Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Out of Ruin...There Is Hope...For A New You...

I am miserable, my social, physical and emotional health is being ruined.

I think my boss has a very negative impression of me.

It is a toxic environment.

~Worker Living in the United Republic of Tanzania

ruin hope for treasure

Out of rubble and ruin comes a new you. 

It is painful and gut wrenching to go through the hero’s journey, but that is what many of us are experiencing.  It’s an awakening. It’s like a rebirth. 

Just be thankful because you could be happy and complacent in this “job”.

You could look up and your best years and dreams are behind you…but…you are here. 

You feel like you are in ruin… maybe this is true…but out of ruin comes a treasure.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Monday, November 25, 2019

A College Degree Is Very Important, If You Don't Have One...But It's No Guarantee for Workplace Fit or Happiness.

I’m not in my field that I have seven years of education and two degrees for.

I haven’t progressed professionally in four years for the lack of understanding what I actually do.

I have been to three therapists for depression dealing with my current lifestyle and this job.

~Worker Living in Arizona

YES get your degree, but do the hard work of figuring out what you're good at, passionate about and get a degree that works for you.
YES get your degree, but do the hard work of figuring out what you’re good at and passionate about so you get a degree that works for you.

Back to the myth that “schooling” is the key that opens all doors. It’s not and we know that. 

We have too many examples of folks who made it big without even finishing high school.  Then on the other hand we have folks that have several degrees and have jobs where they aren’t using any of that information, and even if they are, they are still miserable. 

Finding our purpose doesn’t begin or end with a degree. Getting an education and a degree is a part of finding our purpose. Even if you don’t have a job title or description that relates to your degree that should not stop you from doing SOMETHING that relates to your purpose. 

We will continue to be depressed as long as we are suppressing our passions.  We have to find a way to express our uniqueness.

Just do SOMETHING today that gives you joy.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Are You Working With Your Type of People? If Not, It's Time To Find Your Tribe.

A year after a former employer was acquired and a merger is complete, I have realized that these are just not “my people”. They do not do anything that I am proud of.

They do not “make” anything, only manipulate information. The subject matter bores me. My mind goes to a beach on an island or a hiking trail in the mountain within the first 30 seconds of every meeting.

I disagree with leaders in their approach in some aspects of business.

I am now behind the scenes, and client contact is what I always enjoyed, but the types of positions available are not what I was accustomed to in my former life.

I hate my work environment. Everybody works in the dark. It’s a dungeon and they seem to like it.

Sh*t rolls downhill, and it all collects in my department.

Worker Living In Florida

This is a plaque I made after reading this poll entry...
This is a plaque I made after reading this poll entry…

Sometimes all you have to do is find your tribe. 

Find the people you want to work with.

If you know that “these are just not my people” then it is a step in the right direction. Knowing that helps you find your tribe…your people…people that will help you fulfill your life’s work and vice versa.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Self Respect Means Knowing and Doing What Is Best For You

I’m tired of being taken advantage of and disrespected.

I’m tired of working my a** off for minimum wage and pouring my heart into a franchise I can’t change. Along with a penny pinching boss that defines cheap. (Broken furnace gets space heaters).

~Worker Living in CANADA  

Self Respect

Today I will show respect.  I will start with showing myself respect.

One of the universal truths; no matter who you are, where you were born, your race, your color or any other social factors is that ALL people want respect. They want to be treated with dignity and feel like they count.  The only problem is that not everyone knows or understands that universal truth.

You cannot respect others if you don’t respect yourself.

Just for this day respect yourself. Move through your day fully aware of your emotions (feelings) and your needs (physical, social, and emotional). It will start to amaze you as you focus on respecting yourself first and others second;  how the universe around you picks up on it and your outlook and situation starts to improve.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Friday, November 22, 2019

This Is Your Life, You Can Decide How To Live It.

I’m working for a narcissist. His sarcastic, rude comments are more than I can bear anymore. He repulses me.

I am depressed from having to deal with this individual.

I too have looked for another job without success.

I feel stuck and I want to “Just Quit”.

~Worker Living in Arkansas

Hope not fearsWhen we work for people who we know are mentally ill it can be a challenge. It IS a challenge. We have to second guess our every move and endure needless verbal abuse…for what…a paycheck, health benefits, a job? 

We all know that everything changes, because it does. Eventually this situation will change as well. Although it might seem unbearable; it is bearable. It will change.

Until it changes we have to DECIDE what we can do to deal with it, with our boss and with this job. Remember we can DECIDE.  We have choices. We have to actively seek them out and we have to start taking actions.   

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Grow From Your Situtation

I need to have TIME back – I hate feeling that the job is impossible and I am inadequate!

I’m in education – but the English system is too ridiculous I want to return to Ireland where I’m originally from and I want ME back.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

grow through dirt

Who is “me”? Depending on how you look at it you might never get that “me” back again.

Even when you come out of your depression; or get out of this job; the “me” that you were before this is not the “me” that you should be after this.

Know that you are going to grow from this situation.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Stop Just Going Through The Motions...Why Were You Born?

I don’t like paperwork and my job is very boring. 

I can’t find myself and I don’t like spending most of my life doing this or being in this place.

~Worker Living in Switzerland


Finding yourself is the greatest gift that you can give the world. 

Discovering the reason that you were born and are in the world is what life is all about. 

If you are just going from day to day, going through the motions – STOP. You are here in the universe for a reason…only you can find out why…that’s why you’re here to play your part…find yourself…then give yourself, your gifts and your talents away to the world. 

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live