Sunday, February 28, 2016

4th Industrial Revolution - The Human Impact

I will begin tweeting some survey results. I will not be able to tweet every survey entry because there are too many. We currently have over 7,500 entries from 117 countries.

I want the world to understand that folks who want to “Just Quit” their jobs are NOT crazy, they are NOT lazy, and they are NOT quitters.  They are innovators, they are brave, they are honest and they are ahead of the pack.

Something dramatic is happening in the world work as we move into the 4th Industrial 4th Industrial RevolutionRevolution and people worldwide are feeling the pain of these changes.

I want people who find this blog to know that they are NOT alone.  I have been blogging about this now for five years and FINALLY have made the connection to what is happening and why it is happening.

Now it is a matter of being the voice and recorder for those aware and awake as we all live on the cusp of this change in the work world and the impact it is having on the labor “market”.  I don’t want to give statistics  and numbers but highlight real people and real stories.

Thanks to those who complete the survey.  I understand your pain. I was there 13 years ago. It is real. You are not crazy.  You are not alone.  You are a step ahead of where others will find themselves in due time.
