Monday, May 4, 2015

Thinking About Your Career: If You Trusted Your Intuition What Would You Do?

I can’t do sales anymore.

~Worker Living in INDIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

intuition steve jobs

There are some professions that take their toll on us and we can’t do them anymore. 

We KNOW we can’t do them. 

We KNOW we need to do something different.

We KNOW we need to “Just Quit”. 

Don’t fall into the trap of going on when you KNOW it’s time for a change. There is something inside of you, call it what you want, that already KNOWS what you are supposed to do.

Listen. Work the Steps. Make Your Move. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

What About If You Just Trusted YOURSELF? What Would Happen?

The corporate culture is not a good fit. I knew that before I accepted the job, but the $$ was good so I went for it. The long hours, stress and negativity (there is always an issue and anything you do is not good enough for the client) are impacting my health. I was ill & felt off for months. I wasn’t able to sleep. I rarely saw my family and I was always angry.

In 15 months in this job I can count on one hand the number of days I would call “good” days.

I am looking for a new role and it has been challenging as the long work hours leave me exhausted with little energy to actually search for something else. I want to be able to spend the holidays with my family, improve my health and make the time to find a new role that is a good fit. That is why I am looking at quitting.

~Worker Living in CANADA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

 trusting ourselves

We know when we know. 

We know when it’s time to leave. Sometimes our body makes the decision for us.

Consider it a gift to you when you know when you know.  You can trust yourself.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Time To Take Control Of Your Life Now.

My job makes me feel depressed, like I have no real value or purpose in life.  It pays terribly and there’s not one single thing about it I enjoy. 

It makes me feel less and less like ‘me’ every damn day that passes and I’m beyond sick of feeling this way. 

I want some control and DIRECTION in my life again.  

I want something to really strive for, and just maybe make one of my dreams come true. (If I don’t try, I’ll never know and I’ll always be kicking myself).

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Take Control Of Your Life

Take control of the direction your life is taking. 

Don’t TRY, because trying provides an excuse, just DO IT…take control.

If you don’t, then who will?

Friday, May 1, 2015

Looking For Joy Today? It's In The Journey.

My boss is a terrible negative woman that I dread working with.

I don’t like being away from my son. I want to be with him all the time.

There is no real joy in my job.

I work with several miserable people and I do not make what I would like to be making.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK

Finding Joy in the Journey

Today, make a promise to yourself: to find real joy. 

Say to yourself: “I deserve joy. I want joy. Help me to find joy in my life.”

Thursday, April 30, 2015

You Know You're On the Right Track When You Become Uninterested In Looking Back

I need more time to work on my projects, such as writing my book, and finding clients, so that I can be more involved in the wellness industry.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

right track

If you know EXACTLY what you want to do then DO IT.  

Find the time to follow your bliss. 

Doors will open.  Doors will open once you get on the right track. You just need to GET on the right track.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

You Matter. Never Forget That.

I’m expecting a baby in seven months. I haven’t been feeling well and my employers haven’t been exactly accommodating. They are barely civil about it.

Even before I found out I was pregnant I had come to the realization that the job I have now is not what I thought it would be in terms of exposure and career progressions and opportunities.

I also noticed how other employees have been treated by my employer, there is no residual value, and you are only as valuable as the work that they need to get done in the next month.

Also… I hate filling out leave forms.

~Worker Living in SOUTH AFRICA

you matter

Today,  be honest with yourself about where you work.  Put this job in perspective to what matters in your life.

Know that you matter and if your employer really doesn’t care about you, your health and your needs then why should you continue to contribute your talents and skills there?

You matter.  You have to take control of your career to make sure where you work, works for you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. ~ Steve Jobs

I’m complacent at my job, and as long as I stay there I will never further myself.

Also, my boss is taking money from me and my fellow employees.

~Worker Living in LOUISIANA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

stay hungry

Recognize it if you are complacent.

Commit yourself that you want to further your life and not continue to chill and be comfortable/complacent. You are worth this reflection and commitment.

Take a positive step today toward furthering yourself and reaching your goals.