My employer wants me to work more hours for less pay. I already don’t see my wife as it is and when I do we only have an hour to catch up.
I dread going to work every day.
~Worker Living in New York
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
My employer wants me to work more hours for less pay. I already don’t see my wife as it is and when I do we only have an hour to catch up.
I dread going to work every day.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Because I want the freedom of freelance work–owning my time, and my work processes.
Just google – freelance and you’ll find freelancer, elance, etc. At a minimum you need to be able to do something worthy of a freelance gig. What if you lost your job and find out the hard way that your current skills are outdated…think about it…start now updating your skills.
I am thinking about quitting my job without another one lined up because I really don’t want another “job.” I want to find out what I really want to do and what kind of lifestyle I want.
I feel like I’ve had the soul sucked out of me and I won’t be able to figure it out until I have some “job free” time.
I want to hike the Appalachian Trail.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
I do not get to enjoy anything I want to do with the money I make because all my time is spent at work.
I wake up go to work, by the time I am home, I have two whole hours a day for myself. Not enough time for my family who also needs me. My days off, are often interrupted by work and many times I end up having to work on those days anyway.
I do not like the person I am anymore.
I do not feel like myself and I don’t want to keep doing something just because I feel like I have to.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
I want to quit because I hate my job. The only reason I have not quit is because I don’t have another job lined-up. I have an idea of what I want to do, but I’m worried what other people (i.e. parents) might think. I live with my parents, and don’t have to pay any rent. I have no children and no other responsibilities.
The money I have saved could last me for at least a year. So why don’t I just leave my job? Several reasons: 1) I don’t like the stigma that comes with being unemployed and other people judging you. 2)Before my current job, I was unemployed for one year and six months. I’m worried I won’t find another job. 3) I want to spend time playing and building my Online Poker bankroll. I’ve been playing on and off for two years. I have read books, played over a 100k hands and I believe that if I put in a lot of hours I can be successful.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
I have been a legal secretary in the patent field for what will be fourteen years in April 2014. I never liked the work, but I LOVED the salary. It’s boring and to me has no value. I am stuck at a desk for 7.5 hours a day.
I am a very social person and like to move around and talk to people throughout the day. However, it is frowned upon in my company. I have “gotten in trouble” for being away from my desk too much socializing even though my work is complete and the attorneys I support are not complaining. I moved to another state three years ago and ended up in the same line of work.
Talk about being depressed…I hate getting up to come to work. I look forward to when the clock strikes 4:30 so that I can go home. I am not passionate about waiting on attorneys hand and foot. If one of the four attorneys I support ask me to do any work, I find myself getting angry or immediately finding someone who can assist with the project. I like change and this is a dead end job. It reminds me of a factory, only working on production. I’m tired and burned out.
I’m at my wits end. I’m not challenged. I’m not doing what I am supposed to be doing and I don’t look forward to coming to work.