Monday, September 9, 2019

Having A Strategy

I’m not inspired by what I’m doing.

I’m working very hard and achieving nothing. 

I don’t agree with the strategy or lack of strategy of the work and how it has been put together.  The company has no strong work ethic ethos, and lots of people doing the bare minimum. 

There is no transparency in pay and often projects are under resourced meaning that we fail to deliver quality work on time.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM


How many of the places where we work have well-thought out AND COMMUNICATED strategies?   Not Many. We all know this, and we also know when there really isn’t a cogent strategy AT ALL…communicated or not.

We know when everybody is just showing up, but not working towards the same thing.  Sometimes all we can do is know this, and maybe do the bare minimum (if you can) while you reserve your mental energy to pursue your own interests, develop your own personal life strategy and work it…sometimes that is all we can do.


If you find yourself in this situation today; continue to work hard EVEN if there is no strong work ethics in the organization. Just stay focused and develop a clear strategy for your job.  There is something powerful about doing the right thing even when you don’t see the point.

Just pretend like you are the owner/president/executive director/in the corner office.  This is your organization. Now ask yourself what would YOU (as the owner) want YOU (current job holder) to do? Just pretend…who knows…maybe one day YOU may be the owner…have employees…need a clear and communicated vision..need a strategy to reach the vision…and…change your corner of the world…or the world.

I always go back to Microsoft’s vision that they basically achieved inside of  20 years…it happpened…A desktop computer in every home running Microsoft Office.  

NOW what is the vision for YOUR life in the next 20 years?

What is it????  

There is NO NEED for a strategy if you don’t have a vision.


It is not a mistake that you are in this situation…maybe it is to wake you up…have a vision and strategy and stop just going through the motions.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Hold On Tight To Your Dream. Move Towards It. Focus On It. Do It.

The working conditions are unbearable and making me sick.

I also feel like I am being deterred from following my dreams. I can’t afford to waste another minute that can be used to pursue my dream.

There is something out there better for me than the present; a more promising future.

~Worker Living in the BAHAMAS


Today, I will know that only I can do the thing I am meant to do and no one else.

I can either pursue my dream or it can go to the grave with me.

That is the choice.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Are You Doing Something With Your Life That Matters, That Is Meaningful and Worthwhile?

The type of work that I do, I am not happy with. At the end of the day I do not have a sense of satisfaction or gratification that I did something meaningful or worthwhile.

I am in a position where I scam customers for their money in return for very little to them. I do not “help” people in a way that I want to. I wear a suit and tie and I clean cars in 100+degree heat. I did not go to college to do this and I deserve so much better.

I work 50 hours a week and I am physically and mentally drained from work. I do not spend time with family or friends like I used to and I have a very bad attitude because all week I take nothing but bullsh*t from customers complaining over nothing. I bend over backwards to make them happy and make my managers richer while my pay check stays the same.

I need to do work where I am helping others in a positive fashion and where I can make a difference. My efforts need to be a part of the “bigger picture”.

Working at this company is horrible, the working conditions, the business practices they teach us, and the terrible management invasion of privacy is something I absolutely hate. I need to find something else!

~Worker Living in WEST VIRGINIA


Today, step back from your life and look at the “bigger picture”.

Put your life into perspective.

What is the big picture you ask:  one day like everyone else we will no longer exist.  None of us know the day it will happen. All we know is that it is an appointment for everyone.

Are you doing something with your life that matters, that is meaningful and worthwhile?

Are you helping or are you hurting others?

Really take a look at the bigger picture and put this one job into perspective.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Today is Grandparents Day.  If you are a grandparent think about the legacy you want to leave your grandchildren. Don’t ask what can I do? Say yes I will do something and then start doing it.

If you still have a grandparent living…call them…or go see them and listen to them. Yes, they will ask about your life but try to turn the tables and ask about them, their stories, and just listen. 

Friday, September 6, 2019

Your Body Doesn't Lie. Listen To It. Pay Attention to Your Health.

I dread going to work.

I don’t like the direction the company is going.

I feel very unfulfilled in my job and there are no opportunities for advancement in the company.

My health is suffering and I believe it is the stress of the job.

~Worker Living in the DISTRICT OF COLOMBIA


Yes, our health is suffering because of the stress from this job.

Sometimes it sneaks up on us.  We don’t know for sure that we are under stress because of the job, then all of a sudden there it is – sleepless nights, eating issues, losing or gaining weight, nervous system issues, headaches, etc.

Your body doesn’t lie; it’s trying to get your attention.  Pay Attention.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Knowing When To Get Help - Tell Someone The Truth

My job is unfulfilling and it makes me even more depressed… it’s not worth it.

I  wanna kill myself when I think about having to waste eight hours there each night.

~Worker Living in WISCONSIN

Look Me In Eyes

Today, if I am thinking suicidal thoughts because of my job I will get help.

I will call someone who I trust and tell them I’m in a bad place right now.

They will know what to do to help me because I can trust them.

I will get help.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Your Soul Knows What To Do

It is crushing my soul.

~Worker Living in NORTH CAROLINA

Souls Dreams

We know when we are in soul crushing jobs. 

We know because we feel soul-less. 

We know because we feel we deserve better.

We DO deserve better.  We will have better.

We will find our purpose.

We will find our way out of this job.

Ask the universe to help you find a way out of this soul-crushing job, then patiently wait while you work the Steps.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


How do you ask the universe to help you?  Get beyond your conscious mind to the subconscious universal mind.  It is there inside of you. You HAVE to quiet your thinking mind and get to NO thoughts.  Get Quiet. Breathe. Meditate. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

"Just Quit" is About A Journey and A Purpose...It's Not About A Job

After six years with my current employer I am starting to feel like I am going in circles.

I am not really in a good position to advance because I work remotely and yet I am one of the longest employed marketing professionals in my segment of the company.

I find I don’t have the patience for the interactions. They feel meaningless.

We are doing neat things as a company but I don’t feel like there is any celebration of what we do. Criticism is just heaped on top of criticism and there is always some opportunity that we missed that is reason for disappointment.

I don’t really believe anymore that the path that I am on is right for me. Maybe it was two, three, four years ago. But I am back in the same place that I have been several times and I am left wondering when will it be enough.

~Worker Living in MINNESOTA


“Just Quit” is a journey.

A journey that should never end.

You should always be letting go to let come.  Your passions will change.  Your interests will change.  You will gain skills and perfect them over time. 

Things will get boring as you do them over and over again. That’s ok. 

You are just growing. You may have outgrown your job and feel like you are “going in circles”. 

It’s just time to go back to the Steps so you can move forward on your journey.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live