Monday, July 21, 2014

Are You Trying to Shoehorn Your Life Into Your Job?

I have been working hard with very few breaks since I was 15.

In the last several years, I have been trying to shoe-horn my life into my job rather than the other way around.

All the travel and long hours are making it impossible to focus on things that are more important to me.

My health is suffering.

Physically, I am unable to consistently make time to work out; I eat out for almost every meal; do not get enough sleep; have an inconsistent schedule; and I haven’t been to the doctor in years.

Mentally, I am affected by the sleep, schedule, and stress. I have difficulty focusing on my job and have lost most of my passion for it. I do not feel that I am learning or that I am in charge of my life inside or outside of work.

I am constantly near the boiling point and get angry very easily when I feel that my company has done anything to negatively impact my life again.

My work has become boring and repetitive, and it forces me to skip many activities that I enjoy, even when they are after normal business hours and all my friends can make it. The job is significantly hindering all my relationships. It is difficult to maintain existing friendships, let alone make new ones. I am not able to spend time with family – including my roommate – anywhere near as often as I’d like. The relationship with my girlfriend is also suffering from undue stress due to all the travel and time spent forced apart.  On top of all this, I am paid less than employees at other companies with comparable skills and experience that work fewer hours with little to no travel.  

~Worker Living in VIRGINIA


Today, if I am trying to “shoe-horn my life into my job” I will recognize how it is hurting my health, relationships and what matters to me.

I will just recognize it because until I recognize it and look at it for what it is, I won’t think I can change it…but I can and I must…I need a job that fits my life.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Learn to Trust Yourself and Stop Agreeing To Things That Insult Your Soul

I don’t feel valued.

I don’t trust my own team.

I don’t feel like I can maximize my value to the firm.

The stress is making me physically and mentally ill.

I’m not doing the work I love.

The company’s values are inconsistent with my own.

~Worker Living in COLORADO


Trust Yourself

Today, I will trust myself.

I will trust what I value.

I will trust that I will be able to do the work that I love.

I will pay close attention to my internal voice and cancel out any negative messages.

I have to work on getting out of any mental negative loop that I might be in.

I can trust myself.

I WILL trust MYSELF today.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Watching the Clock...How Many More Days Can You Continue To Do This?

Everything about my job makes me sad.

I dread getting up and going and count the minutes until I leave.

~ Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

life is time

We have all counted the minutes and looked at the clock…watched the hours count down…wondered how much longer we could take it. We’ve waited for the magical moment we could bolt out of the door.

Now…how many more days can you do this?

How many more precious hours of your life can you continue to waste?

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Monday, July 14, 2014

Fight For Something Better. This Is Your Life. Noone Elses.

I work in a hostile environment, and there is no chance to affect positive change.

~Worker Living in ALASKA


 Incredible Change

Today, affect positive change in your personal life. 

Forget about changing something that you can’t change, change what you can and the only thing you have control over is your own life AND your career.

Affect change where you can.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Be The Owner Of Your Life and Your Career...OWN IT

I hate it.

There is no opportunity for advancement.

I get no support from the owners.

I feel like I am constantly stressed over what needs to be done and no one else cares.

~ Worker Living in NORTH CAROLINA

Free Yourself

Maybe you feel like no one really cares about what is going on where you work.

You can see what needs to be improved, but to no avail.

Even the owners or those who should offer support and care, don’t seem to care.

You’re in a good place to learn a lesson.


If you want the owner to care, then YOU need to BE the owner, start with your career…own that…

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Matching Talents to Careers

Matching Talents to Careers – July 12

I’m looking for a better opportunity matching my Engineering background. In my current job, I can’t excel the way I want to.     

~ Worker Living in AUSTRALIA


talents to career

Today, start looking for a better opportunity to match your background, education and skills.

Today, just start.

This is your life. 

This is your career.

Just do one thing.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Friday, July 11, 2014

If You Don't Step Forward, You're Always in the Same Place

Knowing Where We Are Going – July 11

My co-workers single me out. I feel like I’m stuck and going nowhere in life with this job.

~ Worker Living in TEXAS

move forward

Knowing that we are stuck is knowledge.

We are stuck.

We need to get unstuck.

This job has run its course; there is no more “there” there.

We just need to move on.

We don’t have to stay stuck we can make a move as long as we have an idea of the direction we want to go.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Word 'Listen' Contains The Same Letters as the Word 'Silent'

Step 3 – July 10

My current job and boss are making me feel so miserable and useless.

It is a small company (three people), and having just moved countries it’s important to have human contact and meet new people.

I can literally go eight hours having only spoken to just my boss. He puts me down, asks me inappropriate questions or makes comments which are unethical.

He’s totally under paying me, does not know how to manage people or work and thinks that everyone he works with or for is useless.

Most nights I come home and cry, which is obviously affecting my relationship with my partner and my unhappiness is stopping me from going out there and meeting new people and having fun.

~ Worker Living in AUSTRALIA

If you can't find someone to listen to you...then be silent...

Today, I will find one person in my life that I trust that I can talk to about my situation.

I will share with them what is going on at work.

I just need to get it out; hear myself talk about it.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


If you can’t find someone to LISTEN to you…then be SILENT…(hint: that means you’ll have to learn how to quiet the noisy chattering mind). Meditation Works.  There is a quiet place inside of you that will give you the peace, space and “knowingness” that you are looking for. 

It’s unfortunate, but true, that your family and friends may not understand your situation and talking to them might make it worse when they tell you: “it can’t be that bad”; when you know it is THAT bad.  

So, today find someone you trust to talk to or take 5 minutes to quiet your mind and be silent.  

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Quess What?...You're Not A Loser...You Are Part Of An Awakening...Welcome Aboard

You Are Not A Loser – July 9


I am suffering with depression.

I’m scattered brained, young, lost, damaged, lonely, no goals and a f*cking loser.

~ Worker Living in MICHIGAN


No, you are not a loser.

If you are young; and even if you aren’t young; if you have contemplated quitting (even if you don’t have another job lined up) you are WAY ahead of the majority of the people.

Most people stay stuck or move from job-to-job-to-job and don’t do anything in life that they want to do. So, you are far from a loser.

You are just waking up.

You are finally waking up to know that there is more to life than working a job that makes you miserable.

You are waking up to the real possibility that one morning you will wake up and WANT to get out of bed so you can make your contribution to the world. 

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Focus Your Energy on "Letting Come" not on "Letting Go"

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Experience Along the Journey – July 8

I work in sales for a great company with great people and had hoped to have a long association with them. For over a year, I was the entire marketing team because there was no-one else in the roles of marketing, sales & events and despite the burden of it all, I did a good job. I have worked long, hard hours, given 100% loyalty, continuously learning and have achieved well.

A couple of months ago, they employed a new marketing manager who is a nice person but wants me to be his secretary and has taken away every aspect of sales from me and replaced it with mind-numbing admin i.e. typing up hundreds of lists – nothing else, just that.

He micro-manages everything I do like I’m an imbecile and blatantly times me when I use the lady’s room. Basically he does everything in his power to make my working life as miserable as possible. I tried talking to him about this several times and even approached other higher up, no-one is interested.

Promises that were made to me by the CEO about my future career have been broken. I’ve tried to make the best of it and tried to ‘manage’ my career but the situation is getting worse. I am constantly stressed and unhappy and for weeks have been actively looking for another job.

~ Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

Secret of Change

Sometimes we are in work situations where we feel used.

We feel like we have performed well, and we did, but we didn’t get the recognition or the promotion. 

We were overlooked. We were mistreated.

Count it as experience.  Count it as a catalyst.  Count it as information.

Experience, a catalyst and information about what you need to do next.

Just use it to propel you forward in the right direction for your journey.


Once you have made the decision to “Just Quit” start focusing all of your energy on what is to come. Watch what happens…you’re in control and excited as you move towards “letting come”…

Monday, July 7, 2014

Be Your Own Hero, Take Control of Your Career. If You Don't Who Will?

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Taking Control of Our Careers – July 7

It’s a dead-end job and I’m not learning anything anymore. I’m getting fed up with the work and it feels like I’m getting depressed every day I go into work.

The Managers/Senior Managers are useless and don’t care about your career. To them it’s all about metrics and nothing else.

~ Worker Living in CANADA


Businesses are, well, businesses.

They are in business to make money. 

Managers are, well, managers.

They are there not only to manage you, but themselves and the business.

You have to care about your own career.

Maybe you can find a mentor, maybe not.

At the end of the day it’s your career and you have to take control of it.

No excuses. 

Today, just take action.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

If Opportunity Doesn't Knock; Build A Door

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Creating Wealth – July 6

I’m feeling burned-out, having to juggle my full time job and being a voice coach on weeknights and weekends to earn some extra income and keeping the passion of teaching going.

I try to spend the remaining time I have with my sons and partner.

It’s taking a toll on my health now.

I’m also at the point where I don’t enjoy my work anymore.

I want to quit my full time job and teach singing full time, so I can have time flexibility and the possibility to create wealth according to how hard and smart I work.

~ Worker Living in SINGAPORE


Creating Opportunity

Today, ask:

“What will allow me to create wealth according to how hard and smart I work?”

Listen for an answer. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Secret of Life is to Pay Attention

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

 Pay Attention – July 5

I want to start my business – the one that will make a real difference.

In fact, it will be helping other people quit *their* jobs by starting a business.

I’m a marketing expert, my jobs/clients have always been startups and people launching businesses without me even realizing – this is what I’m meant to do.

I just need to embrace it.

~ Worker Living in CANADA


pay attention

Every single day of our lives if we are paying attention the universe is providing us with information to help lead us to our authentic selves.

Today…something is being said, something maybe put in front of you, a website you stumble upon, a song you hear, a bird, a text message, something you read


pay attention

the secret of life is to pay attention

that’s it

pay attention.

Friday, July 4, 2014

In the U.S. it's the 4th of July. If You Choose To Be Free; Then You Can Be Free.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

 Just Live – July 4

I want just to live.

I want to travel and live just on my savings for a few months then start finding a job I’d really like to do.

I don’t want to find another job before just quitting because I want to experiment with a free period where I just don’t have a job.

~ Worker Living in FRANCE


Today, realize that you too can JUST LIVE. 

You can experience a period of freedom where you don’t have a j-o-b. 

If you choose to be free; then you can be free.

Life is just a series of choices. 

Free yourself today.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

And You Thought You Had A List of Things You Hated About YOUR Job...Take A Walk In These Heavy Boots

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

 Making Our List – July 3

 **Things I Hate About My Job**

1.) I hate how I have to cover everyone else’s time off when I can’t ever seem to get enough for myself.

2.) I hate sleeping all day and working all night.

3.) I hate the wannabe military atmosphere that permeates here.

4.) I’m sick of the facility—all stairs, being hot, being cold.

5.) I really hate the stupid heavy boots that I have to wear. My ankles are in serious pain every day.

6.) I hate most of my co-workers with their military wannabe attitudes and the supervisors who all look like they were the nerds in school and are taking out their past torture on everyone.

7.) I hate hearing about how great we have it here and how we are all lucky to even have a job—would you tell an abused woman that she is at least lucky to have a boyfriend?

8.) I hate how my vacation was accepted then denied a week before I was supposed to leave.

9.) I hate stairs.

10.) I hate the loud obnoxious alarm testing I have to do every night.

11.) I hate having to work 12 days straight without a day off, then get one, then work another 6 straight.

12.) I hate working 12 hour shifts whenever they tell me to.

13.) I hate my supervisor’s ridiculously serious attitude about the job—it really isn’t that serious and the way you let them treat you is undignified.

14.) I hate sitting in a quiet office with nothing to accomplish other than the occasional mouse click.

15.) I hate how condescending the management and employees are.

16.) I hate how the job has taken over my thoughts even outside of work.

17.) I am tired of the stomach aches and pains, the headaches, the back pain, the depression, the mood swings, all because of this job.

18.) I hate how there is a “click” of co-workers/supervisors that always get time off, and I don’t—on top of that they always somehow get rewards for good performance…

19.) I hate the shitty computer systems we are stuck with.

20.) I hate the following words: Sir (most hated word), Captain, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Egress, CSO, SOPs, Sierra, Alpha, Egg, Mat.

21.) I hate how we have to wear a one piece jumpsuit and how my underwear rides up my ass constantly all shift.

22.) I hate how when I leave in the morning, I have to be back the same friggin day.

23.) I hate third shift and what it has done to my complexion and weight.

~Worker Living in CONNECTICUT



Have you made YOUR “Just Quit” list to help you make the decision?

Make your list today, or review your list today. 


When you even consider the thought of Just Quitting your job without another one; do not EXPECT most people to understand.   Not your parents, not your spouse, not your children, not even fellow workers who are also miserable in their jobs. 

EXPECT your family and friends to think you are crazy and are making a big mistake to even consider quitting without another job (especially in this economy).  

Consider that to be the normal reaction

…BUT…YOU know what you are going through in this job.  

They really CAN’T know, because they are not having your experience

…AND…you are having this experience for A REASON.

Maybe the reason is to get you to move towards your life’s work (finally).

Just remember you are not alone….others are thinking like you are…

BE smart and work the “Just Quit” Steps so you can strategically plan your exit.

“Just Quit” is not a rash decision…it is carefully planned

(yes, you might be depressed right now, but once you take control of your career and realize that you really are not stuck, the dark clouds of depression start to fade.) 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Take a Chance...Drop Every Fear and Doubt...Stop Holding Yourself Back

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up? 

Overcoming Fear – July 2

 I am working in a career field that is not related to my degrees I have obtained. It was my first job out of college promising growth opportunities. 

The field I want to work in has no growth so they have not had available positions in the 5-6 years I’ve been here.

I have gone back to school while working and need to take the leap to the career that makes me happy now that I’m done with my formal education. There is no job satisfaction where I work and even my supervisor doesn’t like the job. The plus is great benefits and a steady pay check.

Fear has been holding me back.

I tried quitting in January of 2013 and HR talked me out of it because I didn’t have another job lined up.

It has been difficult to find a job in the field I want to be in while working because I have not had the time to build my creative portfolio and I am drained of energy after work and the 1 hour to 1.5 hour commute home. 

~Worker Living in FLORIDA


Drop every fear and doubt

Fear will hold us back.

Fear is a real dream snatcher as is doubt. 

The thing is….everyone knows what fear feels like…everyone knows what doubt feels like…they are both just feelings…don’t let them hold you back from pursing your dreams…just don’t pay that much attention to fear or doubt… get prepared and go for it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Only Real Valuable Thing Is Intuition ~Einstein...Listen to Your Intuition Today

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up? 

Listening to Our Intuition – July 1

I hate coming in every day.

The people I work with are frustrated with the policies and low pay and half the time everyone is sighing and complaining. I had to reduce the amount of taxes taken out of my paycheck just to survive, and almost got fired for my lateness.

I just don’t want to be there.

I get an ache in the pit of my stomach thinking about going back after a peaceful two-week vacation.

Helping customers and servicing others in retail is not a good fit for me.

I need to be able to have downtime by myself to recharge, and all this job does is drain my energy.

I am willing to take out money of my IRA in order to survive for a few months in order to find a new job, and hopefully transform my job into a career.

I need some peace, and my intuition tells me to quit.

I just landed a part-time job with some earning potential, and I could focus on that and also find a temp job during the day or land interviews for a new one.

The only thing I am worried about is insurance coverage.

~Worker Living in NORTH CAROLINA



We already know what to do if we listen to our intuition.

Go back and re-read today’s story. As she talks about her intuition she talks about the actions that she is and could take…then what happens?…her brain takes over…it tells her to fear…doubt her intuition…think about insurance coverage…. anything to stop her in her tracks.

Don’t let anything stop you on your path, on this journey…not even your own fears…listen to your intuition…


What is intuition you might ask?  Intuition is tapping into this all-knowing universal mind that is inside of all of us. It already knows what you should do and where you should go. Until you listen to and trust your intuition you will continue to struggle and wonder.  Once you can tap into this universal mind the entire “game of life” makes sense because you are in alignment.