Essentially, my job is not challenging to me anymore and I want to change my career path.
Moreover, this present job is not giving me the time I need to get some training that will be of help to me.
~Worker Living in NIGERIA
Today, realize that for now you are in this job and with this organization. This is where you are today. More than likely there will be a tomorrow, a next month, a next year and then five years from now. Where will you be then?
What CAN you do TODAY that will help you get to where you need to be next month, next year, or in the next five years? Yes, your current job may be taking up a lot of your time, but you have to take back control of your life.
You have to FIND some time to do something to jump-start the change that you want to happen in your career. Nobody is going to do this for you. You have to do it for yourself. You have to get yourself in the right mindset to make a change happen.
You can do this.