Sunday, November 1, 2020

Finding Peace Amidst The Storm

The Storm:

  1. Things aren’t working out like YOU want them to.

  2. Things aren’t moving fast enough for YOU.

  3. You’re wondering if ANYBODY can understand what you’re going through AND more importantly does ANYBODY really care.

  4. You’re hating every minute of what you are going through. You’re wondering when will it ever end?

  5. You don’t see a way out of your situation.

  6. Everything seems to be staying the same – nothing is changing.Peace Within The Storm

Finding Peace:

  1. Knowing that the universe is unfolding as it should. Max Ehrmann said that years ago in his poem Desiderata

  2. Knowing that everything happens in its own time and at the right time.

  3. Knowing that you are not alone, there are others going through something too. 

  4. Knowing that one day you will have to REMEMBER how miserable you were today. (You won’t be able to really remember it fully once it’s over, so chill out as you go into next week.  This too shall end.)

  5. Knowing that there have been many other situations in life where you couldn’t see a way out and a way appeared.  Think back…

  6. Knowing that No-thing stays the same. Everything changes and always will.

Going through the storm today?

Know that you can find peace amidst this storm.

Stay calm, stay strong.