Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A New Year Is Coming...Get Un-Stuck...

I’m fed up with the crappy dead-end life of 60 hour work weeks in a field I never wanted to have anything to do with.


Getting Unstuck

Today, we have to admit that we got stuck for whatever reason.

We got stuck in a job, a profession, a city, an industry…stuck. We don’t have to STAY stuck. We’re adults.  We make decisions everyday about a host of things.

Today get un-stuck.  Make the decision to “Just Quit” & Live.  You might not know when or how but decide to get un-stuck. Watch what happens…the universe gives a collective sigh and says…FINALLY…

Monday, December 30, 2019

Proud of Your Job? Test That...Tell Your Children How Proud You Are...

I feel like I am in an unsafe environment. There is no plumbing or heating at my job, I have found out that the company I work for has been sued over eight times in the past five years, and that I am working for a con-artist.

My work environment is abusive and there is constant workplace bullying. People play mind-games with me and never shoot straight: One minute I’m doing good, the next minute I’m doing terribly.

My boss is a psychopath with violent tendencies and I feel terrified around him. His office has a weird aura and he humiliates me in front of other coworkers. I’m now starting to realize that I haven’t been getting any real training this whole time. I don’t know who to trust in this environment and I feel trapped. This job was never about the money for me, but now I’m starting to realize even money wise, this job has become an expense, both mentally and financially and it is not worth it.

I feel like I have been conned into working here because these people knew I was overqualified.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK

live so that

Today, count your lucky stars if you have never experienced working for a shadow company or a con-artist boss.  If you have had this experience then you can sympathize with those who are in that type of work situation.

It’s difficult, especially once you realize it and your eyes are open.  Then…you have to decide…to stay or to go.  To help you make the decision sometimes you have to remove yourself from the situation and pretend like it is someone else experiencing it. 

If your child were in your shoes, as a parent, what would you advise them to do?  If you were to sit down with a beloved grandparent (dead or alive) could you be proud of where you work, who you work for and what you do…without fibbing just a little about the situation?

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Change Your Focus. Change Your Life.

I’m overwhelmed with work, school and interning.

My boss is the worst.  She makes harassing Facebook posts about her employees.  She doesn’t focus on important things (Overtime, emergencies, turnover rate). She is condescending and overly demanding.

~Worker Living in MICHIGAN  

change your focus

It doesn’t matter how many training classes or personality assessments that someone takes; if you don’t want to be an effective boss or employee then you won’t be. 

Some bosses and employees CAN’T focus on what matters so they major in the minors.  They can only move the pebbles and not the boulders.  It can be frustrating to watch it happen, especially when you can see what needs to be done.

If you are working in a place and you know that management doesn’t get it and they don’t WANT to get it, then you need to start focusing on yourself and your next move.  You need to focus on the majors in YOUR life and career. 

You need to realize that complaining and hoping and wishing things are going to change on this job maybe a complete waste of your time. Change your focus.  Change your life. 

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Boss...Think Happy Thoughts...

I’m unhappy being in the higher level decision making role with minimal resources to go to.  I feel like I’m left to figure it all out, as well as do my day job and all the other things that need to be done.

I’m tired of financial projects being developed by others and expected to be executed by me. My input is not sought, just ‘do the work’.

I want to find a role where I can be the support person, and make sure things get done for others.

~Worker Living in WISCONSIN


Today, look at YOUR boss with fresh eyes. 

No matter what they have done to you, or how much you might not like them, just look at them and KNOW that they too have problems.  You may never KNOW what those problems are and you might be thinking that you don’t care. After today, you can go back to NOT caring, but for today care about your bosses problems. 

Today, we will say: “My boss has problems too. I don’t know what those problems are, but like me and everyone else that works here the boss just wants to be happy…may my boss be happy.”

Friday, December 27, 2019

Making The "Just Quit" Decision...

I don’t feel respected. I am not taken seriously. There is no team or family vibe. My boss cares more about his lined pockets than his employees.

~Worker Living in VERMONT

making decisions

We know when we are working in a place that just doesn’t feel like a right fit for us. Something is off.  Sometimes we don’t know quite what is wrong, but sometimes we know exactly what will never work for us.

It’s not that we need to quit today.  Maybe we aren’t ready and prepared to do that. We need to DECIDE today that one day we will quit.

Maybe today we can make that decision…to DECIDE to quit working here…one day in the future.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Doing What We Believe In...

I am unhappy teaching.

I don’t love it anymore or believe in it anymore.

I am depressed and miserable.

~Worker Living in ALABAMA

do something

Maybe we once believed in what we are doing. 

Maybe we were once happy doing it.

It’s okay if things have changed. Things do change. Admit it. Move on. It’s just time to do something ELSE that you believe in.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Use Your Gifts. Use Your Talents. Start Today.

I work in a call center in collections and I’m a middle-aged mother of three.  I am not doing very well at my job because I don’t enjoy talking a lot. Every morning before I go to work I have butterflies in my stomach.  Am I going to do a good job or not? I ask myself why I can’t be a multi-tasker just like other people. Taking notes at the same time while I am offering payment options.

I am job hunting and studying part-time. Basically I am a god gifted artist (oil landscapes, sketches, portraits, etc.). I always wonder how can I  make a living out of that profession.

Every evening after work I pray that tonight could be my last day at work, but I don’t have another job, so I don’t quit. Even if I quit will I get benefits? 

By reading your article I felt like this was my story.

~Worker Living In Canada

Use Your Talent

We are all gifted.  We all have gifts.  We either know what those gifts are or we don’t. Life is giving us clues all the time about our unique talents and gifts. Sometimes we make the connection and sometimes we don’t. 

Even when we KNOW our gifts and talents we don’t think we can make a living out of using them.  If we know our gifts and natural talents we need to start using them. 

If you are a “god-gifted artist” then you should do your art. 

If you are a dancer then you should dance. 

If you are a singer then you should sing.

Then we ask; how am I going to support myself doing these things?  Answer:  one painting; one dance and one song at a time…just start using your gifts today.