Saturday, July 14, 2012

Meditation - A Way To Practice Letting Go


Let Go – Meditate

Below is one of the best videos I have seen on how to meditate, why you should meditate and some of the experiences that you can have in a meditative state.

It’s about an hour-long, but it’s worth watching.

If you have not tried to meditate, or if you don’t think you know HOW to meditate the below will give you both the HOW and the WHY in the first 15 minutes or so.

After that it starts to talk about meditation and pyramids (this was very new to me, never heard of some of this stuff).

It can be really DEEP if you are just starting out, so the first 15 minutes is a must for those new to meditation.  Just try to get to the “no thoughts” state by watching your breath.  After you can do that then I would suggest going back to watch the remainder of the video, otherwise you might not give that first step a try.

The remaining 45 minutes or so describes experiences that maybe familiar to those who have been meditating for a while.  You’ll get a kick out of the reminder of the video, especially if you’ve had any of these experiences while meditating.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Featured Folks Who Are Learning to Let Go

I am adding a new category.  I’m looking for a community of people with advice to give others about letting go to let come.  It could be a success story or a lesson learned.

I realized as I look at the statistics for which posts and pages are the most popular, on this blog, based on what people are searching for that land them on the site, that many of you may want to tell your story or have some wisdom to share.  You may not want to start your own blog and keep it updated.

If you would like to be a featured folk and contribute an article to The Just Quit Blog, go to the Products and Services page and complete the form. I will get back with you as soon as I can.

Share your story with others…give your insight…encourage someone… you never know someone may stumble on it and you might help them.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Letting Go Means You Have to "Jump"

Letting Go to Let Come is more about letting go when you KNOW you need to let go.  It’s not so much about letting go the moment you think that you do, because that might not be the right time.  Letting go takes time – it is a process –  but there comes a moment where there is a jumping off point and you have to do it.

It’s like when I went skydiving.  Everyone was in the plane talking about what the experience would be like – joking and having a good time.  

Then the moment came when we were up in the air at the right altitude and there was no turning back.

We  were scooting (being pushed!) down the bench not knowing what to expect once we  got to that open door.  Then you see the photographer in front of you dangling in the air and he says: “go” and before you can think about it you are pushed out of the plane.  There is no thinking, no wondering, and no decision to make.  You MADE the decision when you got on the plane.  You will jump.  You are pushed out of the plane and you have to jump.

Push Yourself = Trust Yourself

In letting go you are pushing yourself out of your current circumstance like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.  Most of the time someone is not going to do it for you, at least it won’t be in your best interest.  You have to do it for yourself.  That’s the hardest thing to do because you don’t really HAVE to let go.  You can just stay put even though you know in your heart of hearts that you need to let to go of whatever it is, but you CAN delay.

This is where most people find themselves stuck.  It’s in that delay that the bitterness and suffering comes.  It’s in that delay where there are regrets for not letting go sooner.  Remember eventually things ARE going to change. You’re going to look back and think –  why didn’t I do this sooner!?!

You have to have the courage to jump on your own.  You have to stand at the edge and even though you don’t want to go into the unknown, you know that you must.  The unknown, the tunnel as I call it, is at first dark and dank, but then you begin to get excited about what’s on the other side of that tunnel and the possibilities just seem endless.

You have to have courage to jump or those possibilities will never come because you are stuck and afraid of the unknown.  Change is growth and sometimes you just have to trust yourself and trust that life will take care of you and you have to  jump.

Just like in going up in the plane to go skydiving, once you enter this life then you’ve signed up for an experience.  Apart of the experience is pain, BUT, on the other side of the pain is joy – exhilaration – freedom.    You can not get to that feeling of joy and growth unless you are willing to let go to let come.

Letting Go When You KNOW You Need To

Letting Go is to Change

To Change is to Die to what is.

To Die to what is… takes you into the abyss.

It’s scary and painful at first…but it stops…

Somehow the pain stops.

…and when it stops the possibilities that weren’t there before are there for you like flowers ready for you to pick and choose. 

You start to see doors and windows where there were only walls before.

What you thought was so impossible to let go of, wasn’t impossible at all.  

It is done. 

You have changed.  

You have grown.

You have learned.  

You have made it though the dark tunnel of change.

~ Ridea Richardson

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Some Relationships Are Eternal


Some Relationships are so special that you know that they are eternal.

You have to let go of them because for now at this time they “feel” dead.

…but you know that the time you spent together is not dead,

will NEVER die,

it had an everlasting quality to it,

because it was spent in eternity.

Some Relationships are just that special,

and you know it when you’re in them.

So, it’s hard to let go of them.

Be alright with letting them go

and moving on to another relationship that you are meant to have.

It’s okay to let go for now…you will meet again…in eternity.

Some Relationships are just timeless.

Friday, June 29, 2012

How Letting Go to Let Come Plays Out


This is what it feels like when you are in alignment with your life’s energy, intuition and purpose.

When you start to trust life and when letting go to let come starts to “work out” time and time again.

Just realize that you have to believe it’s okay and that this is happening to you and that you have found the master-key.

That you are in alignment.  

That you are in balance.

Don’t Wonder

  • Don’t wonder if the things that are coming your way are for you.  They are.  You’re just aligned with your original purpose and things are syncing up as they should.
  • Don’t wonder why that person is showing interest in you.  Don’t wonder if they are really interested in you.  Don’t question why they are interested or if you can trust it or trust them.  Things have changed because you can trust yourself.  Because of this new level of trust in yourself and in life itself you understand that if they are legitimately supposed to be in your life, then they will be, if not, they will fall away.
  • Don’t wonder why money is coming  your way, to you, in your name, and being placed in your hands.  This is your time.  Life goes in cycles.  There are just some cycle of life that click, that start to make sense for you.  Don’t be surprised that it’s not a “big deal” that money (which is just energy) is flowing your way and you’re not “all excited”.  You’re even balanced in this area of your life and in your thoughts.

Something’s Happening Behind The Scenes

There is something really happening in the earth, oceans, with nature and some people are tuning in and some people are not.  Some people have been preparing (maybe without knowing it) and some people have not.

Some people are blooming late just like some flowers bloom after the season that they should have bloomed.  But they eventually bloom.  You may be just blooming late.  Maybe you don’t know (or remember)  how it feels to be fully open to the energy of the universe that is allowing you to fully bloom.  It’s okay to just allow that energy to open you up to bloom.

Allow that energy to take you where you need to go. Allow it to help you to say what you need to say.  Allow it to open your throat chakra and just speak your truth.  The truth that only you can speak.  The truth that all of your experiences, people you’ve met along the way, places you have gone, and places that you have worked are just flowing through you.

Just Allow Things To Happen Through You

It’s unexplainable to you right now, but its only because you are now allowing the spirit to move though you.  You don’t feel as though it is you became it is beyond you and just coming through you.  At some point you realize that all the blocks or brakes are off. The emergency brake is not up any more.  You can’t believe you lived life tentatively, afraid, in fear — of what?  Life?  Love? Bad Things?  Good Things? The Unknown?  The Known? No more…you’re free just to be who you are – right now.

You can now recognize quicker what is and what is not for you.  You are now aware that the first thing that pops into your mind may not be the right thing or the only thing.  You don’t have to be perplexed about what  you’re going to do, or pursue.  You’re even understanding of situations that don’t turn out alright –  it might not be the thing for you or the place that you need to go.

Just let things marinate for a while if  the path is not clear.  Sometimes you will know right away and other times you need to allow time for things to become clear.  The most interesting thing is that you now know when to act and when to wait.

This is what it feels like when you in balance and no longer afraid of life no matter what comes into your mind or into your life  – you are just allowing it to happen.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just Listen To Others

We need to hold each others dreams.

We need to believe in ourselves and we need to understand that others need us to believe in them too.

We need to try to see other people.

Try to hear them clearly.

Hear their pain.  Hear their joy. Hear their ideas.

Listen to their stories.  Everybody that you meet has a story and everybody wants to tell it – to someone.

Listen to the people in your life.  Hear them.  Even if you’re tired of listening to them.  Listen to them from your heart.

There is something powerful about giving of yourself without losing yourself.

There is something powerful about believing so strongly and having the ability to help others to believe in themselves, in their abilities, in reaching their goals, and using their highest skills and talents.

There is something powerful about giving people the opportunity to hear themselves think out loud and to tell their story like a myth that can be changed with just one decision.

Sometimes it takes just one decision to change a life story and all people need is someone to hear them out – to just listen.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Just Go...Let Go of Your "Normal" Schedule & Go

Seems when I just go and do things that I’m led to do I have the most rewarding experiences.sunrise

So this weekend I just went…

To See A  Documentary

Heard on NPR there was a documentary being shown at a local church.  So, I just went to see the documentary called The Final Gift about a lady who lost her brother to murder and her journey to make sense of it.  It led her to get a master’s degree in Criminal Justice, making a documentary, and not just talking about but actually participating in Restorative Justice.

Watching the documentary was interesting.  Listening to the filmmaker was interesting.  The most interesting thing is that out of tragedy she found her voice.  You could see and hear the passion in her voice and attitude. I went because of my brother’s murder and wondering if now was the time for me to “deal” with it, research it, call Atlanta PD cold case unit, and solve his murder after all these years.  I left thinking when the time is right I’ll know.  I guess for so long I’ve remembered what my uncle said at my brother’s funeral; “There are somethings that are not meant to be solved, they just are, like getting a cold.”   I still don’t feel the passion to pursue cracking open this case  – yet –  but watching this film and listening to the film-maker was a stepping stone and I’m glad I just went…

To A Funeral of The Lady I Didn’t Know

I always get the Friday paper to see what’s happening over the weekend. I never actually read the paper I just look at the section about what’s happening over the weekend.  Somehow, I decided to read the paper and I read about a lady who died who was like the housekeeper from “The Help” for a local family.  I guess that’s why it made the paper.  I thought it was interesting about first this making the paper and that you never know what experiences in your life will make you “make the paper” once you’re gone.

So, instead of going to exercise class (normal Saturday morning routine)  I decided to get dressed and go to her funeral.  I’ve never been to a funeral for someone I didn’t personally know.  I guess most people haven’t.  It was a very strange feeling, watching and listening to people who I didn’t know.  At some point I got nervous that someone was going to ask me how I knew this lady who had died…what would I say?…I read about her in the paper and decided to come…that sounded crazy…I kind of stuck out like a sore thumb.  I didn’t look like anyone there. No one asked me who I was, thank goodness.

The experience was very interesting –  I wondered/pondered/experienced the below:

  • What do people think about when they look at corpses in a casket?
  • Watching the people walk in single file to look at the lady in the casket knowing one day they will also die
  • What about those people who take pictures of the person in the casket? I’m still trying to figure that out.
  • One lady was talking to a friend and said; “When you’re 70 you’re not responsible for nothing.”  That’s what she told her children the other day.  I liked that comment!
  • The older women wearing wigs.  I wondered when do women just get comfortable with themselves, their own hair, their bodies?  Does putting on your wig (not being who you really are)  go on forever until you die?
  • The people talking, laughing having a good time before the family came in.
  • The casket being crooked and the lack of attention to that detail.  We can live crooked lives because we aren’t paying attention enough to straighten things  out.  Once you see things are going crooked in your life you have to straighten it up, even if people see you straighten it up,  just straighten  it up.
  • Why do people sign the register?  Is it like saying “present” when your name is called?
  • There was an announcement made that the family was coming in.  That meant for the talking, laughter and general “it’s just an event, no one in my family died” conversation (reunion) to stop.
  • The man in the grey suit with the white hat in his hand that made me think of my father and how he dressed.
  • A final viewing???  I’d never heard of that, where the family got to see the body again before the casket was closed and the funeral began.
  • The opening while they waited for the preacher to arrive – ” “Mother’ wasn’t a dead person, so don’t come in here to be a spectator (which is exactly what I was doing), we’re not in church but we’re going to give God praise like we’re in church (wondering if people really think that you have to go to church to give God praise), Take your brakes off and allow God to minister to your heart ( I liked that phrase), If you didn’t love her you wouldn’t be here (that’s not true, I didn’t even know her), I’m ready, Can you say you’re ready?, Mother was ready, Will you be ready? (the preaching into heaven and call to repentance in the beginning of the service?)…this “preaching” ends because the real preacher comes in.
  • Then this young lady got up and really sang this song.  She sang I Won’t Complain.  I’d never heard that song before, but it was wonderful and she sang it like a ministry.  If I didn’t do anything else on this day watching that young lady with the big earrings sing that song would have been enough.  Here’s John Legend signing it “mildly” , but this young lady really sang the song with all her heart and soul.

  • Back to the minster talking about how the lady had lived a beautiful life and that everyone’s heart was heavy. How she let her work – life speak for her and that when you’re resting in your grave there is nothing that can be said
  • The mention that text messages of encouragement that were given.  I thought that was very modern to add that to the normal cards and phone calls.
  • Admonishment to remember the legacy that “Mother” had left for her children.
  • Mention of “Mother” being in the local paper and why and asking the young man she had taken care of to speak during the open time for anyone to speak.

After people started to get up and speak I left. I didn’t wait to hear the Eulogy.  I guess I got what I needed.  I’d let go of my normal schedule and just went…let go of fear… not really caring what someone might think or if I would get something out of it.

If you just go where the universe is telling you to go, you will get what you need out of it…so just go…let go of your routine…and go.