Monday, June 16, 2014

The Shell Must Break Before The Bird Can Fly

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Something in me is going to break so badly I won’t be able to pull back up from it.      

~Worker Living in AUSTRALIA


Something To Think About Today:

Some days we feel broken. 

When we feel so broken, so very broken, it feels like we are not going to make it.

We WILL make it. 

Broken is letting go of what is. 

Broken is destroying what is. 

Broken allows something new to be created.

A new job.

A new idea.

A new business.

A new passion. 

A new outlook.

A new you.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

TODAY Start Living Up To Your Potential

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live  

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

I feel that my potential is being wasted and I am being relegated to a clerical job.

In short, I am not satisfied with the job content and on top of it I am not clear of my future path.

~Worker Living in the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

Unlock Potential

Today’s Reflection…something to think about & do:

If today we find ourselves doing less than we know we are capable of; for whatever reason; we will think of the positive.

For every minute we are not asked to work up to our potential (while we are doing the mind-numbing clerical type tasks) we will THINK about our future path.

Work the “Just Quit”Steps during the down time.

If they only want 20% we will give them what they want and use the other 80% of our brainpower and capabilities for ourselves.


There really aren’t any excuses…NO ONE can hold you back…EXCEPT…YOURSELF…

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Get Out of Your Own Way...Stop Making Excuses

 You are reading from the book  “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

I strongly believe in not doing something you don’t enjoy or are not interested in at all.

I want to start my own business and can’t because of my sh*tty job.

I just want freedom.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

Get Out of Your Own Way

Today’s Meditation:

Who is stopping us, but us? 

We need to get out of our own way. 

 If you want to do something…then do it…what is stopping you?


Friday, June 13, 2014

BELIEVE...Money CAN Flow Your Way

You are reading from the book  Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

I’m over this job.  I’ve been here for two years. It’s not in the field I want to end up in. I can budget for a while and live ok. 

~Worker Living in AUSTRALIA


Today’s Meditation:

Today, Work Step 2 – Dealing with Finances.

Start your spreadsheet, review your spreadsheet, move some money from checking to savings, figure out how much money you have on credit cards, look at your 401K statement, figure out what you can live without…today work on Step 2…EVEN if you have a mountain of debt.


Working on Step 2 is a crucial step in your “Just Quit” plan.

Most people STAY stuck or go from job-to-job-to job because they never buckle down and save or get access to six months of basic expenses.  YOU CAN DO THIS.  I did it and YOU CAN DO IT TOO.

One of the greatest lessons I learned from one of my mentors (he happened to be a wealthy self-made millionaire — so those type of folks you listen to because they did something that worked)…his advice: ALWAYS keep $100 in your wallet. He said you should do this because you will NEVER feel broke. I’ve realized over the years that it will attract like energy…money energy. It even worked for me as late as yesterday. When I went to the mailbox I opened an envelope…inside…an unexpected check.

If you want to get started on working Step 2 just start with that $100.  Keep it in your wallet or purse.  DO NOT SPEND IT, just keep it there.

What if you don’t have $100?  Well, starting this weekend EVERYTIME you begin to spend even a dollar on something that is NOT a necessity, don’t do it.  Find a hiding place in your wallet to put this “extra” money until you get to $100.

Focus on keeping $100 in your wallet… then watch as the magic starts to happen.

Also, here is a good book on how money is just energy.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Are You A Spectator or Participant In Your Life?

You are reading from the book  “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

I’m tired of doing the same thing year after year without change or growth. I’m afraid I’ll wake up one day and life as I know it is over without me being an active participant.    

~Worker Living in D.C. (DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA)

Be in love with your life

Today’s Meditation:

Be Fully Alive.

You can have work to do that is not mundane and routine.

You CAN do work that matters, work that you can put your heart and soul into.

Today, allow the energy that is inside of you to come out.  Uncork the bottle and allow all of that bottled up energy to flow through you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Take Care Of Your Body Because "You" Live In Your Body

You are reading from the book  “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

I’m stressed out.

My body is breaking down.

I cannot remember things.

I’m not as happy as I used to be. 

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

 take care of your body

Today’s Meditation:

We live housed in human bodies.

The health of our bodies has to be a priority because “we” live in our bodies.

Today, I will do something good for my body.  If I don’t know exactly what I need to do I will ask my body what it needs for me to do.


Still don’t know what to do?  EDUCATE yourself about what has happened with the food industry and what they have done by adding SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR to our food…remember…”YOU” live in your body.

We do have control over what we put in our mouths…we DO have control over THAT….& guess what??? Eating healthy helps us FEEL better and make BETTER decisions.

(And don’t worry that you have TRIED to diet for years…don’t think diet…just eat healthy natural foods….i.e. you are going to have to COOK for yourself and your family.)



Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Life is Too Short To Be Skating By In A Job That You Don't Like

You are reading from the book  “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

I have not been happy in my job for a long time but just did not have the money to quit. Every year at the end of the year I start to get that dreaded feeling.  I start having anxiety attacks when our busy time comes, but I have somehow muddled through. I’ve always been afraid of the decision and not having the money.

My brother passed away recently and my way of thinking has changed. Life is just too short to be skating by in a job that I don’t like. I am burned out.  I am tired of people yelling at me. I am tired of coming home completely exhausted and I want to go to sleep.

I am tired of being unhappy.

Now that the financial issue is no longer an issue, and I have the money to cover my bills, I feel I can now do this.

~Worker Living in OHIO

We all die

Today’s Meditation:

Life is too short to be skating by in a job that you don’t like.

If you stay in this job will you regret it at the end of your life?

It’s just a question, but it is a serious thought-provoking question. Answer it…Will you?