In the below survey link is a list of things you need to do to quit your job without another one lined up:
Just Quit Your Job Survey
I created this survey because of the number of emails that I get from folks who are so miserable in their current job situations. Also, I don’t see any real help out there on the internet to help people make this decision.
- Quitting without another job takes courage. It’s a tough decision. Don’t expect this process to be easy. It’s NOT going to easy, but it can be very rewarding.
- Quitting without another job takes planning. You might be really miserable in your current job, but you didn’t get here overnight and you are not going to get out of it overnight either. If you fail to plan, you WILL fail in this endeavor. What you will find when you start planning for quitting without another job lined up is the EXCITEMENT about the POSSIBILITIES for your life and your future.
- Quitting without another job, is at the end of the day YOUR decision. It is NOT, however, one of those life decisions to make lightly.
I hope the survey helps you, or someone you know who might be struggling trying to make this decision.
You can only have two things in life,
Reasons or Results.
Reasons don’t count.
~ Dr. Robert Anthony