Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Finally Finished Blogging The Book

After six months of writing the book and one year of blogging the book below is what I learned:

  • You can do anything you set your mind to do.
  • Making a commitment and fulfilling it no matter if it is only to yourself requires determination and grit. 
  • Having a cause that you care about in this world gives your life meaning.Finished
  • Helping other people is what living a good life is really all about.
  • Don’t expect everybody to understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.
  • Continue to stay the course no matter how much it appears that nothing is happening. 
  • Taking on the suffering of others (showing compassion) is not a burden but an honor. 
  • Using Twitter has real possibilities for meaningful connections with others around the world. 
  • You don’t make much money selling e-books or hard cover books for that matter, even if you sell alot of books!

So, now I keep going.  The work is not done.  It is not finished. People worldwide are still suffering in jobs that make them miserable and depressed.   

I’ll go back to blogging weekly from here on out.  

Please know that if you discovered this blog  – you are not crazy and you are not alone. There are many other kindred spirits around the world who are miserable in their jobs and are contemplating “just quitting”.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Get Ready. Set. Live.

I want to write graphic novels and scripts and paint portraits and write stories.

~Worker Living in CANADA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

 Get Ready. Set. Live.

Today, starting today, while you are still working your job do the things you KNOW you want to do. 

  • If it is to write graphic novels: write one line of a graphic novel. 

  • If it is writing scripts: write one line for a new script. 

  • If it is to paint portraits: start painting a portrait. 

Today START moving towards what your heart, mind and soul is telling you that you were born to do.  START TODAY, even while you are still working at your job (that you want or need to quit).

Just START and things will open up for you.  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Go Through The Pain. Get Something Out Of This. Move Towards Your Life's Work.

I dunno how to do my job. I have been thinking of quitting since a month ago. I feel many things are going wrong and I have no idea how to solve them. My memory really sucks.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Going Through the Pain

A poorly fit job can make us feel inadequate.  We can’t remember things.  We can’t make sense out of things, but we are not dumb.

We are brilliant.

We are geniuses. 

We need to find where we fit and where our brilliance and genius can be realized. We are more than adequate, each and every one of us. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Ask. Ask. Ask. Open Your Mouth. Say It Outloud.

I am currently fed up with my job. I actually hate it.

I wake up in the morning to go to work and I feel depressed. This has been happening for more than a year. I find it totally non challenging and I am forced to be here every day, cause I kind of think it’s dangerous to quit your job nowadays in the middle of the economical crisis.

I have been searching for a job for a long time, but I can’t find anything that interests me.

~Worker Living in GERMANY

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live



Today, ask for things to open up.

Just ask for the universe, God, your higher power to open an opportunity for you that is right for you at this time in your life.  Although things may not have worked out last year it does not mean that they won’t work out for you this year. 

Ask. Act. Wait.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Your Life Is A Story. Start A New Chapter. Create A Happy Ending.

I’m not happy working 8-5 jobs anymore.

I feel trapped and disgruntled. 

I feel I can do better self- employed than working for someone.

~Worker Living in BOTSWANA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

 Change The Story

Today, recognize if you feel trapped. 

If so: Your mind is telling you that “you’re stuck”, “can’t change”, “can’t leave”, or “can’t make enough money doing your own thing”. 

If you WANT to leave and be self-employed then you can. Change the conversation in your mind and start thinking about HOW and WHEN you can leave; and HOW and WHEN you can do what you want to do with your career and life’s work. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Self Improvement. Learning. Sharpen The Saw.

I hate sitting in a quiet place with no talking and trying to learn new software.

~Worker Living in AUSTRALIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

sharpen the saw

Today, learn something new. 

If you don’t want to learn what they want you to learn then figure out how you can use what you are learning for yourself, your next job, or to help someone else. 

Learn something new today that is valuable to you. Before you close your eyes to go to sleep ask yourself: “What is one thing I learned of value today?” 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Does It Make ANY Sense To Work At A Place That Is Destroying Your Soul? It's Time To Re-Think Work and Working.

Because my job is soul-destroying.

I can’t do what I want to do and those things that need doing.  There’s far too much work that cannot be fitted into the day.

I work with absolutely awful people, in an organisation whose values and attitudes I don’t share.

I can’t be creative in my teaching or in my day-to-day job. I feel constricted in every part of my action, always having to watch and having to account for my actions and decisions.

It’s like being in a police state, and having to abide by laws you know to be corrupt and self-serving. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!

~Worker Living in the NETHERLANDS

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

cinco de mayo

Some jobs can be even more than soul-crushing. They can be soul-destroying. 

We don’t have to stay in a place we know is corrupt and self-serving.

We can and we will fight for our very souls. Today is Cinco de Mayo; it’s a Spanish celebration. Fight your battle today and free yourself from your own “police state” of employment that is soul-destroying.