Warren Buffet Said It Best: Find Out What Turns You On
Joseph Campbell Said The Same Thing: Follow Your Bliss
So How Do you Find Out What Turns You On and How Do You Follow Your Bliss?
I found an interesting assessment called the StrengthsFinder 2.0. Seems from my research that the assessment gives you your top five strengths but then leaves you hanging on how to use them. Here are the 34 talents that they discovered that people can have. You can start by just looking for your top 5-7 and then trying to make sure your current or next job or project or business includes your top strengths.
The point is to figure out your strengths and then use those strengths to Do What Turns You On and Follow Your Bliss. Seems simple but it will take some effort on your part.
Let Go of What You Know For Sure Is Not Making You Happy
Have Courage
Just Quit