Saturday, August 31, 2019

Accepting What Is...Is POWERFUL

I’m stressed to the point of being sick.

I’m undervalued.

I’m overwhelmed with feeling of being out of my depth.

I’m in the wrong company –it’s small, there’s no structure and no support.  I feel ignored.  I don’t know what’s needed of me. I feel isolated. I clock watch, and time drags.

There is the fear of failure. The money is poor (it’s half what I was earning five years ago). There are longer than usual hours and I’m unusually tired.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM


Today, take every single thing that is WRONG with your job and make it RIGHT. 

How do you make it right you might ask?

Accept it.

Just accept it is what it is.  This is the way it is… for you right now… working at this place.

Yep, somehow you ended up here and this is how it is.  You have to FIRST accept it is this way… before you can move forward.

Guess What? Maybe it IS this way so you CAN move forward.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Friday, August 30, 2019

Okay, So You Ended Up With A Boss. It Happens. Now Decide What To Do.

My boss is impossible to work with. He’s arrogant, condescending, and passive aggressive.

He blames me for EVERYTHING even if it’s not my fault and then, when it turns out to be a glitch with the software or when it turns out to be HIS fault, then, suddenly, it was no big deal.

He has MANY MANY  MANY rules that are difficult to abide by because the rules continue to change. What was okay yesterday isn’t okay today. He’ll say one thing and then say the opposite. Or he’ll claim to have told me something even though he hadn’t.

He lies and exaggerates deadlines if I need the day or afternoon off for appointments. I get no medical coverage, no benefits, no sick days, and no vacation days.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK


Today, we will take a look at our immediate supervisors.

There are issues. There are always issues with our bosses.

Some of the issues are worse than others, just like some of the bosses we’ve had have been worse than this one.

We can’t change our boss, but we can change ourselves. 

We are adults. We can make the decision to stay or leave.

We can make the decision to transfer within the organization or not.

We can decide.

We are only stuck if we continue to believe that we are stuck. The moment we start moving towards getting un-stuck; we realize we are not stuck in cement like we thought.

We can make a change in our lives…and we will. 

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, August 29, 2019

What Are Your Dependable Skills? Those Innate Talents and Skills That Are With You No Matter What You Do or Where You Work.

I have been in finance for 17 years and it has gone completely stale for me.

I can’t stand sitting in front of a computer playing with Excel spreadsheets all day anymore.

Every morning I’m sick to my stomach when I wake up and find it almost painful to do my tasks at work.

I realize now that the business world is not for me. 

~Worker Living in NEW JERSEY

Dependable Skills

Sometimes it’s the work itself and we have finally realized it.  We just can’t or don’t want to do the tasks anymore.  They have grown old on us.  We need to take them off like clothes that are too small.  This is good to know. We just need something new.  Once we get to this point we will eventually start to get VERY excited, because NOW we can choose our next venture.

We can start preparing for the next thing.

As we progress on this road of finding our life’s work we can get really hung-up in looking for the next “job”.

We want to be doing something we think would be interesting, but it’s not quite what we’ve done in the past. 

Then what happens? We don’t get any call backs for an interview.  We don’t get any calls at all. 

Then what happens? We think we need to go back to school or to get a certification or something to learn about a new field.

Then what happens? We are still stuck in our jobs we have outgrown, we have the credentials for a new field, but we STILL don’t get any calls for interviews.

BEFORE you do anything (and especially if you are thinking of spending any money on it) just stop and make SURE you are clear on your “dependable skills”.  Those innate talents and skills that are with you no matter what you do or where you work.  It is those skills that point to your life’s work. You need to blend those skills with tasks that you want to do. 

Just don’t jump back into another “job” with different tasks too quickly… use this time to really search your soul for your life’s work.

 You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What Are YOUR Goals for the Next 5 Days, 5 Weeks, 5 Months, 5 Years & 50 Years?

I am so busy at work that I don’t even have the time to look for another job unless I quit my current job.

~Worker Living in CANADA

Goals 2014

Today, if I am too busy working day in and day out at my current job, and I am not happy, and I don’t have enough time to look for another job; then I need to immediately go to Step 2 – Dealing with Finances. 

If I am working this hard and this much; then it needs to be worth it. 

It needs to be worth it so much that I can see a plan to have six months of expenses saved. 

If I do my spreadsheet and things are not adding up, then I have to ask myself WHY am I so busy doing this work…where is it getting ME?  


Please don’t just read this.  Write down one goal you want to achieve in the next five days, then one goal in the next five weeks, then five months, five years and one goal in the next 50 years.

START with the goal 50 years from now. It will help you understand the IMPORTANCE of your life.  It will be about your LEGACY. This is not a dress rehearsal. This is YOUR life and the world needs you to do what you are meant to do…and you are not meant to be miserable day in and day out.

You might be reading this and are absolutely miserable right now today…BUT…five days from now YOU can make a goal that will help you NOT be miserable…EVEN if your goals/plans haven’t worked out so far in your life…just give it one more go…

Stop reading…stop surfing the internet…pull out a piece of paper and start writing…50 years from now I want to be or I want people to remember me for???

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

BE Awesome: You Are Not Your Job. You Are Not Your Title. You Are Not Your Salary. You Are Awesome.

This job has turned me into a sad horrible person.

I used to be so awesome and now I feel like nothing.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK


You KNOW you are awesome. 

This job can’t make you not awesome when you are.

Say it:   “I AM awesome.” 

One more time: “I AM awesome.”

You are awesome.

You are not your job.  You are not your title.  You are not your salary. 

You are you and you are awesome.

Today, BE who you are…Awesome.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

P.S. – Ethymology of  the word Awesome…today be in Awe of yourself…

awesome (adj.) Look up awesome at Dictionary.com1590s, “profoundly reverential,” from awe (n.) + -some (1). Meaning “inspiring awe” is from 1670s; weakened colloquial sense of “impressive, very good” is recorded by 1961 and was in vogue from after c.1980.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Having Faith Means Trusting That The Plan For Your Life Is Working Out...Even Now...

This job doesn’t interest me.

The field doesn’t interest me.

I don’t see myself anymore with this company.

My work life balance is completely out of whack. I live in one country and my wife and kids in another. 

I can’t sleep at all!

I am stressed, spaced out and miserably down all the time.

I lost my faith in myself.

~Worker Living in the NETHERLANDS


Some of us have lost faith in ourselves. 

Lost faith in our abilities. 

Lost faith in our skills. 

Lost faith in our decision-making. 

Lost faith in being able to get ourselves out of our work situation. 

You have to have faith in something. 

If you can’t have faith in yourself have faith that there is a plan for your life and that plan is working out.

Have faith that even though you can’t see a way out; that a way will come.

Have faith that you will figure out what you need to do next. 

Have faith that you have come this far in life and that your journey is not yet over.

You will pull through this. This too will pass.

Have faith that everything changes and so will this time in your life.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Workplace Situation is from the Netherlands:

  • It is in Europe
  • Official Language is Dutch
  • Currency is Euros
  • Netherlands mean low country because half of the land is below sea level
  • The Dutch own twice as many bikes as automobiles
  • Amsterdam is the capital and it is famous for its canals and the skinny tall houses that are built along the canals.
  • The Dutch are the world’s tallest nationality and they are famous for tulips
  • There are a lot of windmills in the Netherlands that are used for power:


Sunday, August 25, 2019

Stand Strong and Go Through It. Be Like A Tree.

I hate working in fast food and I feel miserable just thinking about it. I get abused by customers and the management there is terrible. I want out. Straight away.

~Worker Living in AUSTRALIA

like a tree

There is only one way out of our situations – we have to go through them. 

We know we have to go through it. 

We might feel like we want this to end now…straight away…but it is not going to end until it has run its course. 

We know what it feels like to be miserable…we might even be miserable today.

Just feel miserable today.

There will come a day that you will feel joy.

When that day comes, then feel joy that day.

Stand strong and go through it.

You will get to the other side.

You are strong enough to make it through this…you are and you will.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Workplace Situation is from Australia:

  • It is in Oceania
  • Official Language is English
  • Currency is Australian Dollars
  • They say “Gid Day”
  • It gets its name “Land Down Under” from the fact that the whole country is south of the equator
  • Going on a “walkabout” you will find the world’s largest group of coral reefs, largest rock and largest cattle station
  • It has 7,000 beaches…that’s a lot of beaches!