Friday, October 30, 2020

Letting Go of Timing

Everything happens in its own time, on time, and in time.

My Mama Used To Say: “God’s Time is a Good Time.”  Your timing may not be the right time. Your timing may not fit into the grander plan.  The sacred plan for your life.   Let go of thinking it has to happen when and how your mind is telling you is the “right” time.

Whatever happens; “good” or “bad”; happens based on the flow of life.  Life flows, ebbs or wanes, just like the ocean.  Things come and go.  People come and go. People who come, people who go,  all come and go in their own time.  Things that come, things that go, all come and go in its own time.  Beliefs, Dreams, Hopes, Fears, come and go…you know this, because you’ve experienced all of these things coming and going.

Just release the need and suffering of thinking that this experience of life that you have been given has to happen how you think it should.  If you are not aligned with who you really are, with what you should be doing, where you should be, who you should be with, then don’t expect the universe to put things in place the way you THINK that it should. It won’t.  It can’t.  It’s always trying to get you to wake up and live consciously and get aligned with your true nature.  In order to get aligned you have to do the inner work — the hard stuff — to get in alignment with YOUR flow of life.  Not anyone elses, but your own.  Once you are in that flow then everything starts to make sense.  You realize not to stress on the timing of things, you relax and are grateful because you recognize that NOW is a good time.

Enjoy what is happening right now. Enjoy who is in your life right now.  Enjoy the places that you go right now.  Enjoy the house that you are living in right now.  Enjoy the job that you have right now.  Enjoy the hopes of the job you want, right now, not when you actually get it, but right now. Enjoy the car that you are driving right now.  Enjoy the shift that you are working on right now. Enjoy the person you are married to right now.  Enjoy your children at the age they are right now. Enjoy the new product that you found.  Enjoy the new store that you found. Enjoy the new website you stumbled on. Enjoy the new person that you met.  Enjoy your life.

Just enjoy your life…because your life is happening, right NOW…as Mama Use to Say…

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Just Quit Needing Others To Validate You and The Stuff You're Doing

Okay, so  you want others to know what we you are doing.

When you get the question:  “Hey, what have you been up to?”

You want them to support you.

You want them to be a part of what you’re doing.

You want their opinions.

You want their suggestions.

You want their ideas.

You want them involved.

They can be involved, they can give you their ideas, suggestions, and opinions, BUT you don’t need them to validate you or validate what you are doing.  Why?  Because sometimes it doesn’t matter if they think it makes any sense; if it’s gonna work; if it’s a good use of your time; if it’s the right degree for you to get; if it’s the next job that you should take; or the next town that you should move to; or even the next person that you should marry — sometimes — you just know!

It might be just every now and again that this happens, but once you are in alignment with life, love, God, The Source, (call it what you want), things start to change at a rapid pace.  You begin to realize that “that” something inside of you, already knows.  It just knows.  It’s always known and finally you’re listening to that source of information.

In the Flow

It’s like a little window opens in you mind, or your heart, or somewhere and you just know.

You can’t explain it.

You don’t understand it.

It makes no sense, even to you.

You do start to wonder exactly where everything is coming from.

Where the decisions are coming from.

Where the creatively is coming from.

Where the courage is coming from.

Where the words are coming from.

All you can do is flow with the process that is unfolding through you.  All you can do is go with it.  You do something one day and the next day look back at what you created or wrote and wonder…who did that?  I didn’t do that.  I really didn’t do that.

It can bring you to tears when you’re in that flow – at peak performance – in the groove.

You can now easily recognize others that are in that same flow.

When you connect with them and talk with them it’s almost as though there is a direct connection or recognition.

It’s like you’re with yourself.

It’s not competition, it’s cooperation.

It’s not judgment, it’s filling in the empty spaces.

It’s a smile, it’s a look, it’s a feeling, it’s an energy.

Those on the same wave-length are aware of each other.

It seems somehow that once you let go and allow this energy to flow that more doors and windows seem to open.

That more things come to you that you’ve been looking for, sometimes for years.

That more people call that can help you.  They help you as though they are helping themselves.  They don’t have to validate you, they just help, they just add value, they are apart of this space that just flows.

It’s a an amazing space to be in…and…when you get to that space — those who AREN’T in that space start to fall away…go away…fade away…and letting them go just seems natural — they aren’t part of the flow —- NOT YET.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Finding Our Way

In order to find your way in your career or in life you need to stop “trying” and “struggling” to figure it all out. I know this is easier said than done when you are miserable.  What you will find is the more you struggle the more of a struggle it will be.

Just know that things will work out…in time…and…on time.  That is the rub, you have to wait. Rushing things doesn’t help.  Finding our way

Fighting against what IS definitely doesn’t help. It’s a real mystery but when you embrace the suck of life then and only then do things start to fall into place.

You learn how to work through the pain that you are experiencing.

You start to look at it differently because you know that it is not permanent.

If you can learn to just experience the pain of your job or what’s happening in your life, you will find that you can and will survive.

Just experience it. It will end.  Everything ends. Good times end and so will these challenging times.

We will find our way.  We will all find our way. Embrace the current situation.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

This Or Something Better

When you are in a job where you are miserable, or just at a place you want to leave, you can get caught up in trying to frantically search for a way out.  The job interview you just went on has to work out.  Why? Because you need out of your current job immediately.  If you have had a few jobs at this point in your life it can become a vicious cycle (new job – misery – new job – misery…). 

Therethis or something better is another WAY to approach a chronic job stress situation: ADD three words to your desire to get out.  “Let THIS (whatever it is/job/freelance opportunity/starting your own organization) work out OR SOMETHING BETTER.  

There might be something better for you that needs just a little more time to work out.  I do not say that lightly.  It is HARD not to panic daily when you are depressed and miserable because of your job.  

You just don’t think you can take ANOTHER day, let alone ANOTHER week, ANOTHER month, or ANOTHER year.  It feels impossible…but…guess what…you can.  Just remember that EVERYTHING CHANGES. No-thing is permanent.  Keeping this in mind you know that YOU WILL LEAVE THIS JOB ONE DAY.

Just think back, especially if you’ve been here before, why did you leave the last job you had?  You did survive then and you will this time too. The last thing you want to do is get into a NEW work situation where you end up depressed and miserable again.  

From this day forward:

“This Or Something Better.”  

It is a mature way to make decisions and the key that will set your soul free.



Monday, October 26, 2020

Step 4 - How to Find Your Purpose


purpose in life

Below is a great video about finding and communicating your Life’s Purpose…

(hang in there and get beyond the long introduction and silence in the beginning…it’s worth it)



Sunday, October 25, 2020

Make Everyday Your Masterpiece.


“Nothing is original.

Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination.

Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows.

Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic.

Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery – celebrate it if you feel like it.

In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.”

                                            ~ Jim Jarmusch

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Synchronize Your Life

World Order Japanese Band
World Order Japanese Band

Everything you have done;  everything you have learned; everyplace you have been; everything you have tried;  all of your successes; all of your failures;  everyone you have met, those you have loved and those you have loathed  — it has all brought you to this point in your life. It’s time to…

Pull it all together and create something uniquely you in the New Year.

Below is an example of what Genki Sudo created out of his martial arts background….how can you synchronize your life experiences to-date…make sense out of it all…put it all together… 

Live While You Live.

Keep Going.

Don’t Give Up.