Saturday, October 23, 2021

You Are Not Crazy and You Are Not Alone

It is 2021. It is almost December 2021.

It is a time when many have to make a decision to Just Quit their jobs because of a Covid Vaccine Mandate.

Just Quitting a Job is a decision that I made almost 20 years ago. It is a decision that is facing me again, but today’s decision seems ominous. It seems sinister. It is not singular. It is a decision a mass number of people have to make at the same time. Just Quitting is not an easy decision because it is life changing. For those in the throws of making the decision think of three things:

  1. What would you do if you weren’t afraid of change?
  2. What are your dreams for yourself and your family, and how will your decision impact those dreams?
  3. On your death bed which decision will you be happy that you made?

Think on these things today and know that to Just Quit and Live Your Life can be a beautiful thing.

(As I type this I realize how very much this blogging platform has changed since I’ve blogged! I also probably need to change the name of this site to Just Quit and Live)

Monday, August 16, 2021

Be Creative When You Work The "Just Quit" Steps...Connect the Dots

The job I have is making me sick, physically sick just thinking about being there makes me ill.

It’s where hard work is ignored and politics are constantly at play.

It’s a place that discourages development and growth of its team and encourages “top down” mechanics under the guise of being a company run on new age defining principles.

It’s a place where I feel creatively stifled even though I have a creative role.

I have no desire to work within the field I’m in anymore and there is so much more to life that I have true interest in.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA


In many of the “Just Quit” Steps we have the opportunity to be creative.

Go back to the Steps and think creatively.

You will be amazed at what happens.

You will almost forget all about the crap that is going on at work.

You might even be grateful for it all. Grateful that it has brought you to this point.

The more creative you are working the Steps the more excited you will become at the endless possibilities of the way forward.

Get creative when you work the Steps.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Sunday, April 4, 2021

10,000 Survey Responses Reached!

We now have reached the 10K mark on the “Just Quit” Your Job Survey.

Thank you to everyone over the years who have freely participated and shared their stories.

Below are the results:

Just Quit Your Job Survey Results as of 4/4/21