She is working at a job she wants to “just quit” but knows what she wants to do web development. My advice…”Young lady don’t give up on web development. Focus, focus, focus on being a web developer. See yourself doing that…because one day you WILL be doing that and this time in your life will be a memory”. ~Ridea
Below is her story and why she wants to “Just Quit”…
There are two reasons, one positive, one negative.
The negative: I hate my job in customer service. Having to be nice to rude people all day is draining. It’s why the term “emotional labor” was created.
I’m also very introverted.
I have other tasks I want to do but having to switch back and forth between the task and customer service is very antithecato how my brain works.
Again, exhausting.
I am so burned out that I can barely celebrate the fact that oursales are going up. I used to care about that once upon a time.
The positive: I am learning web development. I am decent at it, and even have a project under my belt. I am currently learning javascript and its going ok. I was able to complete a programming course while working but when a job didn’t come afterwards I got burnt out trying to continue learning and working and it’s hard to look for a web developer job and work this draining terrible retail gig.
The resumes, interviews. I have to “psych myself up” to do these things, which is hard to do after a garbage dumpster fireday at work.
Why I want to “just quit” even if I don’t have another job lined-up…
I don’t look forward to going to work at all. Sometimes I come home from work crying or I feel so terrible during the lessons that I cry in front of my students, shout or get impatient at them for little things that are not their fault, or just sit there and don’t care about teaching them at all.
I keep hoping that one day I can “let go” of Just Quit and Live and stop blogging about folks who want to “Just Quit”, but alast another year.
Another year I’ve paid the ever growing cost of maintaining a web page, another year and folks are still finding the blog (even though I don’t have much time to really blog much anymore), another year and folks are still “miserable while working” and completing the survey. We’re almost at the 9,000 entry mark. There is so much data now I need to find a data analyst to make sense of what is going on in the work world.
Here’s the latest survey entry from a female 25 and under Camera Operator in the United Kingdom:
” Overworked, underpaid, unappreciated. Management are not management. They are slave drivers. They want you in an early grave so they can have an early retirement.”
So, it ain’t over yet. I must keep going. There are still people (and young people at that) who are hurting.
If you found this blog just know that you are not alone and you are not crazy if you are at a point of wanting to quit your job even if you don’t have another one. You can do it if you want to, but you need a plan. Don’t just jump without knowing the cost.
Look around the blog and I’ll do better in 2019 to keep posting…since I see that I just paid the webpage fee for another year. Stay tuned and…
It’s almost 2019 and there are workers worldwide suffering in jobs that they want to “Just Quit” even if they don’t have another job lined up. Why is that? Why is this still an issue? Why are people still suffering?
I read the survey results daily and understand the pain behind the entries. I know how hard it is to first believe you can take your career into your own hands. It’s even harder to grasp that if you choose to you can “Just Quit” and start again.
It’s almost 2019…do you need to “Just Quit” and start again? Don’t be afraid. Plan and Act. No Fear. Live Your Life.