Saturday, August 31, 2019

Accepting What Is...Is POWERFUL

I’m stressed to the point of being sick.

I’m undervalued.

I’m overwhelmed with feeling of being out of my depth.

I’m in the wrong company –it’s small, there’s no structure and no support.  I feel ignored.  I don’t know what’s needed of me. I feel isolated. I clock watch, and time drags.

There is the fear of failure. The money is poor (it’s half what I was earning five years ago). There are longer than usual hours and I’m unusually tired.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM


Today, take every single thing that is WRONG with your job and make it RIGHT. 

How do you make it right you might ask?

Accept it.

Just accept it is what it is.  This is the way it is… for you right now… working at this place.

Yep, somehow you ended up here and this is how it is.  You have to FIRST accept it is this way… before you can move forward.

Guess What? Maybe it IS this way so you CAN move forward.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Friday, August 30, 2019

Okay, So You Ended Up With A Boss. It Happens. Now Decide What To Do.

My boss is impossible to work with. He’s arrogant, condescending, and passive aggressive.

He blames me for EVERYTHING even if it’s not my fault and then, when it turns out to be a glitch with the software or when it turns out to be HIS fault, then, suddenly, it was no big deal.

He has MANY MANY  MANY rules that are difficult to abide by because the rules continue to change. What was okay yesterday isn’t okay today. He’ll say one thing and then say the opposite. Or he’ll claim to have told me something even though he hadn’t.

He lies and exaggerates deadlines if I need the day or afternoon off for appointments. I get no medical coverage, no benefits, no sick days, and no vacation days.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK


Today, we will take a look at our immediate supervisors.

There are issues. There are always issues with our bosses.

Some of the issues are worse than others, just like some of the bosses we’ve had have been worse than this one.

We can’t change our boss, but we can change ourselves. 

We are adults. We can make the decision to stay or leave.

We can make the decision to transfer within the organization or not.

We can decide.

We are only stuck if we continue to believe that we are stuck. The moment we start moving towards getting un-stuck; we realize we are not stuck in cement like we thought.

We can make a change in our lives…and we will. 

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, August 29, 2019

What Are Your Dependable Skills? Those Innate Talents and Skills That Are With You No Matter What You Do or Where You Work.

I have been in finance for 17 years and it has gone completely stale for me.

I can’t stand sitting in front of a computer playing with Excel spreadsheets all day anymore.

Every morning I’m sick to my stomach when I wake up and find it almost painful to do my tasks at work.

I realize now that the business world is not for me. 

~Worker Living in NEW JERSEY

Dependable Skills

Sometimes it’s the work itself and we have finally realized it.  We just can’t or don’t want to do the tasks anymore.  They have grown old on us.  We need to take them off like clothes that are too small.  This is good to know. We just need something new.  Once we get to this point we will eventually start to get VERY excited, because NOW we can choose our next venture.

We can start preparing for the next thing.

As we progress on this road of finding our life’s work we can get really hung-up in looking for the next “job”.

We want to be doing something we think would be interesting, but it’s not quite what we’ve done in the past. 

Then what happens? We don’t get any call backs for an interview.  We don’t get any calls at all. 

Then what happens? We think we need to go back to school or to get a certification or something to learn about a new field.

Then what happens? We are still stuck in our jobs we have outgrown, we have the credentials for a new field, but we STILL don’t get any calls for interviews.

BEFORE you do anything (and especially if you are thinking of spending any money on it) just stop and make SURE you are clear on your “dependable skills”.  Those innate talents and skills that are with you no matter what you do or where you work.  It is those skills that point to your life’s work. You need to blend those skills with tasks that you want to do. 

Just don’t jump back into another “job” with different tasks too quickly… use this time to really search your soul for your life’s work.

 You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What Are YOUR Goals for the Next 5 Days, 5 Weeks, 5 Months, 5 Years & 50 Years?

I am so busy at work that I don’t even have the time to look for another job unless I quit my current job.

~Worker Living in CANADA

Goals 2014

Today, if I am too busy working day in and day out at my current job, and I am not happy, and I don’t have enough time to look for another job; then I need to immediately go to Step 2 – Dealing with Finances. 

If I am working this hard and this much; then it needs to be worth it. 

It needs to be worth it so much that I can see a plan to have six months of expenses saved. 

If I do my spreadsheet and things are not adding up, then I have to ask myself WHY am I so busy doing this work…where is it getting ME?  


Please don’t just read this.  Write down one goal you want to achieve in the next five days, then one goal in the next five weeks, then five months, five years and one goal in the next 50 years.

START with the goal 50 years from now. It will help you understand the IMPORTANCE of your life.  It will be about your LEGACY. This is not a dress rehearsal. This is YOUR life and the world needs you to do what you are meant to do…and you are not meant to be miserable day in and day out.

You might be reading this and are absolutely miserable right now today…BUT…five days from now YOU can make a goal that will help you NOT be miserable…EVEN if your goals/plans haven’t worked out so far in your life…just give it one more go…

Stop reading…stop surfing the internet…pull out a piece of paper and start writing…50 years from now I want to be or I want people to remember me for???

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

BE Awesome: You Are Not Your Job. You Are Not Your Title. You Are Not Your Salary. You Are Awesome.

This job has turned me into a sad horrible person.

I used to be so awesome and now I feel like nothing.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK


You KNOW you are awesome. 

This job can’t make you not awesome when you are.

Say it:   “I AM awesome.” 

One more time: “I AM awesome.”

You are awesome.

You are not your job.  You are not your title.  You are not your salary. 

You are you and you are awesome.

Today, BE who you are…Awesome.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

P.S. – Ethymology of  the word Awesome…today be in Awe of yourself…

awesome (adj.) Look up awesome at Dictionary.com1590s, “profoundly reverential,” from awe (n.) + -some (1). Meaning “inspiring awe” is from 1670s; weakened colloquial sense of “impressive, very good” is recorded by 1961 and was in vogue from after c.1980.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Having Faith Means Trusting That The Plan For Your Life Is Working Out...Even Now...

This job doesn’t interest me.

The field doesn’t interest me.

I don’t see myself anymore with this company.

My work life balance is completely out of whack. I live in one country and my wife and kids in another. 

I can’t sleep at all!

I am stressed, spaced out and miserably down all the time.

I lost my faith in myself.

~Worker Living in the NETHERLANDS


Some of us have lost faith in ourselves. 

Lost faith in our abilities. 

Lost faith in our skills. 

Lost faith in our decision-making. 

Lost faith in being able to get ourselves out of our work situation. 

You have to have faith in something. 

If you can’t have faith in yourself have faith that there is a plan for your life and that plan is working out.

Have faith that even though you can’t see a way out; that a way will come.

Have faith that you will figure out what you need to do next. 

Have faith that you have come this far in life and that your journey is not yet over.

You will pull through this. This too will pass.

Have faith that everything changes and so will this time in your life.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Workplace Situation is from the Netherlands:

  • It is in Europe
  • Official Language is Dutch
  • Currency is Euros
  • Netherlands mean low country because half of the land is below sea level
  • The Dutch own twice as many bikes as automobiles
  • Amsterdam is the capital and it is famous for its canals and the skinny tall houses that are built along the canals.
  • The Dutch are the world’s tallest nationality and they are famous for tulips
  • There are a lot of windmills in the Netherlands that are used for power:


Sunday, August 25, 2019

Stand Strong and Go Through It. Be Like A Tree.

I hate working in fast food and I feel miserable just thinking about it. I get abused by customers and the management there is terrible. I want out. Straight away.

~Worker Living in AUSTRALIA

like a tree

There is only one way out of our situations – we have to go through them. 

We know we have to go through it. 

We might feel like we want this to end now…straight away…but it is not going to end until it has run its course. 

We know what it feels like to be miserable…we might even be miserable today.

Just feel miserable today.

There will come a day that you will feel joy.

When that day comes, then feel joy that day.

Stand strong and go through it.

You will get to the other side.

You are strong enough to make it through this…you are and you will.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Workplace Situation is from Australia:

  • It is in Oceania
  • Official Language is English
  • Currency is Australian Dollars
  • They say “Gid Day”
  • It gets its name “Land Down Under” from the fact that the whole country is south of the equator
  • Going on a “walkabout” you will find the world’s largest group of coral reefs, largest rock and largest cattle station
  • It has 7,000 beaches…that’s a lot of beaches!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Being Too Stressed to Sleep is a Wake-up Call You Need to Heed

My boss hates me.

I am de-motivated.

I feel too stressed to sleep.

~Worker Living in JAPAN


It doesn’t matter where you live; a sleepless night in Japan or in Seattle is still a sleepless night.

If you can’t sleep then your body is trying to get the message to you: ”I’m under stress. I need for you to make a change in your life, and  listen to me.” 

Being too stressed to sleep is a wake-up call you need to heed.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Workplace Situation Comes From Japan:

  • It is in Asia
  • Official Language: Japanese
  • Currency is Yen
  • Sushi is a favorite food
  • Mt. Fuji is a famous snow-capped volcano that last erupted in 1707
  • Tokyo is the world’s most populated city  ~13 million
  • Japanese train stations have “pushers” during rush hour. So many workers cram into the trains they need to push them in order to shut the doors. 


Friday, August 23, 2019

Anything is Possible. Really, it is.

I hate the micromanaging bureaucratic culture.

I also especially hate waking up in the mornings.

I don’t want another job because it will just be the exact same thing as the one I have.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

anything is possible

If we know it’s not another j-o-b for us then we are making progress.

It doesn’t have to be another job like we have worked year-after-year-after-year. 

It might be that we start freelancing. 

We might consult.

We might start a business.

We might write. 

We might do many things.

We have to brainstorm. (Some of us brainstorm for our jobs, why not for ourselves?)

Start a mind-map. Generate ideas. 

Anything is possible. Really, it is.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Don’t Let Anyone Cut The Wings of Your Dreams

Ah actually, I did quit. I’m taking this survey out of curiosity.

After almost fifteen years in manufacturing I’ve only managed to work my way up to $15/hr. I am intelligent, well-spoken and extremely well written. I am analytical, capable of complex abstract thought, have keen spatial visualization and problem solving skills. I could only take so much of being reminded of these things by co-workers and engineers without due compensation.

The final straw came when I was passed up for a gainful opportunity within another department which I was an ideal candidate for, because of my apparent value to my current department. That was it. It was already bad enough that I didn’t love my job, being overlooked in lieu of a lesser qualified candidate because my manager would not let me go was a direct insult to my integrity as a human being.

~Worker Living in FLORIDA

dreams and wings

Today be fair to yourself. 

Live up to your capabilities. 

Don’t let anyone cut the wings of your dreams.

You have a purpose and you are valuable.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

To Find Your Purpose You Have To First Find Your Gift...What Are You Naturally Good At Doing?

I hate the profession. It doesn’t work with my values or my strengths.  It makes me  feel low and takes away everything I like about myself.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

finding your purpose

If we are going to work through the “Just Quit” Steps then we need to know ourselves.

We need to know our strengths, our weakness, our values, what we like and what we don’t like.

We need to know ourselves.

Once we know ourselves our purpose will appear.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Do You Wonder If You Deserve A Better Life?

I have more important things in my life than work.

I do not deserve to be treated like sh*t and be unappreciated at my place of work.

My job has caused serious health issues for me. I do not get sick days or vacations.

I can still do whatever I want and not worry about money for over a year.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

What you deserve

Today, if you CAN leave your job and you are unhappy AND especially if it is impacting your health, then WHY are you still there? 

Don’t you deserve better than this?

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live



If you googled any of the below words or phrases to reach this blog then you aren’t wondering if you deserve better you KNOW that you do. Work the “Just Quit” Steps…Create Your Plan…

quitting job without another job
I really want to quit my job
quitting due to depression
how to quit job without another job
i’m gonna quit my job
i just quit my job
i want to quit my job but i can’t find another one


Monday, August 19, 2019

Today Say: "I Want To Feel Alive". Engaged. Passionate. Connected. It is Possible.

I am not good at my job. I hate going to work. I am always late to work.

The work is boring. My boss works on my nerves. I hate presentations.

I have no passion for my work. I am not keeping up to date with my profession. People expect me to be an accounting expert which I am not. I am not doing my job.

I want freedom. I want a new career. I want to wake up late in the morning. I want a job for which I have passion. I want to be an expert in my job. I want the freedom to travel for long periods. I want to spend my time reading. I want to feel alive. I want to stop feeling anxious.

~Worker Living in SOUTH AFRICA


Today, we need to know that there is a way out. 

There is a way out of the cycle that we all seem to find ourselves in. There is a community of us.  Many are walking by your office now and just suffering in silence.  Many will sit in a meeting with you today and doodle on the page or write gibberish while thinking about how miserable they are listening to others talk about nothing.

Today, collectively we will say: “I WANT TO FEEL ALIVE” at some point today say…out loud…scream it while commuting if you must…I WANT TO FEEL ALIVE.

The more you can define and name what you want and let the universe know…the greater chance of it coming your way.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Worker Lives in South Africa:

  • It is in Africa (of course)
  • Official Languages: There are 12 of them –  Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, Pedi, Sepedi, English and several others
  • The Zulu warriors are the largest ethnic group in South Africa
  • Currency: Rands
  • Great places to go on safari to see zebras, giraffes, elephants, lions, leopards, ect.
  • South Africa is the place where the Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean meet.
  • Nelson Mandela spent 28 years in prison, won a Nobel Peace Prize and became the president in 1994.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses...or RESULTS? What's It Going to Be?

I hate it and I have new ideas of how to start my own job.

~Worker Living in MOZAMBIQUE


Stop delaying. 

Stop questioning yourself.

If you have an idea then pursue it, run it to ground. 

Stop thinking about it, stop talking about it, just do it.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Worker Lives in Mozambique:

  • It’s in AfricaMozambique
  • Official Language is Portuguese, but there is a mixture of cultures – Portuguese, African, Indian, and Arabic
  • Currency: Meticais
  • Many live in villages in mud houses
  • It’s on the coast of the Indian Ocean
  • People use something called Dhows (simple sailboats) to carry items along the coast
  • Makua tribesmen dance around their villages on stilts wearing masks and bright outfits.



Saturday, August 17, 2019

Eliminating The Option of Staying At Your Current Job Is Half Of The Battle

I want to change career fields and staying at my current position; which is so demanding and not enjoyable; I hardly can find time to pursue my interests in the new career field. 

I’m trying my best but staying at my current job is just not an option anymore.

~Worker Living in SLOVENIA


Once we KNOW we can eliminate the option of staying at our current job then we are more than half way there.

Even though making the DECISION to “Just Quit” is only one Step it is the most important Step.

  Until you make that DECISION nothing happens. You stay stuck.

Once you make that decision things will open up…ideas, your mind, doors, support, new opportunities, peace, the way you see your current job…being able to eliminate the option of staying is a big step.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Worker Lives In Slovenia

  • It’s in Europe
  • Official Language – Slovenian
  • Currency: Euros
  • Land of caves and forest (lots of forest…half the country is forest), brown bears, horses, and traffic jams of tractors (it has more tractors per person than any other country)
  • Slovenians eat Dormice
  • Has the Worlds Oldest Grape Vine – 400 years old



Thursday, August 15, 2019

Don't Let Any J-O-B Kill Your Soul...Honor Your Soul Today

This job makes my soul shrivel into a tiny, angry, bitter little ball of cynicism.  It is negatively affecting the rest of my life. It is a very unhealthy environment and a terrible way to spend so much of my time.

~Worker Living in VIRGINIA

Today, I will honor myself and my soul. Your Soul

I will not let this or any job kill my soul.

My soul.

Say that:  “My soul.”

When you say it concentrate on how your body feels.

It tingles and responds….it’s not My soul; it’s My Soul.

Wow…honor your Soul today.

 You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Wednesday, August 14, 2019

You Can Get What You Need While You Are Miserable...Play Your Hand Well...

I feel stuck in my job and my career. I’ve been plotting this years ago, but I was waiting to get some things I needed (loans, a surgery paid through the healthcare, etc.). Now I’ve got all I need. It’s time to quit and start over.           


Playing Your Hand

We don’t have to just sit there and be miserable.

We can get what we need while we are being miserable.

If we know what we need: be it a degree, a certification, surgery or the magical five-year mark for 401K’s and pensions: then we stay.

WHILE we stay we plot our path.

We work the Steps.

We perfect our plan.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Worker Lives in Colombia South America:

Official Language: Spanish

Currency: Colombia Pesos

Has both a Pacific and Caribbean Coast

Roasted ants are eaten as a snack.

The worlds largest producer of Emeralds

There are 500 rock statues of animals – carved 5,000 years ago.

Gold, Gold, Gold : Legend about a tribal chief called The Golden One, there’s a gold museum and a real golden poisonous frog that kills…

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Smoke and Mirror Organizations...You Have to Decide...Does This Path Have Heart?

My work has no purpose, it helps nobody, and I don’t believe that the organization really cares about the results. They are simply interested in getting grant money from the government and have no intention to use that money to develop a product. I also don’t think the management has any idea what they are doing.

~Worker Living in PENNSYLVANIA

path with purpose

Count yourself lucky if you’ve never worked for an organization that is just smoke and mirrors. 

It’s a shell game.  It’s not real. Of course you don’t know it until you are inside of the shell, that it’s just hollow inside. Some of us have had this experience. Some of us are living inside of this experience now. 

Once you know you are in a hollow organization; it’s like anything else in this life; it comes down to if you are going to continue to play the game of “not real, but they’ve got money to pay me” verses “not real, and I can’t do this anymore”. 

That’s basically it. Just a decision.

Our lives are just a series of decisions that we make moment-by-moment that end up becoming…our lives.  

 You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Googling about Robin Williams and other comics I found this graduation speech by Jim Carrey.  Once you get beyond the jokes in the beginning you will find great sage advice and an interesting picture that he drew.


Monday, August 12, 2019

Find Your Purpose...Contribute Your Verse

I have been a contractor for almost three years and I want a permanent position within the company. The Director and Manager of my group have known that I’ve wanted a permanent position for almost a year but they have failed to move on it or address it to me.

~Worker Living in TEXAS

living on purpose

It is sad, but unfortunately true that we might be in a post-job economy.

Many of us are working freelance.

Many are working project-to-project.

Many of us don’t have “middle class full-time jobs with healthcare and a pension”.  Many of us never will have this again.

If you know what you want; then it’s already there; you just have to move towards it.  Just clearly define what you are looking for and ask the universe to bring it your way. If you don’t know what you want; even if it comes your way; you might not recognize it.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

…the powerful play goes on and YOU may contribute a verse…

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Stilling The Mind To Calm The Panic Attacks

Every day I feel sick about going in there. 

I constantly have people talking about me. 

I have panic attacks and cannot sleep worrying that everyone hates me. 

I’m not the happy confident person I used to be.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

Stilling the mind

Today, I will tell myself that I will make it through this day.

Although I might be working with people who don’t like me and I don’t care for them, I know that in time things will change because life is about change.

I will take control of my thoughts by just watching my thoughts at first and recognizing if I am having a circular thought over and over again.

I will find a mantra (word or phrase) to calm my mind.

If I cannot think of anything else on this day I will repeat over and over again…peace, be still…until the panic attacks subside – again…peace, be still…

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Saturday, August 10, 2019

If Your Job Was A Romantic Relationship Would Your Go or Would You Stay?

If this was a romantic relationship, my friends and family would be  begging me to run. 

~Worker Living in NEW YORK


Today, if I were to look at my job like it was a romantic relationship would I go or would I stay?

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

P.S.  What if Tina hadn’t left Ike?  What if you don’t leave your job?  Remember “Just Quit” starts out as a decision that you make…THEN you start putting a plan together towards carrying out that decision…Let Go to Let Come…Simply The Best Life Might Be Waiting For You Too…

Friday, August 9, 2019

The Grand Plan for Your Life Is Good. Just Sing YOUR Song.

I’ve been at the same company for 11 years and going nowhere.

The work is not at all challenging, and so much is expected of us (with little in return).

I don’t care about the product we make or the work we do–it does not inspire me at all.

I detest Sundays, and just struggle through each week until I can make it to the weekend.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK

composer and song

Today, I will think about the fact that this is my life.

I can no longer afford to go week-by-week just existing, just making it through the week, surviving.  I deserve more than this.

No one else is going to get me out of this. 

I have to make the effort to move forward. I have to do this for myself.  Even if things don’t go quite as fast or exactly as I plan at least I need to have a plan.

Every other escape plan may have failed but I cannot give up.

My plans might just be too small. Maybe there is a bigger plan.  Maybe there is a grander plan in the making.

No matter, whatever the plan, the grand plan for my life is good and I will actively work it.

 You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Looking For A Leader? Look In the Mirror!

The company has gone in a direction I do not want to follow.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

“Just Quit” is about letting go of what is not working. 

If I know the direction the company is going in is not the direction that I want to go and I haveleading decided that I do not want to follow, then I have just made a decision to be the leader of my life and destiny. 

I can decide to go in another direction.  

I need to determine the strategic plan for my life.

I can trust myself. 

I can trust the universe and allow the direction to emerge that is just right for me.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Workplace Situation is from Singapore:

  • Continent: Asia
  • Official Language: Mandarin Chinese
  • Currency: Singapore dollars
  • Singapura means “Lion City”
  • Three Things You Won’t Find in Singapore because they are illegal: Spitting in Public, Litter, and Chewing Gum


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Make Everyday a Marathon of Things That You Enjoy Doing

My job is taking its toll on me physically and emotionally.

Every day is like a never ending marathon of things that you never enjoyed doing.

~Worker Living in the PHILIPPINES

We can run. just run

We can run, but we can’t hide.

We can’t hide when we feel like it is day in and day out of a “marathon of things that we don’t enjoy doing”.

It’s our lives.

We can run towards a fulfilling life and lifestyle.

So, today, start running in THAT direction.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Just Quit & Live Survey:
Below is a survey link which has a list of questions to help you determine if you are READY to Just Quit Your Job Without Another One: Take Our Survey!  

P.S. Today’s Entry is from the Philippines

  • Official Language: Filipino
  • Currency: Philippine Pesos
  • Philippines is the country, but is people are called Filipinos.
  • The Philippines is 7,107 islands (that’s a lot of islands)
  • It is nickednamed the text capital of the world because about 400 million text messages are sent every day.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Breathe...Smile...It Will Be Okay...

Because no one takes me seriously there.

I can’t stand to go into work.

I’m getting to that point where I’d rather die.

If I quit, and I don’t make it work for whatever reason, I’m fine with just dying. I hate my life as it stands now.

~Worker Living in TEXAS

Don’t Give Up.breathe it will be ok

Seek help if you need to.

Just Don’t Give Up. 

You will make it through this.

Please Don’t Give Up.


It was entries like the above that compelled me to write the book.  It is a real live person who typed this into a computer or cell phone screen.  These are not just words to me.  They shouldn’t be just words to anyone reading them.  This is what workplace pain looks, sounds and feels like.  

This is about life and living.  

Just know if you are going through this today that you are NOT alone. Many, many, many, MANY people are no longer willing to settle for “settling”.  

I have a recommendation for those suffering…tomorrow morning when you wake up…the first thing when you open your eyes say the below:

Waking up this morning

I smile.

24 brand new hours

are before me.

I vow to live fully

 in each moment

and to look at all beings

with eyes of compassion.

 ~ That is a quote from Thich Nhat Hanh.  

When you recite this make SURE that you put a smile on your face (yes, yes, yes, I know this might seem hard to even think of doing…but give it a try). All will be well…don’t give up…you WILL make it through this.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Only We Know When Enough is Enough...Is It Enough Yet?

I can’t take it anymore!

I’ve been working in the advertising field for nine years, and I have been working in my current agency for almost seven years. The idea of quitting has been haunting me for the past three years, but I always tried to oppress it by trying to highlight the positive side of my job which is mainly the working environment and how lucky I am to have a sweetheart boss, and how I am being appreciated at this job regardless of the stress, late nights, my boss’s swinging mood, crappy clients…and lately the feeling that I don’t fit anymore with the crowd in the agency.

I hate Sunday nights. I drag myself out of bed every day to go to work.  I get stomach cramps when I get a phone call from my boss on my mobile. I don’t feel motivated anymore!

When a new client calls in, I wish and pray that they don’t proceed with us because  I don’t want any more extra work!

Nothing excites me anymore in this job.

Last but not least, I don’t see myself in this career in the future. However, I feel so lost. I want to quit but I don’t know what I will do next. I don’t want to stay home doing nothing. I know I can go crazy! As well as everybody thinks I am crazy to take this step!

~Worker Living in EGYPT

Only we know when Enough is Enough…is it enough yet?

Sailing on the Nile

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Workplace Entry is from Egypt:

  • Official Language: Arabic
  • Currency: Egyptian pounds
  • Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt. She was only 18 years old when she started to rule. (Wow!)
  • The Nile river is the world’s longest river running.  It is 4,132 miles
  • Egyptians still use old wooden sailing boats called feluccas to sail the Nile.

P.S. Is it time for you to set sail in your career to the next port? 


Sunday, August 4, 2019

Strength is Knowing When It's Time To Bend Like A Tree In The Wind

The bosses are speaking down to me yet I am one of the top five employees (by survey metrics / completed assignments) out of my team.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA


Today, I will honor my strengths and appreciate myself.

If I don’t; then who will?

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

P.S. Lean Into Letting Go…Just Lend Into It

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Finding Support and Learning to Say NO

There is tons of work that is assigned on me.

Too much is expected of me.

I have been supporting all departments in our company. I am supporting external and internal customers. But nobody is supporting me on my tasks.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

We all need support. Learning to Say No

Sometimes to get that support we need to ask for it.

Sometimes to get that support we need to set boundaries.

Learn to say NO.

If you can’t say no; then let people know what is on your plate and when you can reasonably complete the task they have assigned.

If you are not overloaded with tons of work today, be grateful.

You are reading from the book Just Quit & Live

Our Just Quit & Live Survey:
Below is a survey link which has a list of questions to help you determine if you are READY to Just Quit Your Job Without Another One:  Take Our Survey!  

Today’s Workplace Situation is from Singapore:

  • Official Language: Mandarin Chinese
  • Currency: Singapore dollars
  • Many things in Singapore are named after Sir Stamford Raffles, the British founder of Singapore
  • Rickshaws were invented around 1868 and are still used in Singapore.  Below is a ride through Singapore on a Rickshaw – human-powered transport….


Friday, August 2, 2019

Breathe...The Universe Is Taking Care of Everything Else

I hate my job. I literally hate it. I’m miserable there.

I spend long hours stuck in traffic, driving from appointment to appointment (I work in home health care). I’m overwhelmed by the number of clients that I am expected to see. My boss keeps pushing me to see more and more people and I already feel that I can’t keep up with the number that I’m expected to see now.

I spend countless hours in the evening and on weekends writing reports and answering emails. I feel like my job is taking over my life. Sometimes I feel like I can’t breathe because I am just so stressed and overwhelmed.

I don’t want to get up in the morning because I don’t want to go to work. I just hate it. I have never had a job that made me this miserable. The worst part is that I’m not even making good money. My boss is completely underpaying me and profiting off of me. I’ve been looking for months and can’t find another job.

I’m just worried that if I quit I won’t be able to find something else.

~Worker Living in CANADA

Today, I will accept the fact that if I am working for someone else and receiving a salary that I breathe nowam making someone else rich and helping them achieve THEIR dreams. Once I accept this fact I will ask myself if I can continue to do this or not.  If I can; I will still think of something ELSE I can do for myself to achieve MY dreams. If not; I will make the decision to “Just Quit”.

I will work the Steps and I will breathe.  I will rhythmically breathe focusing on my heart area, because I am alive and I am on my way to a better life for me, my family and the family of the world. I am determined to find my purpose and use my highest skills for the greater good.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Is There Really Still A Career Ladder to Climb?

I am physically sick. I have anxiety every day when I enter work. I have even gone to the bathroom because I thought I was going to puke from the amount of anxiety I have. I also got vertigo while there in April, and it hasn’t gone away completely since – it is now August.

I work with manipulative people, they act like they are in high school – they expect you to know things that you were never taught, they try to keep you at the lowest possible rung with no way of getting out of it, and they dump all of their work on you and don’t help you.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK

ladders or a tightrope

I will take a close look.

Am I trying to climb a ladder?

Is the ladder in the right industry FOR ME?

Is the ladder in the right organization?

Do I need to get off of this ladder?

I will take a close look…


You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

P.S. – One more question….is there even a ladder anymore?

Don’t just sit there WAITING to climb up some invisible “ladder”…especially if you are just starting out in your career. Don’t let others sabotage you and keep you stuck.  You are NOT stuck…but…you have to have courage to recognize that and to act.

Just figure out what you want to do, how you want to use your talents, what you want to offer to the world, and move towards that…even if it is something small like researching that topic, curating information and tweeting about it. 

Below is a survey link which has a list of questions to help you determine if you are READY to Just Quit Your Job Without Another One:    Take Our Survey!