Thursday, November 5, 2020

Living in the Seat of the Soul

Want to Know the Secret of Life?

First…watch this to help you forget about what you were thinking right before you opened this post…

Here are the lyrics:

I never longed for no where,

No group of a Thousand Thieves

Take away the obvious, or the soil where I plant my seed

But each time, I close my eyes

I find myself,  declined by the judgment of another day

Sitting in the silence, in the melody of the dark

He knows that sound is, the harbor of my heart

It only grows stronger, It only grows stronger

It only grows stronger, It only grows stronger

Wake up, to the soundtrack, of this chapter in our lives

Understand the playlist, skeems, within the scenery of time

Since the day, I was born, trying to make it, to the river while waltzing through the storm

No group of, a thousand thieves, shake the rumor, my heart release

It only grows stronger, It only grows stronger

  Now, back to the Secret of Life

Here it is


Of what you say….what do I pay attention to?


But…in order to pay attention to everything you MUST first PAY ATTENTION to the Voice in Your Head.

You know the voice I’m talking about. The one that is talking to you ALL THE TIME.  It’s talking to now as you read this.  It was talking to you when you listened to the video of Trixie Whitley. Maybe it said things like:  “Who is that?  Is she new?  I’ve never heard of her?  I like her. She’s different. ”

On and on, that voice NEVER shuts up and it never will UNTIL you PAY ATTENTION TO IT.  It just wants you to pay attention to it .  Think about it like a child.  A child screams until you “really” pay attention to him or her.  That voice in your head is screaming and will continue to until you pay attention to it.

How do you “pay attention” to that voice in your head?

Just sit back and listen to it like you are listening to someone else talk to you.

Be a witness to it.

Be an observer of it.

Watch it like you’re watching a movie.

Trust me… even though many of you don’t personally know me…trust me when I tell you that if you can get this and do it, then it will change your life.

Why will this change your life?

Because right now you are probably just “living  in your head”.

You are EXPERIENCING  life WHILE you are listening to this voice in your head BUT you aren’t PAYING ATTENTION to what you’re EXPERIENCING because you are listening to this voice in your head narrate to you, talk to you, debate with you, confuse you, and tell you what to do.

Once you understand that the voice in your head is NOT you.  You know it is not you because you can watch it  like you just watched the video.   The voice is a thing. Thoughts are things. The voice is an object and you are the observer.

It is only once you have taken on the voice (wait, let me stop here) what do I mean by that?  You have to allow it to do its thing…that MIGHT be scare the hell out of you with its fears, its “scary” predictions of what could go wrong or what is wrong or let it relive the hurts and pains of the past or things you should have said or should have done.  That’s what I mean by “taking it on”.  Face it down like it’s a bully.  Just stand up to it and listen to its chatter.  Until you can do THAT and show it you AREN’T afraid of where it goes, you’ll never win the battle.

NOW once you put the voice in its place (remember it is NOT you, it’s just the voice in your head) then you can now PAY ATTENTION to the EXPERIENCES that YOU are  having in life.  All the experiences.

I don’t care if that EXPERIENCE is washing dishes.  The next time you have dirty dishes, PAY ATTENTION to every step of washing the dishes, rinsing them off, putting them in the dishwasher, putting in the dish washing liquid, starting the dishwasher or actually washing the dishes in the sink one by one.

I think about when Jesus taught that to FIND YourSelf  (that one who seats in the deep space within and can observe the voice, the real Self) you have to LOSE Yourself (the ego, the psyche, the voice in your head, the little self). Also when he taught about how to come to a higher consciousness   — as a little child. Think about a little child washing the dishes for the FIRST time.  THEY are paying attention.  THEY are thrilled to have the opportunity to have the EXPERIENCE. Move through your life like that…like a little child…just happy for the experience…no matter what it is…let the voice in your head and your emotions put a label on it as good or bad or how it makes you feel…but YOU just observe and experience it all.

Now of course while you are washing the dishes the “voice in your head” wants you to listen to it, but if you have practiced being able to separate yourself from the voice you can shut it off (practice meditation – no thoughts) and simply wash the dishes.  You can go back to listening to that hypnotic un-harnessed voice later…that’s if you want to waste another minute, waste another day, waste another year, waste another decade of YOUR life.

Once you learn to PAY ATTENTION to the EXPERIENCES of your  LIFE, you can then EXPRESS Your Uniqueness.

Express Your Uniqueness


Once you get on that track…watch out because then you will find the authentic life that only YOU can live. 

 It will be like there is a Force, there is a Wind, there is a Power, there is a Source, that moves through you…and then you ONLY GROW STRONGER every day…because…you are living your life Sitting in the Seat of the Soul or as Trixie Whitley calls it Sitting in the Silence

Now…Fall in Love with the process of discovering your Self…It’s so Powerful!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Don't Give Up



You may be having a bad morning, a bad week, or a bad year for that matter.

Don’t Give Up.

You may be depressed.  You may feel flat.  You may feel weak. You may feel like you can’t go on.

Don’t Give Up.

It might be hard.  You may feel hopeless.  You may not want to get out of the bed.

Don’t Give Up.

You have come this far.

You have endured so much.

You will make it through this time in your life.

Don’t Give Up.

Think back…you’ve been through tough times before.  You made it through.

You know this too shall pass.

 Just Don’t Give Up.

~Ridea Richardson

(Even if you have to find and paint a teeny tiny rock and write the words “Don’t Give Up” on it as a reminder…Just Keep Going, Things Will Work Out, There is a Plan, The Plan is Good, It’s Better Than You Think…Don’t Give Up…)

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Fear is a Prison...It Keeps You Small

Fear is a prison

Fear is not real. Fear is how you “feel” and feelings are not Facts.   Feelings come and go.

Letting go and moving on is hard.  It is difficult.  It is painful. I don’t care if you KNOW you need to let go of your dead-end job, your toxic relationship or your addictions and unhealthy behaviors…IT DOESN’T JUST HAPPEN. It is a process, and it can be a very difficult process.

At some point you have to take full responsibility for your life and your decisions.   Forget about the story that you are telling yourself in your head about how you got to where you are today.  Stop beating yourself up.  You are where you are.  That is a fact. Just start from where you are right now — even if it is a crazy bad place and ask yourself:

1. What do I want?

2. What do I deserve? (Not what you “feel” you deserve – that will just take you down another rabbit hole.)

3. What is the worst thing that could happen if I let go/if I move on?

You can stay stuck or you can move on.

Moving on is not going to be what you have today, but you don’t know what it will actually be.  That is the dilemma of letting go.   I read somewhere to always and only visualize the end result, not the process. Visualizing the process can drive you crazy because there are so many pieces that need to fit into place. You can’t control all of that.  You have to just take for granted that:

even though you don’t know the plan…the plan is good…

Just figure out what you want and visualize the picture of the end result  and let the universe get you there.  You will know as you start this travel to your destination if the sign post along the way are getting you to your end result.  You may have to make course corrections along the way, but you have to know where you want to go.

Now, expect and wait for, the VOICES IN YOUR HEAD to start their job.

You know the voices I’m talking about.  The ones that say:

1.  This will never work out.

2. I’ve tried this 100 times what makes me think this time will be different?

3. This is too hard.  Why is life so hard?

…and on the voices will go…just listen to them, but know that they are just the gatekeepers.  EVERYBODY has those same small voices in their head, but it’s only those people who get beyond the gatekeepers that actually realize their true potential.  KNOCK THOSE GATES DOWN.  It starts with the gatekeeper called FEAR…fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the future…

Fear is a prison of the mind.

“Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth, we transcend it. Once we truly know that life is difficult-once we truly understand and accept it-then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.”  ~ M. Scott Peck 


Monday, November 2, 2020

The Power of Breathing


“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky.

Conscious breathing is my anchor.”

― Thích Nhất Hạnh

Neuroscience Research about the power of breathing rhythmically while focusing on your heart. 

It’s a long video, but it’s worth it. It’s information that “you don’t know, that you don’t know”. He talks about the difference between emotions, feelings and thoughts .  He explains that emotions are energy in motion and where that energy is coming from… the organs of your body…primarily your heart.  He basically answers some of the “why” questions regarding behavior and performance.  

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Finding Peace Amidst The Storm

The Storm:

  1. Things aren’t working out like YOU want them to.

  2. Things aren’t moving fast enough for YOU.

  3. You’re wondering if ANYBODY can understand what you’re going through AND more importantly does ANYBODY really care.

  4. You’re hating every minute of what you are going through. You’re wondering when will it ever end?

  5. You don’t see a way out of your situation.

  6. Everything seems to be staying the same – nothing is changing.Peace Within The Storm

Finding Peace:

  1. Knowing that the universe is unfolding as it should. Max Ehrmann said that years ago in his poem Desiderata

  2. Knowing that everything happens in its own time and at the right time.

  3. Knowing that you are not alone, there are others going through something too. 

  4. Knowing that one day you will have to REMEMBER how miserable you were today. (You won’t be able to really remember it fully once it’s over, so chill out as you go into next week.  This too shall end.)

  5. Knowing that there have been many other situations in life where you couldn’t see a way out and a way appeared.  Think back…

  6. Knowing that No-thing stays the same. Everything changes and always will.

Going through the storm today?

Know that you can find peace amidst this storm.

Stay calm, stay strong.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Letting Go of Timing

Everything happens in its own time, on time, and in time.

My Mama Used To Say: “God’s Time is a Good Time.”  Your timing may not be the right time. Your timing may not fit into the grander plan.  The sacred plan for your life.   Let go of thinking it has to happen when and how your mind is telling you is the “right” time.

Whatever happens; “good” or “bad”; happens based on the flow of life.  Life flows, ebbs or wanes, just like the ocean.  Things come and go.  People come and go. People who come, people who go,  all come and go in their own time.  Things that come, things that go, all come and go in its own time.  Beliefs, Dreams, Hopes, Fears, come and go…you know this, because you’ve experienced all of these things coming and going.

Just release the need and suffering of thinking that this experience of life that you have been given has to happen how you think it should.  If you are not aligned with who you really are, with what you should be doing, where you should be, who you should be with, then don’t expect the universe to put things in place the way you THINK that it should. It won’t.  It can’t.  It’s always trying to get you to wake up and live consciously and get aligned with your true nature.  In order to get aligned you have to do the inner work — the hard stuff — to get in alignment with YOUR flow of life.  Not anyone elses, but your own.  Once you are in that flow then everything starts to make sense.  You realize not to stress on the timing of things, you relax and are grateful because you recognize that NOW is a good time.

Enjoy what is happening right now. Enjoy who is in your life right now.  Enjoy the places that you go right now.  Enjoy the house that you are living in right now.  Enjoy the job that you have right now.  Enjoy the hopes of the job you want, right now, not when you actually get it, but right now. Enjoy the car that you are driving right now.  Enjoy the shift that you are working on right now. Enjoy the person you are married to right now.  Enjoy your children at the age they are right now. Enjoy the new product that you found.  Enjoy the new store that you found. Enjoy the new website you stumbled on. Enjoy the new person that you met.  Enjoy your life.

Just enjoy your life…because your life is happening, right NOW…as Mama Use to Say…

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Just Quit Needing Others To Validate You and The Stuff You're Doing

Okay, so  you want others to know what we you are doing.

When you get the question:  “Hey, what have you been up to?”

You want them to support you.

You want them to be a part of what you’re doing.

You want their opinions.

You want their suggestions.

You want their ideas.

You want them involved.

They can be involved, they can give you their ideas, suggestions, and opinions, BUT you don’t need them to validate you or validate what you are doing.  Why?  Because sometimes it doesn’t matter if they think it makes any sense; if it’s gonna work; if it’s a good use of your time; if it’s the right degree for you to get; if it’s the next job that you should take; or the next town that you should move to; or even the next person that you should marry — sometimes — you just know!

It might be just every now and again that this happens, but once you are in alignment with life, love, God, The Source, (call it what you want), things start to change at a rapid pace.  You begin to realize that “that” something inside of you, already knows.  It just knows.  It’s always known and finally you’re listening to that source of information.

In the Flow

It’s like a little window opens in you mind, or your heart, or somewhere and you just know.

You can’t explain it.

You don’t understand it.

It makes no sense, even to you.

You do start to wonder exactly where everything is coming from.

Where the decisions are coming from.

Where the creatively is coming from.

Where the courage is coming from.

Where the words are coming from.

All you can do is flow with the process that is unfolding through you.  All you can do is go with it.  You do something one day and the next day look back at what you created or wrote and wonder…who did that?  I didn’t do that.  I really didn’t do that.

It can bring you to tears when you’re in that flow – at peak performance – in the groove.

You can now easily recognize others that are in that same flow.

When you connect with them and talk with them it’s almost as though there is a direct connection or recognition.

It’s like you’re with yourself.

It’s not competition, it’s cooperation.

It’s not judgment, it’s filling in the empty spaces.

It’s a smile, it’s a look, it’s a feeling, it’s an energy.

Those on the same wave-length are aware of each other.

It seems somehow that once you let go and allow this energy to flow that more doors and windows seem to open.

That more things come to you that you’ve been looking for, sometimes for years.

That more people call that can help you.  They help you as though they are helping themselves.  They don’t have to validate you, they just help, they just add value, they are apart of this space that just flows.

It’s a an amazing space to be in…and…when you get to that space — those who AREN’T in that space start to fall away…go away…fade away…and letting them go just seems natural — they aren’t part of the flow —- NOT YET.