Showing posts with label Singapore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Singapore. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2020

New Year Set Boundaries - Decide What You Will NOT Do On Your Job

My current job forces me to act the opposite of my values.

~Worker Living in Singapore

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

thine own self

Today, be true to yourself.

Clarify your values and what is important to you.

Set boundaries of what you will and will not do on this job.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Marking Your Just Quit Date...

My boss is being an absolute tyrant towards me.

He pinpoints every mistake that I make. And when my only other colleague does the same mistakes he just shrugs it off and makes no big deal out of it.

He is always arrowing at me. He’s an absolutely bad leader who doesn’t know how to manage his subordinates well and his words are cut-throat. This is the last straw for me.

I’ve finally put on the calendar my QUIT DAY.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

Just Quit Date

Are we there yet?

Have we taken Step 8 and marked our calendars with our “Just Quit” date?

It can be as far out as you need for it to be, but it needs to be a commitment.

It’s almost like you are your own boss and you’ve decided that you need to lay yourself off.

If you have gone through all the “Just Quit” Steps then you’ll have at least six months of money saved or have access to enough funds.  You’ll be able to eat and pay all your bills for the next six months, just like you were getting unemployment funds.

What’s the difference other than YOU made the decision?

Just imagine that you are SO prepared and SURE of your decision that you are happy and excited as you count down the days on the calendar.

You have a plan for what you will do after you “Just Quit”.  You don’t know exactly how your plan will work out, or when it will work out, but you KNOW it WILL work out.

This is NOT a joke, it can be a reality.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Miserable In Your Job? Depressed? Close Your Eyes To Expand Your Perspective.

My body is on fire every day and I can feel my pulse in my neck.

I feel like crying every day.

I’m unappreciated.

I’m cranky.

I hate doing night shifts.

I look ten years older than I actually am.

I put on 20kg while on the job and have developed severe flat feet.

I can’t stand my Filipino co-workers they’re so scheming and cheap. Everyone is cranky at work.

I eat more than I should to justify the effort I put in.


the dark

We are in jobs that are stressing us out.

By now either we know how this stress is manifesting in our bodies or we don’t know. If we don’t know; then we need to start paying attention to how our bodies feel.

Maybe you are losing weight, gaining weight, feel the heated sensation, have panic attacks, eye twitches, etc.  It’s different for each of us.

We need to make it through the day, this day. One way is to close your eyes. 

Don’t just close your eyes when you are sitting down or sleeping.  Close your eyes as you do a routine task…brushing your teeth, taking a shower, eating, typing…it will instantly change your perspective. 

We have five senses, but our sight usually takes over all the others.  When you close your eyes you begin to feel, taste, hear and smell everything more clearly.

You will be more in tune with your body and how stress is manifesting itself in your body. You will also instantly be more grateful that you CAN open your eyes and see this day, drive your car, wash the dishes, read the report, or read an email.

Closing our eyes helps us become open to the present moment and be in our bodies.

Today, close your eyes. It will help you see what you need to do.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Stuck Doing Daily Tasks That You Hate? Move On. Find Your Balance.

I can’t stand the job description. I totally regret taking up this job.

I hate the daily MIS I need to send out every day. To make things worse, I’m very bad at Excel, thus I take a lot of time to do it and it’s very stressful.  All the sales people and bosses are waiting to see the daily MIS every day and it has to be sent out before lunch time. Worst of all, the figures MUST tally, if not I have to re-calculate it all over again. Other than MIS, the rest of my job duties are extremely administrative.

It makes me feel like I was very useless, even being a degree holder.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE


Sometimes we just know when we are not well-suited for our jobs; especially if there is a daily task that we have to do and we aren’t good at it and don’t want to do it. 

We just need to admit that we don’t like doing that daily task and ask ourselves if we CAN ever enjoy doing it.

Otherwise what is the point of day-after-day doing things we don’t enjoy and aren’t good at?

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Looking For A Leader? Look In the Mirror!

The company has gone in a direction I do not want to follow.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

“Just Quit” is about letting go of what is not working. 

If I know the direction the company is going in is not the direction that I want to go and I haveleading decided that I do not want to follow, then I have just made a decision to be the leader of my life and destiny. 

I can decide to go in another direction.  

I need to determine the strategic plan for my life.

I can trust myself. 

I can trust the universe and allow the direction to emerge that is just right for me.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Workplace Situation is from Singapore:

  • Continent: Asia
  • Official Language: Mandarin Chinese
  • Currency: Singapore dollars
  • Singapura means “Lion City”
  • Three Things You Won’t Find in Singapore because they are illegal: Spitting in Public, Litter, and Chewing Gum


Saturday, August 3, 2019

Finding Support and Learning to Say NO

There is tons of work that is assigned on me.

Too much is expected of me.

I have been supporting all departments in our company. I am supporting external and internal customers. But nobody is supporting me on my tasks.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

We all need support. Learning to Say No

Sometimes to get that support we need to ask for it.

Sometimes to get that support we need to set boundaries.

Learn to say NO.

If you can’t say no; then let people know what is on your plate and when you can reasonably complete the task they have assigned.

If you are not overloaded with tons of work today, be grateful.

You are reading from the book Just Quit & Live

Our Just Quit & Live Survey:
Below is a survey link which has a list of questions to help you determine if you are READY to Just Quit Your Job Without Another One:  Take Our Survey!  

Today’s Workplace Situation is from Singapore:

  • Official Language: Mandarin Chinese
  • Currency: Singapore dollars
  • Many things in Singapore are named after Sir Stamford Raffles, the British founder of Singapore
  • Rickshaws were invented around 1868 and are still used in Singapore.  Below is a ride through Singapore on a Rickshaw – human-powered transport….


Thursday, July 25, 2019

Work on Finding The Right Industry and Profession So You Can Do Great Work

I am just not interested in the corporate planning industry.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

Do great

Today, I will research industries and professions that I am interested in.

I will work on Step 4 – Finding My Purpose

You are reading from the book Just Quit and Live

Saturday, March 2, 2019

From a Teacher in Singapore...

Why I want to “just quit” even if I don’t have another job lined-up…

I don’t look forward to going to work at all. Sometimes I come home from work crying or I feel so terrible during the lessons that I cry in front of my students, shout or get impatient at them for little things that are not their fault, or just sit there and don’t care about teaching them at all.

From 25 and under female teacher in Singapore

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Go Through The Pain. Get Something Out Of This. Move Towards Your Life's Work.

I dunno how to do my job. I have been thinking of quitting since a month ago. I feel many things are going wrong and I have no idea how to solve them. My memory really sucks.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Going Through the Pain

A poorly fit job can make us feel inadequate.  We can’t remember things.  We can’t make sense out of things, but we are not dumb.

We are brilliant.

We are geniuses. 

We need to find where we fit and where our brilliance and genius can be realized. We are more than adequate, each and every one of us. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Today Is Clap Along Day

I want to do baking at home, exercise more and read.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

because I'm happy

Some days we just want to do what we want to do.  We don’t want to get up and go to work to waste our time, or our gas getting there, or doing what someone tells us we HAVE to do. 

We just want to do what makes us happy. 

Action: Just do one thing today that makes you happy. Just one thing.


In case you’re too depressed and can’t figure out your one thing…click, smile and pretend…

Sunday, July 6, 2014

If Opportunity Doesn't Knock; Build A Door

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Creating Wealth – July 6

I’m feeling burned-out, having to juggle my full time job and being a voice coach on weeknights and weekends to earn some extra income and keeping the passion of teaching going.

I try to spend the remaining time I have with my sons and partner.

It’s taking a toll on my health now.

I’m also at the point where I don’t enjoy my work anymore.

I want to quit my full time job and teach singing full time, so I can have time flexibility and the possibility to create wealth according to how hard and smart I work.

~ Worker Living in SINGAPORE


Creating Opportunity

Today, ask:

“What will allow me to create wealth according to how hard and smart I work?”

Listen for an answer. 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Hobbies and Careers

You are reading from the book  “Just Quit” & Live

 Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

I am having an issue with my colleague; as well as; I have come to realize that I am no longer interested to pursue design as my career and that it should continue as my hobby.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE 


Daily Meditation/Reflection:

Maybe our careers could be hobbies and our hobbies could be careers?

Hmmm…by the way… hobbies & passions…they are the same thing.