Saturday, February 14, 2015

We Have Three Needs: Love, Purpose, Hope

I am not passionate about my job.   I feel I am so stressed and I don’t have any energy left for my kids and me. 

I feel bad every morning getting out of bed.

It’s horrible when I have to pretend the kids are fine, when no activities are done and their grades are not that great. It just sucks the energy out of me rather than boost my spirit to deal with other things.

~Worker Living in EGYPT

love purpose hope

Today, make yourself dedicate at least thirty minutes to your family, your children, your spouse, or someone that you love.  You may not be able to do this every day, but TODAY make an effort to really be present and there for someone that you love. 

You could be totally stressed out from work, but focus in on someone who is important to you and spend quality time with them.  It will help you remember what is really important in life…family and loved ones. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

You Are Never Too Old To Set Another Goal Or To Dream A New Dream

Essentially, my job is not challenging to me anymore and I want to change my career path.

Moreover, this present job is not giving me the time I need to get some training that will be of help to me.

~Worker Living in NIGERIA

positive change

Today, realize that for now you are in this job and with this organization. This is where you are today.  More than likely there will be a tomorrow, a next month, a next year and then five years from now. Where will you be then? 

What CAN you do TODAY that will help you get to where you need to be next month, next year, or in the next five years? Yes, your current job may be taking up a lot of your time, but you have to take back control of your life. 

You have to FIND some time to do something to jump-start the change that you want to happen in your career.  Nobody is going to do this for you.  You have to do it for yourself. You have to get yourself in the right mindset to make a change happen. 

You can do this. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

We Rise By Lifting Others ~Robert Ingersoll

Each day I am miserable and feel I am not being challenged. I work from home and I am isolated.

I want to work in the music business.

Any career I have had I have been told I look unhappy and that is because I am.

~Worker Living in ARIZONA


Today, if you know the business that you want to work in then start moving towards that business. Do one thing today towards working in that business or industry. 

If you don’t know the business or industry that you want to work in and you know of somebody else who is trying to break into a business or industry, then do something for them. Even if it is just call or text them today and ask how it is going. Encourage them. 

Helping others achieve their dreams will help you to achieve your dreams and goals. It works.  It just works. Watch how it works for both you and them. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Whatever Satisfies The Soul Is Truth ~Walt Whitman

To find myself and my purpose and take time to nourish my soul.

To focus on myself wholeheartedly… mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

 ~Worker Living in ILLINOIS

the truth

Today, take time to nourish your soul. Actively look for your purpose and passions.

  If you don’t do this, then who will do it for you? 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Give Respect To Earn Respect. Respect Others Today.

Four years of abuse, name calling, threatening, lying, blaming and I can go on and on. I went to the EEOC on my manager and even called the police on him for beating his wife in the store. I had to babysit his little daughter while working.

Now there’s a new manager and I had to put up with name calling, back stabbing, prison mentality, incompetence and ignorance. I can go on and on.

It’s taken me to the point of drinking and I’ve lost so much self-esteem.

~Worker Living in OHIO

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

respect others


This is what is happening in the workplace today. Abuse.

Not having a basic level of respect for one another.   Thinking it is okay to abuse one another.

Regardless of if you are a manager or not, today when you walk pass your employees/co-workers greet them and treat them with respect.  Just for today, focus on a basic level of respecting every coworker that you come in contact with. Even if it’s just a smile. Just a good morning or how’s it going greeting.  They are human, you are human. That’s it. 

Just think, if you and you and you and all of us reading this today treated every coworker we meet with respect what could happen…respectful workplaces where people want to be and want to contribute their talents and time.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Be Wise, Change Your Own Situation. That Will Change The World.

I can’t stand the work, my boss, or the company.

It would take up several pages for me to really go into all the details.

I’m underappreciated, underpaid, and sick of it! 

~Worker Living in GEORGIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

change yourself

We all just want to be appreciated, valued and heard. We want our ideas to matter. We want to know that we are contributing and we want our time to be useful.   

We know when we are not being appreciated and at some point in time we just get sick of it. Sick of being overlooked.  Sick of how others are treating us. Just plain sick of it. 

When we get to this point; first we have to recognize that it’s not acceptable.  It’s not okay.  Then we can do something about it.  We can DECIDE what to do about it.  Sometimes it just takes getting to the place where we are sick of it for things to start to change.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Problems Are Not Stops Signs, They Are Guidelines

I am unmotivated.

I am underutilized.

I am a manager who is actually just an admin assistant and I am bored. 

~Worker Living in KENYA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


If we’ve been working for several years we know our capabilities. 

We know when we are challenged and how it feels to meet the challenge.  We know the adrenaline rush and how that feels.  We also know when we are skating by and not doing much of anything.  At first it’s okay because it might be a good break; then it becomes boring.  You sit there and you watch others who aren’t any more capable than you are and they are growing, learning, and stretching.

Today if you are unmotivated and underutilized ask yourself what you are supposed to be learning from this experience? Learn it so you can move on.