Saturday, May 24, 2014

Knowing What We Know

You are reading from the book  “Just Quit” & Live

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

I’m miserable and was thrown into a field without any warning, training or help.

I work for a company where all of the higher-ups lie and tell those “beneath” them that they don’t trust them. I’ve signed my name on countless papers and had to bite my tongue over and over again to protect the higher-up men from sexual harassment suits only to be demeaned and cursed at by them later.

I work for a company that could collapse at any minute. 

~Worker Living in NEW YORK


Today’s Meditation/Reflection:

Today, we might have to admit to the things that we know.

Things that we know we wouldn’t be proud of if we had to shout it out to the world. 

Things that we know that if they ended up in the local or national news we’d be embarrassed that we are involved.

Things that we know aren’t ethical or that hurt people, or societies of people.

We might have to admit that we know what’s happening and to our involvement.

Then… we get to be adults and DECIDE what we are going to do about what we know. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

We Are Not Rubbish

You are reading from the book  “Just Quit” & Live

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

I’m rubbish at my job. I am treated awfully by both staff and customers, and I have no free time to study.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

You are Valuable

Today’s Meditation/Reflection:

No, I’m not rubbish. I’m not waste material.  I’m not worthless and I’m not useless.

I have skills.  I have abilities.  I am a capable person. 

Aspects of this job make me feel horrible but I will not allow it to kill my spirit. 

I AM valuable.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Learning to Wait

You are reading from the book  “Just Quit” & Live

 Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

I’ve been hunting for jobs for almost two years now but not even one call for interviews. I just can’t take it anymore to wait for the offer while having to face endless audits and unbearable workloads. 

~ Worker Living in MALAYSIA


Today’s Meditation/Reflection:

Waiting is hard. 

We wonder: “What is going on?” “What is taking so long?” and “Why isn’t this working out for me?”

Our plan, the jobs we are interviewing for, the location of the jobs, or the type of jobs might be all wrong for us. 

We have to trust that there is a path that we need to find. Waiting and rejections along the way is the universe working things out to smooth out our path for us.

Learn to wait for what is right for you.

From “Just Quit” & Live by Ridea Richardson ©2014.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Finding The Light Within

You are reading from the book  “Just Quit” & Live

 Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Coming to work at a job that I am not passionate about every day is draining my soul.   

~ Worker Living in AUSTRALIA

Light Shining Brightly

Today’s Meditation/Relection:

Our souls might feel drained.

We might feel flat.

We might feel depressed.

As long as we are breathing then there is a light within.  It might just be a pilot light, but IT is there. It might not be burning brightly today, but the light is there right inside of us.

Sometimes we just have to hold onto knowing that the light is there and not give up on looking for something to ignite the flame.

Today, ask for guidance to lead you to doing something you are passionate about that will ignite the flame that wants to burn brightly inside of you.

From “Just Quit” & Live by Ridea Richardson ©2014.  All rights reserved.

Just Quit & Live is available for purchase via Amazon.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Trusting Ourselves

You are reading from the book  “Just Quit” & Live

 Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

A: The stress and pressure is difficult to bear. I am being manipulated and used to work the job of multiple people with no extra financial incentive. There is a limited amount of support and trust existing between myself and those above me. The accusations never stop! I am always defending myself, biting my tongue, and being viewed through faulty lens.

~Worker Living in OHIO


Today’s Meditation/Reflection:

Today, I will trust myself.  I will trust in my abilities. I will trust that I will get through the trials on this job.  I can trust myself to make the right decisions about what to do next.

From “Just Quit” & Live by Ridea Richardson ©2014.  All rights reserved.

Just Quit & Live is available for purchase via Amazon.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Head Space

You are reading from the book  
“Just Quit” & Live

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

A: I need head space. There is no work/life balance possible.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM


Our minds are always thinking. Yes, we can meditate and stop the thinking mind and we should cultivate meditation into our journey.  It only helps the process. However, we can’t stay and live on a meditation cushion. We have to live our lives.  We have to work our jobs.

If we see our lives, right now, today as a meditation then we can have the head space that we need to figure things out…not by thinking… but by doing.

Make your everyday activities a meditation.

Really see people and listen to them. Walk when you are walking. Drive when you are driving.

Every time your mind goes into that nonsense of jumping around to this thing and that thing…go back to paying attention to faces, people, the sky, the trees, the birds, or whatever you are doing. It will bring today alive and you will be amazed at the clarity you will get, even while you are still in your crappy job.

Just pay attention to what is happening in your life today.

Just for today.

From “Just Quit” & Live by Ridea Richardson ©2014.  All rights reserved.

Just Quit & Live is available for purchase via Amazon.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Our Sanity

You are reading from the book  “Just Quit” & Live

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

A: I cannot stand this corporate environment that is killing everybody. I do not want to be a part of this insanity anymore.

~Worker Living in ROMANIA


Today’s Meditation/Reflection:

People from all corners of the world are experiencing work stress.

There are other people who feel that their work environments are killing them too.

People are asking for the insanity to stop.

We are NOT the crazy ones. We are the community of people who are waking up and calling it what it is…insanity. Anything that you do to help yourself will help others know that it is possible to live an authentic life.

Once you pull up out of your situation…and you will…please reach back and help someone else.

Share your success story and how you did it.

Freely pass on the “Just Quit” Steps and be proud of your journey.

 From “Just Quit” & Live by Ridea Richardson ©2014.  All rights reserved.

    Just Quit & Live is available for purchase via Amazon.