Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mistakes - No, Maybe They're Just Lessons

Are There Really Any Mistakes?

Can you do something that seems right, but it turns out “wrong”? How do you really know if WHAT you’re doing is WHAT you SHOULD be doing? How do you really know if what you SAID is what you SHOULD have SAID? How do you really know?

Seems Like We Are on the Hunt for Some Missing Piece

Seems like we’re always searching for something

Something  – even – when – we – feel – we – have – everything

Looking for it in other people, in places, and in things.  

It’s like something we once had, but lost somewhere along the way.

It’s like we’ll know it when we find it.

So we keep searching..even when we have people,

go places, have money and things…

Seems like something is STILL missing

Still Searching…Still Seeking…Still Looking…Still Empty

Look at Other People Today

Look into their eyes

You’ll realize that you are not alone

~They are ~

Searching Too.

Seeking Too.

Feeling Empty Too.

(even if most are “acting” like they’ve found it…look closely in their eyes and you’ll see the truth…)

It’s in the frantic searching,

seeking and emptiness that we feel we made “mistakes”

We find and stay too long in relationships with the “wrong” people

We seek and get the “wrong” stuff


We S-T-I-L-L Feel Empty Inside

Are These Mistakes or Lessons?

If we look at everything as Lessons on the Journey of the Seeking and Looking for What’s Missing,

Then, are there really any mistakes?

If you take everything as a lesson, as growth, as getting closer to fulfilling that empty space…

how is anything that happens in your life a mistake?

~Ridea Richardson