Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Texas. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2019

Find Your Purpose...Contribute Your Verse

I have been a contractor for almost three years and I want a permanent position within the company. The Director and Manager of my group have known that I’ve wanted a permanent position for almost a year but they have failed to move on it or address it to me.

~Worker Living in TEXAS

living on purpose

It is sad, but unfortunately true that we might be in a post-job economy.

Many of us are working freelance.

Many are working project-to-project.

Many of us don’t have “middle class full-time jobs with healthcare and a pension”.  Many of us never will have this again.

If you know what you want; then it’s already there; you just have to move towards it.  Just clearly define what you are looking for and ask the universe to bring it your way. If you don’t know what you want; even if it comes your way; you might not recognize it.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

…the powerful play goes on and YOU may contribute a verse…

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Breathe...Smile...It Will Be Okay...

Because no one takes me seriously there.

I can’t stand to go into work.

I’m getting to that point where I’d rather die.

If I quit, and I don’t make it work for whatever reason, I’m fine with just dying. I hate my life as it stands now.

~Worker Living in TEXAS

Don’t Give Up.breathe it will be ok

Seek help if you need to.

Just Don’t Give Up. 

You will make it through this.

Please Don’t Give Up.


It was entries like the above that compelled me to write the book.  It is a real live person who typed this into a computer or cell phone screen.  These are not just words to me.  They shouldn’t be just words to anyone reading them.  This is what workplace pain looks, sounds and feels like.  

This is about life and living.  

Just know if you are going through this today that you are NOT alone. Many, many, many, MANY people are no longer willing to settle for “settling”.  

I have a recommendation for those suffering…tomorrow morning when you wake up…the first thing when you open your eyes say the below:

Waking up this morning

I smile.

24 brand new hours

are before me.

I vow to live fully

 in each moment

and to look at all beings

with eyes of compassion.

 ~ That is a quote from Thich Nhat Hanh.  

When you recite this make SURE that you put a smile on your face (yes, yes, yes, I know this might seem hard to even think of doing…but give it a try). All will be well…don’t give up…you WILL make it through this.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Never Never Never Give Up - Create Something Out of Your Life

I don’t believe in my job anymore.

My boss micromanages everything.

I would like to do something in the arts.

~ Worker Living in TEXAS


Today, do your art or whatever you are passionate about.

Even if you are completely miserable or depressed about your job; do something today that makes you feel alive. 

Even if you don’t WANT to do it, just do it. 

When the Black Dog (depression) came on Winston Churchill he painted. 

Now, it’s your turn to create something out of your life.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Rain Will End. The Rain Always Ends. Hold On.

I feel like I can’t take the stress anymore. My body isn’t working as well as it used to and I constantly have soreness that won’t go away no matter what I do.

I have been at my current position a long time and I can barely tolerate the people I work with and especially our customers.

I just feel like I am going to snap one day soon.  

I have been working since I was sixteen but I just can’t stand this industry anymore.

~Worker Living in TEXAS

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

things will get better

Today, focus on working your “Just Quit” plan so one day you don’t snap and make a poor decision. 

Everything will be okay. 

You have come too far in your career. Things will work out.  You just need to hold on while you work the Steps and prepare yourself to “Just Quit”.

Monday, March 9, 2015

You Have Feet In Your Shoes...You Can Move On...

My job is detrimental to my health.

I cry every Sunday night and my feet hate to carry me through the front door of my work.

I can’t do it anymore.

~Worker Living in TEXAS

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

places you will go

It is true; our jobs can be detrimental to both our mental and physical health.  We know this, we have experienced this, and we might be experiencing it today.  It is equally true that if we have feet (first be grateful for that); then let your feet do the talking.

Your feet do not have to CONTINUE to carry you through the doors of a job that you hate and is making you miserable.  Your feet can start walking down another path. A path to meaningful work.

Today, just be grateful that you have feet that can go on any path that YOU choose.  You don’t have to stay stuck walking day after day-after-day into that job…you don’t!

Friday, July 11, 2014

If You Don't Step Forward, You're Always in the Same Place

Knowing Where We Are Going – July 11

My co-workers single me out. I feel like I’m stuck and going nowhere in life with this job.

~ Worker Living in TEXAS

move forward

Knowing that we are stuck is knowledge.

We are stuck.

We need to get unstuck.

This job has run its course; there is no more “there” there.

We just need to move on.

We don’t have to stay stuck we can make a move as long as we have an idea of the direction we want to go.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Monday, June 23, 2014

Once You Put First Things First Everything Else Will Fall Into Place

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

 I’m stressed and need to find peace, figure out my passion, and put my family and friends first.

~Worker Living in TEXAS

Family and Friends

When you put first things first everything else falls into place.

~Ridea Richardson

Sunday, May 11, 2014

"Just Quit" & Live The Book

“Just Quit” & Live the Book is finally here.

I wrote this book so that people would know that they are not alone and are not crazy.

The book includes stories from those who stumbled on this blog and completed the survey. We now  have over 2,100 entries from  76 countries from around the world.  Many situations and stories  are very heart-wrenching. Workers answered the question:

“Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another one lined-up?”

 Additionally, I will begin posting  daily with the entries from the book.

Below is today’s entry, location and meditation:

Happiness                                                                                  May 11

I have been at a career for 10 years that causes me a lot of anxiety and turmoil. I have tried different areas within the same career and have finally realized I am not well fitted for this career. I am unhappy and it affects my health and my personal relationships. No job is worth ruining your personal relationships or your health. I want to learn new skills and be in a different more fitting field for me, but I am obsessing with having to spend one more day at my current career I cannot even think about anything else.

I have small children that require care, and we have no other family support. My current job doesn’t give me enough hours to pay for day care, and my hours are so crazy that no day care is open at those times. I do have a husband and he is supportive of this decision and encourages me to find something that makes me happy so that my career unhappiness doesn’t bleed into our lives and make him unhappy too. 

~Worker Living in TEXAS

Today’s Meditation:

Today just say: “I want happiness. If happiness exists; then I want to be happy. Please, God/Higher Power help me to find happiness in my career.  Help guide me in the direction of what will make me happy.   Please.  I just want to be happy.” ~ Ridea
