It’s 2016. 2016. A New Year.
A year of Power. A year of Possibilities. A year of Peace. Power, Possibilities and Peace.
That is what this new year can bring to each of us. Forget the past. Learn from it. Stop the complaining.
Yeah, so you found this blog because you don’t like your job…actually you might hate it. So what? Get over it.
Really, I know that sounds harsh, yes it might be harsh…but what else can you do? Complaining about it does not help. You are still there. You are still getting up every morning. Hating. Your. Job. Think about that. It’s ridiculous! Why are so many people living like this ALL OVER THE WORLD?
The moment YOU realize that you have the POWER to change your life…the POSSIBILITIES will present themselves and you will be… at PEACE. That is not some Pollyanna statement. You DO have the Power to change your situation, so stop complaining (STOP) and look (LOOK) for the possibilities (and it might not be another j.o.b.) to live the life you were born to live. Starting now…right now…today. No more complaining, look for possibilities.