Showing posts with label California. Show all posts
Showing posts with label California. Show all posts

Monday, August 16, 2021

Be Creative When You Work The "Just Quit" Steps...Connect the Dots

The job I have is making me sick, physically sick just thinking about being there makes me ill.

It’s where hard work is ignored and politics are constantly at play.

It’s a place that discourages development and growth of its team and encourages “top down” mechanics under the guise of being a company run on new age defining principles.

It’s a place where I feel creatively stifled even though I have a creative role.

I have no desire to work within the field I’m in anymore and there is so much more to life that I have true interest in.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA


In many of the “Just Quit” Steps we have the opportunity to be creative.

Go back to the Steps and think creatively.

You will be amazed at what happens.

You will almost forget all about the crap that is going on at work.

You might even be grateful for it all. Grateful that it has brought you to this point.

The more creative you are working the Steps the more excited you will become at the endless possibilities of the way forward.

Get creative when you work the Steps.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Friday, January 31, 2020

You Can Learn Great Things From Your Mistakes When You Aren't Busy Denying Them

I can’t stand this workplace, the environment is negative, the workers are unhappy, the customers are ghetto and classless.

The Store Director has a chip on his shoulder.

It’s a very political place.

~Worker Living in California

lessons learned

When we are clear of what is not working for us in our jobs, we are half-way there.  We know what we don’t like.  We know not to put ourselves in that type of work situation in the future.

There is something about your current job that you do not like.  What is it?  Just name one thing that you don’t like.  Sometimes just naming it helps.

  Try not to forget what that one thing is so you don’t end up back dealing with that one thing again in another job down the road (out of desperation or just forgetting what was not working). There is something that this work situation is trying to teach you, learn it so you don’t have to repeat it down the road.

Monday, January 13, 2020

No Soul. No Joy. No Reason. That Is How Today's Workers Feel.

Because I have no soul, no joy, no reason to maintain this equilibrium anymore.

~Worker Living in California

soul work

Today, find your soul, find your joy and find your reason for being.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Career Path? Calling? Passion? Don't Be Confused.

I am in a new job and something is disturbing me. I am not getting sleep :-(. I am very confused on if I want to continue this job and just how long I can continue this. 

I want a change in my career path, but I’m not sure how to go about that :-).

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Find Your Calling

How is it that we go ALL the way through high school, some of us finish college, graduate school and have professional certifications, but we STILL don’t know how to find our career path?  How did that happen? Really, how many people do you know who are doing work that they LOVE?  It’s not many people.  These people are not the norm.

How do we “go about” finding our career path? 

We HAVE to start by looking within.  We will not be looking for a “job” but for our “calling”.  The career path is not about a career at all, it’s about what we were brought here to do. Our rightful work. You, me, we… are all here to DO something that only you, me, we can DO. 

It is our “job” to figure out what that is.

Today, ask:  “What am I being called to do?”  Just keep asking that over and over and over again.  If you keep asking… the universe will answer.  Stay open to the answer coming from seemingly “strange” places…a street sign, a book, an overheard conversation, watching the sky, listening to the birds, listening to the ocean and waves…just stay open…the universe is big and it’s beautiful.  Everything in the universe is ROUTING for you to find your calling and life’s work. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

4-7-8 Breathing Technique For Stress

I have major depression. I can’t imagine going another day doing what I’m doing and where I’m doing it.

I’m burnt out and on the verge of a breakdown.

My career provides zero satisfaction and I’m not utilizing my talents and interests. I’m dead here.

~Worker Living in California


We are not dead.  We are alive. We only feel dead.

We only feel depleted and depressed, but we are alive.  Because we are alive that means we have more to do. We have a chance.

Today, get up.  Just get up and breathe in to the count of four, hold for seven, and breathe out to the count of eight. Close your eyes, focus on your heart area and rhythmically breathe.  You are alive.  You have a purpose. 

This suffering you are experiencing is helping you to move forward towards that purpose.


Saturday, December 14, 2019

Refuse To Settle...Or Make The Best of It...Or Stick It Out...In An Abusive Workplace

In the realistic and financial scheme of things, I have the luxury to just walk away from this job because I have no obligations nor do I pay any bills.

In the emotional and meaningful scheme of things, I have no desire to work for, make better, or help this company PERIOD. The attitudes and points of view of my uppers are never going to change, so the retail side will NEVER change = Nothing will progress or be bettered. I have a problem “sticking it out” with a company that has no REAL future.

My work is not challenging. It’s not like what I had imagined. My boss is obsessed with putting me in the front lines, memorizing recipes and making drinks better than the store managers, but that’s not REALLY my role. (I wonder if this happens with other companies).

Lastly, my boss is the devil himself reincarnated onto Earth. He is the most negative and self- absorbed person I have ever met in my life. He has the ability to make me feel sick and want to stab myself in the eye with a dull pencil at the same time. No one has ever had that effect on me. Because of his negativity, the work environment is just CRAP. It’s toxic, at best.

It is past the point of trying to “make the best” of my situation. There really is no making it better — it is what it is and I refuse to settle for that. I do not ever want to settle for misery. I am passionate, young, a hard worker, and INTELLIGENT. I expect to be utilized, for my work to be meaningful, and for the job environment to be nurturing or at least bearable at the very least.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

passion paycheck

Times are changing. The sooner organizations realize that there is a generation of workers that are in the workforce who: “refuse to settle” or “make the best of it” or “stick it out” in jobs that are not fulfilling or where they feel abused; then the sooner workplaces will be places of productivity.

It is time for organizations to wake up. 

If you are a business owner or responsible for recruiting and hiring talent then be aware that your BEST talent is walking out the door. They might not be walking out the door to another “job”, but to a freelance opportunity or to start their own company.  Maybe it’s something that is so creative it will disrupt your industry.

Talent is walking because they don’t HAVE to take it anymore. 

If you are one of these young and talented workers and you KNOW it, then it’s time to act. Don’t look back. The old models of work are broken.  You don’t have to continue to stay stuck in a dead-end job working for a jerk. There are plenty of other opportunities for you.  Not only are future generations counting on you, but your parent’s generation is as well. It is your generation that is bringing forth a new way to show how it is possible for everyone to pursue their passions and still make a profit. 

These are exciting times in the world of work.    

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, December 5, 2019

You HAVE To Let Go In Order To Let Come

Quitting will allow me to review my life and bring my focus back to getting together what I’m really passionate about doing which is massaging and educating.

It will allow me to accept whatever will come next and not worry about financial  concerns just as long as I stick with the plan.

I don’t want to be sick again, depressed and blindsided.

This job was making me sick mentally, physically and emotionally.

~Worker Living in California

Let Go

We have to let go of what is not working in order to let come what will work.

It’s as simple as that.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Are You Literally Dying In Your Job? It's Time To Wake Up & Live

I am a Contract Manager in a Fortune 50 company making more than $100k/yr. and have been doing this for about 15 years.

My workplace is a mass of chaos and confusion. I’ve given up trying to make a difference because my efforts don’t seem to work out any more, or they take so long to realize that the excitement I felt at the beginning is all but dried up by the end.

Although I absolutely love aspects of what I do – writing and negotiating contract language, crafting strategy and making the business customers happy with a good contract – I am just run dry from the same cycles and discussions over and over, year after year, and how in this company nothing seems to ever get better.  It’s just more work, more work, more work, less recognition, less opportunity for development, less money, promotions,  and growth.

I am a single parent of a 5-year-old child, trying to juggle a high pressure job, my growing child, a house, navigation of the other parent, feeling overwhelmed and bored at the same time. In short, I feel burnt out and tired. I want to do something new, different, something that matters and that I can see the results of immediately or in a short amount of time. I think about teaching children and what that would look like, not to mention having summers off. I feel like as long as I am in my current job I’ll never find a way to get to a new job.

I’ve left jobs before, big jobs, without having another lined up, and both times I ended up in better positions than I would have if I hadn’t left. But those times were before I had a child, a mortgage, an ex that I don’t always get along with, before I was this close to middle age.

But I am dying in this job. Literally dying. And feeling worse and worse every day, and wondering what I’m teaching my son about life and what work means when he sees me dragging around the house at the end of the day, either depressed, resigned or pissed off. I have lots of reasons to quit, more than I can possibly put here.

So I’ll stop and call this good enough for now.

~Worker Living in California

wake up and live

All of our stories are good enough.  No matter how we tell them.  No matter how we share them, they are good enough because they help all of us to learn and to grow.

Today, if you know that you are “dying in this job” then count yourself among the lucky ones.

You are aware.  You have admitted it.  You are awake.

Now take the next step and start planning to move towards what will bring you back to life, so you can make a difference in this world.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Focus on Energy. Research It. Understand It. Use It Wisely.

I dread waking up every morning and going to work.

Sunday nights are extremely depressing.

There hasn’t been any growth for me in more than a year.

I don’t get along with my boss.

I hate sitting in a cubicle.I hate crouching over a computer.I hate sitting under fluorescent lights.

I hate that my life is neglected because I have to go to work somewhere else and give all of my time and energy to a cause I no longer believe in.

~Worker Living in California


Our energy and our essence belongs to us. 

We can exchange our time for a salary, but our energy is ours. 

You can work on a project, or work retail, or fast food for that matter and give your time, mind and hands; but there is a life force that belongs to you. 

Today and everyday carve out time to focus on the energy that flows through your body.  If you feel it is depleted…ask for more energy.  There is an abundant supply of energy that comes from a Source outside of us.

Just ask: “Please give me an abundant supply of life force energy today.  I need it today to flow through my body and help me work on or towards causes that I believe in. Show me what I need to do to get more energy.”

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Is Your Job Killing Your Soul? Listen Hard and Move On.

Because it’s killing my soul.

I never wanted to be an engineer.

I want to finish my technical communication degree more quickly. I feel like I must.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

listen to your soul

We can get stuck in the safe professions that we fell into. 

Those professions may even pay well. 

We might be in respectable professions to the outside world…but they are ‘killing our souls’. 

If you are in the wrong profession today, just admit it and figure out when and how you can move on.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Self-Made or Never Made...What's It Going To Be?

Because I do not feel fulfilled.

I do not feel I am living my purpose.

Furthermore, I am fed up with management treating professional adults like elementary kids.

I feel I will be free for the opportunities to flow my way.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

Self Made or Never Made

Step 11 – Living our purpose.

When we start living our purpose for being then opportunity will start flowing our way. 

Doors will open.

Ideas will come.

People will appear. 

The possibilities will seem endless.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

You Don't Have to Live in A Cubicle. You Don't.

I do not like working in a cubicle and I am not passionate about what I do.

I feel stuck and unmotivated at my job.

I am just doing it for a paycheck, and I don’t even need as much money as I am making.

I feel there are more fulfilling and enjoyable job opportunities out there for me. I want to be in the right mindset before looking for jobs, so I am going to quit, take a month off, and then look for another job.

~ Worker Living in CALIFORNIA


If we have gone through the “Just Quit” Steps then we are ready.

There might still be fear; but we can work through the fear with confidence in our decision.

There are some things that we know that we know:

  • We know that working in cubicle land doesn’t work for us.
  • We know that we feel stuck. 
  • We know we are in a dead-end job.
  • We know we are underappreciated. 
  • We know we need to “Just Quit”. 

If we know that we know…then we know what to do.  

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Friday, August 23, 2019

Anything is Possible. Really, it is.

I hate the micromanaging bureaucratic culture.

I also especially hate waking up in the mornings.

I don’t want another job because it will just be the exact same thing as the one I have.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

anything is possible

If we know it’s not another j-o-b for us then we are making progress.

It doesn’t have to be another job like we have worked year-after-year-after-year. 

It might be that we start freelancing. 

We might consult.

We might start a business.

We might write. 

We might do many things.

We have to brainstorm. (Some of us brainstorm for our jobs, why not for ourselves?)

Start a mind-map. Generate ideas. 

Anything is possible. Really, it is.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Do You Wonder If You Deserve A Better Life?

I have more important things in my life than work.

I do not deserve to be treated like sh*t and be unappreciated at my place of work.

My job has caused serious health issues for me. I do not get sick days or vacations.

I can still do whatever I want and not worry about money for over a year.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

What you deserve

Today, if you CAN leave your job and you are unhappy AND especially if it is impacting your health, then WHY are you still there? 

Don’t you deserve better than this?

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live



If you googled any of the below words or phrases to reach this blog then you aren’t wondering if you deserve better you KNOW that you do. Work the “Just Quit” Steps…Create Your Plan…

quitting job without another job
I really want to quit my job
quitting due to depression
how to quit job without another job
i’m gonna quit my job
i just quit my job
i want to quit my job but i can’t find another one


Sunday, August 4, 2019

Strength is Knowing When It's Time To Bend Like A Tree In The Wind

The bosses are speaking down to me yet I am one of the top five employees (by survey metrics / completed assignments) out of my team.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA


Today, I will honor my strengths and appreciate myself.

If I don’t; then who will?

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

P.S. Lean Into Letting Go…Just Lend Into It

Friday, January 12, 2018

Just Quit Job Reasons - Legal - California


“Because I am overworked, my boss is lazy and it’s a relentless onslaught of work without respite or thanks.”

Ridea’s Note:

The above quote is the reason a worker who completed our survey said they wanted to “Just Quit” their job even if they didn’t have another job lined-up.  Think about this: Why do people have to work in “jobs” they don’t like in order to live? We need to do better as a society. Basic Income is a way for people to transition into work that matters to them.  

In 2018 I am committing to daily blogging quotes from the survey since writing the book.  If you’re going thru job hell right now…hang in there…and know that you are not crazy and you are not alone

Peace, Ridea 2018


Friday, April 24, 2015

If You're Going Thru Hell, Keep Going. ~Churchill

My job is unfulfilling. I say that and sometimes people nod in recognition, and even scoff because “that’s what work is” to millions, so I should stop my sniveling.

I thought I could do a boring 9-5 if I got paid decently, but within months I realized that I was so wrong.

I sometimes just stare at my computer, at my cubicle, and wonder “how the hell am I going to get out?”

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Face the fire

OUR jobs don’t have to be unfulfilling just because most people are unfulfilled in THEIR jobs.

WE don’t have to accept that. WE deserve more.

WE can rise above this and “get out of hell” so we can glimpse heaven.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Have The Courage To Follow Your Talent Where It Leads

I am thinking about quitting my job without another one lined up because I really don’t want another “job.” I want to find out what I really want to do and what kind of lifestyle I want.

I feel like I’ve had the soul sucked out of me and I won’t be able to figure it out until I have some “job free” time.

I want to hike the Appalachian Trail.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

everyone has talent

Today, commit to finding your passion. 

If  you already know your passion DECIDE if you can stay in your current job while you pursue it, or if you need to “Just Quit” so that you can get some ‘job free time’ to gather first-hand knowledge about what you want to accomplish from this point forward in your life.


Friday, April 10, 2015

Play and Use All The Crayons

Stress of dealing with multiple, arrogant, and rude personalities.

I can’t sleep and my hair is falling out due to stress.

I am stuck and not learning anything.

I am unhappy. I am NOT having fun. I hate going to work every day.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Life Is About Using All The Crayons
Plaque I Made And Sold For $5…What Was I Thinking???

Today have fun.

If there is no fun to be had at your current job then you need to brainstorm  your idea of having fun at work, so that you can move towards that after you “Just Quit” this job.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Whatever You Are Be A Good One - Abraham Lincoln

I’m feeling sad about not contributing.

I’m not improving and it’s damaging my reputation.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

be a good one

Today, think about your reputation. 

Exactly what is your reputation on this job, at this organization, or in this industry?

If this job is damaging your reputation then you need to admit that and take back the control…slowly…but surely.