“Sometimes you’ve got to let everything go – purge yourself.
What are your dreams?
What did you dream your life would be like?
Are you where you dreamed you would be by this time in your life?
Have you given up on your dreams?
Do you still know how to dream?
Do you still believe that your dreams will come true?
Have you let life, circumstances,
other people (fill in the blank) defer your dreams?
Have you stopped dreaming because things haven’t gone the way you hoped that they would?
If you have stopped dreaming, it is okay.
Don’t beat yourself up.
Only you know your story.
Only you really know what you’ve gone through,
what you’ve been told about what is possible,
what you’ve experienced…only you really know.
This is your life.
This is the one life that you’ve been given to live in the body that you are in.
All that you have gone through and experienced has brought you to where you are today, and it is okay.
You are where you are,
who you are and it is o-k-a-y.
What is NOT okay is to stay where you are today.
One way or the other things will change. Everything changes.
Be apart of the changes that are coming in the world and in your life.
Use your experiences to not only dream again, but to take it to a new level and to awaken to the fact that everything that has happened to you has brought you to this place, this time, and this century to do SOMETHING.
It is up to you to figure out what that SOMETHING is.
Once you finally get on the track that you are supposed to be on, things will open up. In order to get on that track you have to wake up.
Can you see the future that is before you?
Can you see that you ARE enough?
Can you see that THERE is enough?
Can you see that you need to stop looking at what or who is or has been “holding you back”
and move everyday towards your future…
the future that is available to you…
but you have to look at it with fresh eyes, new perspectives in order to see it.
I’m tired of working for a place that doesn’t care about its’ employees. They treat us like we are just cogs in the wheel, easily disposable and replaced.
I’m tired of standing up all night on a midnight shift.
I’m tired of inhaling smoke and dealing with mean and rude customers.
I’m tired of not doing anything with meaning and purpose.
I have a bachelor’s degree and don’t feel I should be a cashier at a casino.
This job doesn’t even pay all of my bills yet. I travel 45 minutes away from my house to only pay half of my bills, so there is a lot of stress around not having enough money.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
“Embrace the Suck” is a military term.
Occasionally I heard military stuff while working in a law enforcement environment with guys who were or are still in the military in some capacity. “Embrace the Suck” is a fascinating concept actually. When they are in a war like Iraq or Afghanistan, things are going to suck from time to time. They have to get through it whether they like it or not. They can’t avoid it. They have to deal with the stuff that sucks.
One of my guru’s Joseph Campbell said the same thing (albeit a little more eloquently):
“We’re in a free fall into future. We don’t know where we’re going. Things are changing so fast. And always when you’re going through a long tunnel, anxiety comes along. But all you have to do to transform your hell into a paradise is to turn your fall into a voluntary act. It’s a very interesting shift of perspective . . . Joyfully participate in the sorrows of the world and everything changes.”
So, “embrace the suck” in your life. Something sucks in your life. Maybe it hasn’t reached the point of a crisis or depression, but we’ve all been there and know that when it DOES reach that point you can go into a pity-party-for-one that can be completely debilitating. You can’t see a way out. You feel stuck. No one can help you. Nothing makes sense anymore. Nothing is working out for you. Life really sucks.
This perspective turns EVERYTHING on it’s head. Just say:
Okay, this is how it is, this is what is happening in my life, in my relationships, on my job, with my finances, with my health, etc…it’s bad…actually it SUCKS…now… just embrace that. This IS how it IS. When you can “joyfully participate” in “the suck” like you “joyfully participate” during the wonderful times in your life… when things are going well…when you are in love, when you get the job you think you want, when you have money in the bank, when you have friends, etc…it’s good…actually it’s GREAT…now try to embrace “The Suck” JUST LIKE THAT…it’s GREAT. How do you act? What do you do when you are “happy” when things are “positive”? Just START doing some of those things. For some of you it might mean to JUST GET UP OUT OF THE BED. Nope, it’s not something easy to do, but it provides a release. It’s like a relief valve. It actually feels like you are cheating the “negative” things from allowing you to stay stuck in them and seeing them as “bad”, or just replaying how much things really suck over and over and over again in your head…instead of understanding and appreciating that it’s just a part of life….your life…your story…
This blog is about letting go and you CAN’T let go of something that you are denying and pretending is not there. You have to fully embrace what is not working in order to make a change.
Note to Self: There is NO WAY I could have written this post today if I had not Embraced The Suck…The Many, Many, Many Sucks that are going on right now in my life. I’m looking forward to posting about this time once I’m on the other side of yet another dark and dank tunnel of change.
“Jump” is what Letting Go (of what is) to Let Come (what wants to unfold in your life) is All About
Seems so simple, but like us all you’ve seen a “plan” like this before. Tried it and No Big Changes in Your Life. It doesn’t matter how many things you’ve tried in the past or how many times you’ve” failed” in the past. Forget what the voices in your head are saying (or the people in your life)…KEEP GOING…
I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.
I’ve failed over and over again in my life. That is why I succeed.
Who you are right now is not who you have to continue to be. KEEP GOING. Let Go of all those voices in your head telling you that you can’t, and it’s hopeless. It is not. Just sit back and take a look at your current situation. Don’t be afraid of what you find. Just suspend it out in front of you like “laundry on the line”. If you can do that and be alright with whatever FEAR comes up, just experience the FEAR, and not being AFRAID of that experience, in time everything will be fine.
Don’t try to resist it or change things right away, just simply acknowledge whatever it is that isn’t working for you -your job, your relationships, your finances, ect – and slowing let go–don’t struggle with it — just release it. There is something about FEAR that when you take it on it runs like a coward. Once you learn this and that FEAR is gone the FUN begins. BUT it doesn’t end there, because life will continue to throw up all of these FEARFUL things to make sure you’ve learned the lesson. Over and over again in all kinds of situations and circumstances life says: “Look Over Here…Something to Be Afraid of and Live in Fear of.” Letting go of Fear seems to me could be a lifelong lesson to learn.
You can’t LET GO of anything (Fear) until you acknowledge that you are HOLDING ON (to being fearful). Sometimes all it takes is acknowledgement for fear to release the grip on its own. It’s occurred to me that:
Just Quit is not about Giving Up it’s about LETTING GO of what is not working so you can discover what does work for you…KEEP GOING.
No one can make the discovery about “you” for you…it’s on you…KEEP GOING.
The journey of life is all about… the journey…you’re going to screw up every now and again… Things aren’t going to go your way…Money is going to be tight…JUST KEEP GOING NO MATTER HOW MISERABLE, HORRIBLE OR HOPELESS THINGS MIGHT SEEM TO YOU….tomorrow is a new day.