Showing posts with label Virginia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virginia. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Move Forward. Cross the Monkey Bars.

I feel like the job I’m doing now is not taking me anywhere. 

It frustrates me always.

I think it is time to let go and move forward.     

~Worker Living in VIRGINIA

monkey bars

We cannot move forward until we let go. 

Once we let go (of holding on) then we can let come the future that is waiting for us.

Today ask yourself: “What exactly am I holding on to?” Hint:  If you feel stuck, depressed, frustrated, ect…then you are holding onto something. Are you afraid of letting that something go?

Now ask: “What am I afraid of?”

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Why Are You Here? What Are You Suppose To Be Doing With Your Life?

I don’t enjoy what I do and need the time and stress-free experience to find out what I truly want to do.

The enjoyment of the job is no longer there and there is no motivation to try and excel at what I’m doing.

It has crept over into my personal life, making me less happy as a person overall. 

~Worker Living in VIRGINIA


We need to find our authentic selves.

Sometimes in order to do that we need to eliminate all of the noise and static of our current job so we can find out what we really want.  That is what “Just Quit” is  about:  letting go of what we know is not working (and will not work) EVEN if we don’t have something to replace it with right away.

We can make preparations to have some time to find our authentic selves (and still be able to eat of course)… that’s why planning is so important.  

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Don't Let Any J-O-B Kill Your Soul...Honor Your Soul Today

This job makes my soul shrivel into a tiny, angry, bitter little ball of cynicism.  It is negatively affecting the rest of my life. It is a very unhealthy environment and a terrible way to spend so much of my time.

~Worker Living in VIRGINIA

Today, I will honor myself and my soul. Your Soul

I will not let this or any job kill my soul.

My soul.

Say that:  “My soul.”

When you say it concentrate on how your body feels.

It tingles and responds….it’s not My soul; it’s My Soul.

Wow…honor your Soul today.

 You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Look At The Hand You've Been Dealt. Now Be Creative And Play It Well.

I am bored at my job and I’m not learning anything that pertains to my degree that I am pursuing.

Since I am about to graduate I want to spend my time working on my portfolio and learning things that pertain to my career and find a new job.

~Worker Living in VIRGINIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Play Your Hand

Sometimes we can find ourselves in the situation where we are pursuing a degree for a particular profession, but we are currently working in a different profession.

It can be frustrating because we don’t feel like we can apply what we are learning in the classroom to the real world.

So, we have to think creatively because we might not be able to change jobs right away.  We might have to volunteer somewhere, or interview people in the profession we want to work in, or start freelancing in the new profession. We just need to move toward what we want to do…take some real action towards the goal.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can

The banking profession is not for me.

I am trying to change my career field, but feel as if all of my hours spent working are leaving little to no time to invest in building the skills I need to make the preparations to go into a different field.

~Worker Living in VIRGINIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

start where you are

Today, if you KNOW the career field that you want to move towards commit yourself to building the skills you need, making the contacts, getting the certification, taking the class, etc.

Work out a plan and a schedule to make it happen. 

DO NOT “try” to do this; DO IT.  Invest in your future and know that you can make this career change that you think will make you happy.


Monday, July 21, 2014

Are You Trying to Shoehorn Your Life Into Your Job?

I have been working hard with very few breaks since I was 15.

In the last several years, I have been trying to shoe-horn my life into my job rather than the other way around.

All the travel and long hours are making it impossible to focus on things that are more important to me.

My health is suffering.

Physically, I am unable to consistently make time to work out; I eat out for almost every meal; do not get enough sleep; have an inconsistent schedule; and I haven’t been to the doctor in years.

Mentally, I am affected by the sleep, schedule, and stress. I have difficulty focusing on my job and have lost most of my passion for it. I do not feel that I am learning or that I am in charge of my life inside or outside of work.

I am constantly near the boiling point and get angry very easily when I feel that my company has done anything to negatively impact my life again.

My work has become boring and repetitive, and it forces me to skip many activities that I enjoy, even when they are after normal business hours and all my friends can make it. The job is significantly hindering all my relationships. It is difficult to maintain existing friendships, let alone make new ones. I am not able to spend time with family – including my roommate – anywhere near as often as I’d like. The relationship with my girlfriend is also suffering from undue stress due to all the travel and time spent forced apart.  On top of all this, I am paid less than employees at other companies with comparable skills and experience that work fewer hours with little to no travel.  

~Worker Living in VIRGINIA


Today, if I am trying to “shoe-horn my life into my job” I will recognize how it is hurting my health, relationships and what matters to me.

I will just recognize it because until I recognize it and look at it for what it is, I won’t think I can change it…but I can and I must…I need a job that fits my life.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Monday, June 30, 2014

Happiness Is A Choice; Get the Stress Out of Your System Then Decide To Be Happy

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Shouting It Out – June 30


~Worker Living in VIRGINIA

 Stress Release

Yes, sometimes we need to shout out what is wrong.

What is not working.

What we are angry about.

What is unfair.

What we hate.

When was the last time you were able to find a place to shout about all of that?

Sometimes we just need to get it out…somehow we need to get it out of our systems. Until we do, all of that bent up frustration just keeps us stuck, miserable and mumbling under our breath.

Today, find a safe way to release the tension and stress.


My sister Linda helped me edit this book. Her recommendation was to not include entries with profanity or to put in asterisks  (**SHOLES).  I understood her recommendation and even considered it; but I decided to allow the authenticity of emotion to come through.  This is the reality of how people feel who are miserable in their jobs.  They might not curse out loud; but they are screaming in their heads.

It is real.  

If you are going through misery in your job today; you might have to get out all of the negativity swirling around in your head and inside of your body.  

You should not be violent and you SHOULD practice control over YOUR emotions.  It’s a sign of maturity…BUT..if you need to get it out…Get it out…

AFTER you get it out…


and realize that happiness is a choice…and so is staying stressed about your job, the people you work for and with…just move on…and DECIDE you are going to be happy.

REGARDLESS of the work situation you find yourself in today.