday, Sep 30th 11:00AM
  • £28,000 pa
Monday, Sep 30th 9:17AM
  • AUD 120,000 including superannuation. Over $200,000 saved up plus another $50,000 in superannuation.
Saturday, Sep 28th 10:37PM
  • My housing is provided by my employer. If I quit, I have to find a new place to live.
Friday, Sep 27th 10:43AM
  • na
Thursday, Sep 26th 4:37PM
  • £44,000
Sunday, Sep 22nd 2:57PM
  • My income is 36000 GDP.
Wednesday, Sep 4th 5:31PM
  • Roughly USD 45,000; I am based in the Philippines and I earn in Philippine Pesos (1 USD ~ 44 PHP)
Wednesday, Sep 4th 5:02PM

 Locations Throughout the World:

No.    %
 USA322   61%
 Asia63   12%
 Europe56   11%
 Mexico or Canada43    8%
 Australia28    5%
 Africa11    2%
 South America3    1%
 Antarctica0    0%


General Comments:

About this blog; about your situation; about what you feel could really HELP you get through this time in your life (to make the decision – to have the courage to “Just Quit”)


  • I want to explore other opportunities and be happy and confident and feel this can’t ahppen while I’m in my current job.
 Monday, Sep 30th 9:17AM
  • I wish I knew what else I really want to do.
Sunday, Sep 29th 12:00AM
  • God and constant contact with my family have been so important. So has the realisation that I really should have just entered academia because I am more than capable of succeeding (I have published papers without even trying while as an undergraduate). I want to be the boss of my own destiny because I trust myself more than I do managers with an ego problem
Saturday, Sep 28th 10:37PM
  • Having my housing tied to my job has been extremely difficult because “home issues” become “work issues.” Living with my coworkers makes it impossible to keep bosses out of the roommate dynamics
Friday, Sep 27th 10:43AM
  • From India, on VISA.I will loose my work visa too if I leave my employer.I will become dependent on my spouse and will not be able to get bac kto work unless someone sponsers my Visa.
Thursday, Sep 26th 4:37PM
  • I want to do amazing things! And stop living a mediocre life
Sunday, Sep 22nd 4:44PM
  • I’m in education – but the English system is too ridiculous I want to return to Ireland where I’m originally from and I want ME back.
Sunday, Sep 22nd 2:57PM
  • I am depressed from having to deal with this individual. I too have looked for another job without success. I feel stuck and I want to just quit.
Sunday, Sep 22nd 9:45AM
  • I was made redundant at the end of 2012. Initially I was going to take a year off work and travel/cycle around Europe. Losing my job set things back as I was left with no option but to look for another one. Any job will do that’s what I had in mind. I needed an income and save up a bit more for my long awaited trip.
  • So I got myself a new within months after losing my previous one. I’m currently working as a bicycle postal delivery officer! I loved it in the beginning, being outdoor, riding my bike, no boss breathing down your neck. That feeling didn’t last, after my 3 months I got really frustrated. I was alone all day which means I ended up thinking about a lot of things that matters the most.
  • Everyday is a struggle, I didn’t care about the money. All I wanted to do was get my work done as quickly as possible and go home.
  • Now I’m at the point of quitting without another job 🙂
Friday, Sep 20th 1:39AM
  • Thanks for confirming my decision.
Thursday, Sep 19th 4:55PM
  • I’m confused about the point of this survey. When are you going to try to sell me something or get my information?
Sunday, Sep 15th 8:12PM
  • To all the people out there, if you think you can make a meaning out of your life, make it happen do not sit on those silly office chairs and make someone else’s dream happen, make your’s a reality…cheers
Sunday, Sep 15th 7:36AM
  • fish or die
Friday, Sep 13th 11:45PM
  • I have no regrets. I didn’t give a 2 weeks notice. I resigned over the phone.
Friday, Sep 13th 6:13PM
  • I’m getting close to retirement – want to find something I’ll enjoy doing again – an “encore career” that has meaning. Am afraid that I’ll slip into poverty over time.
Wednesday, Sep 11th 4:19PM
  • I love the people at my job, I just feel out of place when I’m there and with everything else going on in my life my job is just another thing on top to worry about that I don’t need
Wednesday, Sep 11th 12:44AM
  • I’m go through periods of what the f@£k am I doing to feeling confident of my decision.
Wednesday, Sep 4th 5:31PM
  • n/a
Wednesday, Sep 4th 5:02PM
  • I can already imagine the sense of freedom that I will have when I clock in for the very last time, when I see Kevin for the very last time and when I sit at that desk for the very last time.
  • A weight will be lifted off my shoulders and the next adventure will await.
Monday, Sep 2nd 8:42PM
  • This job makes me mentally and physically ill. Period. No way I’m coming in today.
Monday, Sep 2nd 8:34AM
  • Help. I can’t find my niche. I don’t know what to do. I just know I’ve gotta get out of this rut or accept it and be a jobsworth for the rest of my life
Sunday, Sep 1st 4:28AM

“Just Quit” Your Job Steps: (in order of how many people have completed that step)

Number Who Have Completed This Step:

  •  Thought About How This Decision Will Impact Your Family/Spouse/Children
  •  DECIDED to “Just Quit” – You May Not Know The Date, But You Have Made The Decision
  •  Thought About “The Story” You’ll Tell About “Just Quitting” (While Between Employment)
  •  Have a General Idea or Specific Plan About What You Really Want to Do (Without doing this you’ll probably get stuck again doing something that makes you miserable)
  •  Saved or Have Access to Enough Money for 6 Months for Basic Expenses
  •  Thought About How You Will Celebrate When You “Just Quit” – How Will You Feel That Day – What You’ll Do That Night & The Next Morning
  •  Determined the Actual Date You Can “Just Quit” (This is Your “Just Quit” Date)
  •  Completed A Spreadsheet To Find Out How Long You Can Go Without A Job
  •  Written Your Resignation Letter (You MUST do this and give proper notice. NO EXCEPTIONS.)
  • Talked to Others Who Have “Just Quit”- Listened to Their Stories/What They Did (Note: You will not find many people who’ve had the courage to do this. Most people stay stuck or wait until they find another job.)

Comments to the Question: Why are you Thinking About Quitting Your Job Without Another One?  (Remember there is a real person who is in pain behind each of the below comments.)


  • Because I am tired of the job, the stress and workload has built up overtime.
 Monday, Sep 30th 5:31PM
  • Can’t sell the same product sick of what i am doing, just blindly selling the same product to customer.
  • a lot of negative feelings in work – envy jealously unhappiness anxious anger impatient guilty
  • performance getting poor, afraid to get warning letter and termination
  • not learning anything feel struck and sad
  • miserable working every day, target to hit and reset every month.
  • Realistic and selfish environment and some colleagues
  • no meaning or goal….only $$$ pushing me
  • affecting my character, feeling and confidence
  • confidence
Monday, Sep 30th 11:45AM
  • It scares the heck out of me. I don’t know how we would pay for things. I don’t know what people would say to me/about me. I also worry that I would be tempted not to try to find another job!
Monday, Sep 30th 11:00AM
  • I’ve hit a brick wall. I’m unhappy working here. My heart sinks no matter what I am asked to do. I’m in a rut.
Monday, Sep 30th 9:17AM
  • I hate my job. I hate going there. I hate the patients. I hate their families. I hate administration and their disregard for the hard work I put in. I hate that my boss changes my time card and doesn’t pay me overtime. I hate being yelled at by family members
Sunday, Sep 29th 10:31PM
  • I hate it!
Sunday, Sep 29th 3:09PM
  • My body is on fire everyday and I can feel my pulse in my neck.
  • I feel like crying everyday.
  • I’m unappreciated.
  • I’m cranky.
  • I hate doing night shifts.
  • I look ten years older than I actually am.
  • I put on 20kg while on the job and developed severe flat feet.
  • I can’t stand my filipino co-workers they’re so scheming and cheap.
  • Everyone is cranky at work.
  • I eat more than I should to justify the effort I put in.
Sunday, Sep 29th 11:11AM
  • because i am treated wrong and feel ill
Sunday, Sep 29th 8:48AM
  • I have been in this field of work for 20years and with this company for only 7 wks and have not been trained. I have spoken to my immediate bosses who ignore my repeated requests for training. I have spoken to their boss and HR I have been ignored by everyone. I am unhappy and things just keep getting worse. I try to go in with a better attitude every day and keep trying to just work harder. People are unkind,unprofeesional, and sometimes just plan rude to me. I dont fit in and still unsure of what my role is. I feel so lost and I keep getting negative feedback from my peers and boss. I went in on Friday morning and just told my boss I need some direction and training and she refused to help me. She said I think you are doing just fine then sent me an E-mail with a list of my current mistakes. By company guidelines I should have 6 weeks of training I had only 6 days. I work in a high stress clinic and I am counted on to care for patients and I am so afraid I will make an awful mistake. I don’t know the equipment or protocols for this particular clinic. I told my boss that the patients and I both deserve better. The staff around me complain that I am not helping them enough and that I don’t know their system. My boss still does not understand my concern. The patients are frustrated that I know what I need to do but not how to do it when I am helping them.
Sunday, Sep 29th 12:00AM
  • Can’t stand coworkers,stressed,no motivation, not enthusiastic,bored,don’t like boss,don’t respect company,unethical practices,feeling I’m in the wrong profession.
Saturday, Sep 28th 11:51PM
  • Don’t like my workplace
  • Don’t like management
  • Not what I want to do at all
  • Thousands of kilometers away from the only thing that matters to me – my family
  • Don’t like where I live
  • Miss my culture
Saturday, Sep 28th 10:37PM
  • I need to breathe again and find something that makes work fun.
Saturday, Sep 28th 7:28PM
  • Depression
Friday, Sep 27th 6:25PM
  • I hate my job and am ready for a career change. I feel it is time for me to move on and I can’t do that while I’m stuck at my job. The job is guaranteed misery. Quitting is the unknown but it is certainly no guaranteed misery. It’s the opportunity to start fresh and do something new.
Friday, Sep 27th 5:08PM
  • I haaaaaaate my job and pretty much everything about it.
Friday, Sep 27th 12:00PM
  • I am so miserable where I am with no hope of upward mobility. I don’t want to do this same job in 5 years somewhere else. I want to move on to training, delegating, and supervising. I’m tired of being in front of the public and working with kids everyday.
Friday, Sep 27th 10:43AM
  • I dread waking up every morning and going to work. Sunday nights are extremely depressing. There hasn’t been any growth for me in more than a year. I don’t get along with my boss. I hate sitting in a cubicle. I hate crouching over a computer. I hate sitting under flourescent lights. I hate that my life is neglected because I have to go to work somewhere else and give all of my time and energy to a cause I no longer believe in.
Thursday, Sep 26th 10:06PM
  • To explore new ideas, improve on the things I need to .Change my profile a bit which would help me developing interest in my job
Thursday, Sep 26th 4:37PM
  • I have never enjoyed working at my current job, and I feel like I need the space to figure out my next direction. While stuck in this job, I lack the energy to creatively pursue anything else, and I feel that it keeps me from opening myself to true experience and opportunity. I know that I could embody and fulfill so much more potential if I had some time to really focus on myself and my happiness.
Wednesday, Sep 25th 4:44PM
  • It makes me miserable, im not interested in thecwork at all. Also I feel so drained that ive stopped creating new things to sell in my etsy businesd. Its also damaging my outlok on life and relationships.
Wednesday, Sep 25th 4:12PM
  • – depression
  • – no growth prospect
  • – not enjoying what I am doing
  • – working with stupid people
  • – I feel like I am getting no skills here – not improving myself this job is actually stagnating me and making me non employable
  • – no matter how hard I work I will never be promoted because of my lack of education (I have tried to study but have no support and I am really interested in IT)
Wednesday, Sep 25th 6:45AM
  • Ive been at my job, a kitchen for 8 years. I recently had an episode a month back, it felt like a heart attack. It was one of the scariest things i have ever felt. It happened again and again over the next few weeks. I went to a heart doctor, and he said, there is nothing wrong with your heart. It’s stress, your having panic attacks he said. I have not felt normal for some time. Every now and again, when i have time off, or am actively participating in my hobbies, and passions, i feel like my old self again. But most days i just feel bad. Its a horrible feeling that I would never wish on anyone. I don’t ever want to feel this way ever again. I have strongly Disliked my job for many years and have suffered problems related to stress because of it but never this bad. It’s just too much and I can’t put myself thru it any more.
Tuesday, Sep 24th 12:13AM
  • Because it’s making me physically and mentally sick, I can’t take it anymore, living in a constant state of anxiety and fear
Monday, Sep 23rd 7:45PM
  • Because I’m fed up with the crappy dead end life of 60 hour work weeks in a field I never wanted to have anything to do with.
Monday, Sep 23rd 7:00PM
  • I need head space. No work/life balance possible.
Monday, Sep 23rd 5:10PM
  • It makes me muserable, and im not good at it.
Sunday, Sep 22nd 4:44PM
  • I need to have TIME back – I hate feeling that the job is impossible and I am inadequate!
Sunday, Sep 22nd 2:57PM
  • I’m working for a narcissist. His sarcastic, rude comments are more than I can bear anymore. He repulses me.
Sunday, Sep 22nd 9:45AM
  • Yes
Sunday, Sep 22nd 12:50AM
  • The stress is really bad,for me constantly when you are off they call you to work,people not showing up for work,and peace of mind ,The anxiety I have is not good and no time to myself my health has really suffered from it some one,constant worrying and know time for myself.
Saturday, Sep 21st 2:46PM
  • Not enjoying the political environment
Saturday, Sep 21st 12:36AM
  • Is not what i expected i get bored and is in an industry i dont like
Friday, Sep 20th 10:58PM
  • Because I am not happy where I am and feel I can do a lot with my talents, and cannot waste my time anymore. Clock is ticking
Friday, Sep 20th 2:58PM
  • I am getting sick
Friday, Sep 20th 5:31AM
  • Whenever I think of work it makes me sick to the point I feel like throwing up. Sunday is usually the worse day, I’m usually restless at night and can’t sleep.
Friday, Sep 20th 1:39AM
  • I’m looking for a change, less stress, more enjoyment, more creativity, less politics.
Friday, Sep 20th 12:13AM
  • i’m not in my field that I have 7 years of education and two degrees for. I haven’t progressed professionally in four years for the lack of understanding of what I actually do. I have been to 3 therapist for depression dealing with my current lifestyle and this job.
Thursday, Sep 19th 4:55PM
  • It’s not living. I want an exciting life.
Thursday, Sep 19th 8:58AM
  • I’m constantly being treated like an idiot. Like I know nothing, and this at a time where I have actually reached a certain level of confidence in my actual abilities that I never had before.
Wednesday, Sep 18th 7:40PM
  • Unhappy with work environment. Too much work and no reward. Unorganized company.
Wednesday, Sep 18th 7:06PM
  • Doing nothing at work rotting my career away!
Wednesday, Sep 18th 9:27AM
  • I am miserable, my social, physical and emotional health are being ruined. I think my boss has a very negative impression of me. It is a toxic environment.
Wednesday, Sep 18th 7:23AM
  • The treatment from management and “leadership” isn’t fair and the demands are ridiculous. Especially being a commission paid employee.
Tuesday, Sep 17th 1:43PM
  • I’m moving in a few months.
Monday, Sep 16th 9:31PM
  • I’m Unhappy
Sunday, Sep 15th 10:04PM
  • I’m tired of it. I’m not making enough money to deal with it all any more, not to mention the commute. I’m tired of feeling like I’m wasting my time while I’m there, and the clueless manager. I’m tired of the schedule. I’m sick of the leg pain and feeling worn out the next day.
  • I’m ready to push myself into finding something new. I can find another job, provided that I finally start looking for one. Almost any job I get will pay me more than I’m making now.
  • I made a big mistake recently and have to deal with the consequences. It made me realize that my job isn’t worth it.
Sunday, Sep 15th 8:12PM
  • I’m absolutely miserable every time I set foot into work. When I leave for the day, I feel disgusted and angry. It’s actually making me physically and mentally sick.
Sunday, Sep 15th 1:07PM
  • My current employment is making me physically and emotionally ill.
Sunday, Sep 15th 11:33AM
  • More time with my family, getting house and family life organized, for the last few years everything has been a crazy whirlwind and I feel like I am spinning out of control. Finding a new career that would be more suited to family life and allow me the time to spend with my kids and keep a well organized home
Sunday, Sep 15th 9:10AM
  • Beacause I have lost “MY” Life
Sunday, Sep 15th 7:36AM
  • Just Because
Saturday, Sep 14th 1:10PM
  • Want to start own business.
Friday, Sep 13th 11:57PM
  • No respect
  • Stalker Boss
  • Idiot Boss
  • Backstabbing
  • Underpaid
  • unhappy
Friday, Sep 13th 11:45PM
  • I quit my job without having another job lined up. I was asked on multiple occasions to perform task which were illegal and unethical. This Monday I realized I didn’t need to stay in this organization. There were intimidation tactics, negativity, I was coached I was too professional, too positive. I have never heard that in my entire career. Two of the co-workers were toxic, one was drunk at work, the other one was verbally abusive. I took power and quit. I have no regrets. Most people would have said “don’t burn bridges” but what’s to burn if no bridges ever existed.
Friday, Sep 13th 6:13PM
  • No purpose
Friday, Sep 13th 12:02PM
  • Its miserable and i hate waking up to it everyday.
Friday, Sep 13th 2:01AM
  • Because I know I have great things to offer on my own working for myself. I know I can be successful without working for an agency.
  • Because I work amongst the most deceitful, backstabbing, hurtful people at a place that is supposed to be for helping others
  • Because there are constant changes that result in my stress, anxiety, and more work for me
Thursday, Sep 12th 6:54PM
  • I am a Contract Manager in a Fortune 50 company making >$100k/yr and have been doing this for about 15 years. My workplace is a mass of chaos and confusion and I’ve given up trying to make a difference because my efforts don’t seem to work out any more, or they take so long to realize that the excitement I feel at the beginning is all but dried up by the end. Although I absolutely love aspects of what I do – writing and negotiating contract language, crafting strategy and making the business customers happy with a good contract – I am just run dry from the same cycles and discussions over and over, year after year, and how in this company nothing seems to ever get better, it’s just more work, more work, more work, less recognition, less opportunity for development, less money, promotions, growth. I am a single parent of a 5yo child, trying to juggle a high pressure job, my growing child, a house, navigation of the other parent, feeling overwhelmed and bored at the same time. In short, I feel burnt out and tired. I want to do something new, different, something that matters and that I can see the results of immediately or in a short amount of time. I think about teaching children and what that would look like, not to mention having summers off. I feel like as long as I am in my current job I’ll never find a way to get to a new job. I’ve left jobs before, big jobs, without having another lined up, and both times I ended up in better positions then would have if I hadn’t left. But those times were before I had a child, a mortgage, an ex that I don’t always get along with, before I was this close to middle age. But I am dying in this job. Literally dying. And feeling worse and worse everyday, and wondering what I teach my son about life and what work means when he sees me dragging around the house at the end of the day, either depressed, resigned or pissed off. I have lots of reasons to quit, more than I can possibly put here. So I’ll stop and call this good enough for now.
Thursday, Sep 12th 4:39PM
  • I simply hate my job. 16 years of my life has been wasted on a mindless job with terrible hours.
Thursday, Sep 12th 1:41AM
  • because it will allow me to review my life and bring my focus back to getting together what im really passionate about doing which is massaging and educating. it will allow me to accept what ever will come next and not worry about financial just as long as i stick with the plan. because i wont be sick again and depress and blind sided. this place was making me sick mentally, physically and emotionally.
Thursday, Sep 12th 12:30AM
  • Because I am no longer happy, the job is affecting my health, and I need to find out who I really am.
Wednesday, Sep 11th 9:04PM
  • I need to quit to keep my sanity. I am so stressed that I can’t focus, I hate getting up in the morning to go to work, but tell myself “I have to pay the mortgage”! I used to like what I do but now I don’t care anymore and I don’t like feeling like this.
Wednesday, Sep 11th 4:19PM
  • I hate my job. I hate the industry that I am in. I have a degree in marketing and business and I am not using it. I want a career that is fulfilling.
Wednesday, Sep 11th 10:37AM
  • No recognition, growth, pay…
Tuesday, Sep 10th 4:24PM
  • Bullied
  • Disrespected
  • Hate certain rules
  • Hate clientele
  • Too much of a social environment
  • Full of extroverts
Tuesday, Sep 10th 11:37AM
  • It’s detrimental to my health. I cry every Sunday night and my feet hate to carry me through the front door of my work. I can’t do it anymore.
Sunday, Sep 8th 4:31PM
  • I don’t have faith in the leadership at my company.
  • We are understaffed, people are literally working 70 hours a week. It is taking up to 3 months to replace open positions.
  • I am not working that much because I don’t want anyone to expect me to do that on a regular basis.
  • I am getting behind because i am not working that much. I am in a new position and have not had adequate training and everyone is so busy, no one is really available to provide good help and guidance.
  • I am exhausted and stressed out when I am not at work, always thinking about what more I should be doing.
  • I am having a hard time in the evenings focusing on updating resume and looking for another job.
  • I do not have faith in getting any help to make things better. We are all drowning in work and have no way hope that it will get better soon.
  • I do not want to work in this industry anymore.
Sunday, Sep 8th 2:43PM
  • My coworkers and boss take advantage of me, are manipulative and treat me poorly. My pay is minimum wage even though I was promised a raise which I never received. My anxiety levels are through the roof. I’m very unhappy
Sunday, Sep 8th 4:02AM
  • i want to quit my job because i am not happy with it.
Sunday, Sep 8th 3:02AM
Saturday, Sep 7th 7:41AM
  • I am no longer fulfilled in my position; I would like to move into a different field; I find upper management impossible to work for; I am financially secure.
Friday, Sep 6th 9:29PM
  • I don’t enjoy my job
Friday, Sep 6th 12:17PM
  • Because I would like to be able to stay home and nurture my children the way I have been nurtured by my mother.
Thursday, Sep 5th 8:29PM
  • Because my boss is being an absolute tyrant towards me. He pin points at every mistake that I do. And when my only other colleague does the same mistakes he would just shrug it off and make no big deal out of it. He is always arrowing at me. He’s an absolutely bad leader who doesn’t know how to manage his subordinates well and his words are cut-throat. This is the last straw for me. I’ve finally put in the calendar of my QUIT DAY.
Thursday, Sep 5th 1:35AM
  • I have had enough. I am so fed up of my job and my productivity is appalling as a result. It is not fair on me and my employer
Wednesday, Sep 4th 5:31PM
  • Because I’m not passionate about the current work that I’m doing, and I’d rather dedicate 100% of my time to focus on what I really want to do in life.
Wednesday, Sep 4th 5:02PM
  • I cannot handle the stress any longer. My marriage is falling apart and my health is suffering.
Tuesday, Sep 3rd 11:00PM
  • I drive 120 miles a day round trip. I dread every mile. I get guilted out of taking my lunch breaks on a near daily basis. I feel sick with dread and stress and truly fear for my health. The money doesn’t justify the expense of my commute and child care costs.
Tuesday, Sep 3rd 4:36PM
  • I’m ready to move on. I’ve been at this organization over five years and have learned a lot, had some amazing experiences and helped to build new deparents, but I am in need of a change. I’m quitting because I want to spend more time exploring what thins change could look like.
Tuesday, Sep 3rd 3:54PM
  • I am neglecting my family and have two income options with high potential. My wife ANSI are in agreement to leave a toxic work environment.
Tuesday, Sep 3rd 7:11AM
  • Health and family reasons besides I hate my job.
Tuesday, Sep 3rd 4:47AM
  • My boss is evil; she punished me because I was forced to take FMLA leave & when I returned, I was moved to another position with terrible hours. I hate the new job and have no respect for my boss. If I return, I will say something I can’t take back. My benefits are really good, and I don’t have much money saved, but I have a husband who works.
Tuesday, Sep 3rd 4:04AM
  • In the realistic and financial scheme of things, I have the luxury to just walk away from this job because I have no obligations nor do I pay any bills.
  • In the emotional and meaningful scheme of things, I have no desire to work for, make better, or help this company PERIOD. The attitudes and points of view of my uppers are never going to change, so the retail side will NEVER change = Nothing will progress or be bettered. I have a problem “sticking it out” with a company that has no REAL future.
  • My work is not challenging. It’s not like what I had imagined. My boss is obsessed with putting me in the front lines and memorizing recipes & making drinks better than the store managers, but that’s not REALLY my role. (I wonder if this happens with other companies)
  • Lastly, my boss is the devil himself reincarnated onto Earth. He is the most negative and self absorbed person I have ever met in my life. He has the ability to make me feel sick and want to stab myself in the eye with a dull pencil at the same time. No one has ever had that effect on me. Because of his negativity, the work environment is just CRAP. It’s toxic, at best.
  • It is passed the point of trying to “make the best” of my situation. There really is not making it better — it is what it is and I refuse to settle for that.
  • I do not ever want to settle for misery.
  • I am passionate, young, a hard worker, and INTELLIGENT. I expect to be utilized, for my work to be meaningful, and for the job environment to be nurturing or at least bearable at the very least.
Monday, Sep 2nd 8:42PM
  • Retail drains me! It isn’t a career; it’s merely a survival job. I’ve had enough of rude management, rude associates and most of all rude customers. The only thing that is good is that I get paid weekly. Otherwise, there’s no reason for me to stay since there are mostly cons:
  • Physically sore in my hips. Sometimes me feet really get wrecked.
  • Stupid, juvenile coworkers who mainly live on the southside. They need this job because they have kids or a man they gotta take care of (another kid!).
  • Subpar training. You’re expected to know everything when they themselves don’t know shit.
  • Monotonous, boring work. Saying and doing the same things all the time with no real excitement.
  • Being phony-nice. I USED to be nice. Marshalls changed that. Putting on the phony nice girl act shows how unhappy I really am.
  • Now I barely get there on time. It’s over.
Monday, Sep 2nd 8:34AM
  • I’m so miserable at my job, it’s effecting my health. I feel trapped and stagnant and KNOW this is not how my life is supposed to be.
Sunday, Sep 1st 10:11AM
  • Unfulfilled. Glass ceiling. Ineffective. Hate going to work every day.
Sunday, Sep 1st 4:28AM

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Opportunity For You To Be On Television...To Tell Your "Just Quit" Story...

I received the below email yesterday and thought it easier to put it in a post for those who may be interested (please Be on TVfollow back up with us at Just Quit if you are casted and good luck):

My name is Kenya Brading, I am a Casting Assistant at Metal Flowers Media. We have cast TV shows including: Storage Wars, The Colony, One Man Army, Ice Road Truckers, The Hunt, Bar Rescue and Frontiermsmen. We are currently casting a show for a major cable network and I would greatly appreciate it if you could forward this email to your members. We are looking for people in high powered jobs who dream of leaving it all behind!
Applicants are welcome to call me directly at 424 262 0043 or email me at

READY TO START OVER? WANT A BRAND NEW LIFE? A major cable network presents a ground-breaking new series for people like you who want to live life on your own terms. If you dream of a new and better society, one where you rely on yourself and those around you to ensure it’s success, we want to hear from you.
We are looking for ambitious, motivated individuals who are resourceful under pressure and who have inherent leadership tendencies. We will be counting on you to prove that there is a better way. You’ll teach us that a greater civilization can be had by all. You’ll go off the grid, press the reset button on your life, and change the way we view our world.
If you are ready to start over, tap in to your personal ingenuity, and lead a new society to a better way of life, apply now by emailing us at For more information go to or log on to

Monday, September 16, 2013

Just Quit Your Job Encouragement and Advice

“To all the people out there, if you think you can make a meaning out of your life, make it happen. Do not sit on those silly office chairs and make someone else’s dream happen, make yours a reality…cheers.”

India Call Center

The above is a comment that came in September 15, 2013 from a man living in IndiaI’ve decided when comments from the “Just Quit” survey come in like the above that I wouldn’t wait until the monthly post, but post them as quickly as possible.   

I haven’t been to India yet, but the above is a picture of an Indian Call Center showing people “sitting on those silly office chairs”.  

I guess it’s a wake up call to all of us everywhere…Make Your Dream a Reality…Peace, Ridea



Monday, September 9, 2013

Letting Go to Move Forward


“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”

~ A Quote About Letting Go By Marilyn Monroe