Friday, September 13, 2019

Another "Just Quit" Story...People Are Waking Up All Over The World...

The below survey entry came in yesterday, September 12, 2014. It is not in the book, but I wanted to honor this person’s request to tell their story to the world.  Here you go:

*I already quit my job, and just wanted to take the survey and tell someone else my story*

I was physically in pain everyday.

I worked for them for 2 years and suffered through back to back groin sprains, stiff fingers that couldn’t bend to touch my palms in the morning, swollen feet after work, bruising on my legs, scratches up and down my arms, exhaustion, and I experienced my first breakdown at work where I had to collapse into a crouching position.

I’ve applied for my jobs’ manager position (which I did qualify for) but they were telling me to work my way up (from the bottom) to get to the manager position. Meanwhile they continued to train an undergraduate student in the manager position I wanted and hired them directly INTO the manager position upon graduation!

My body was physically breaking down when I decided to true

My decision was solidified when my manager requested mandatory overtime (I had to use my vacation time to call out of work for that day – If not I probably would have dragged myself into work for a 2nd mental breakdown).

The next week I submitted my 2 week resignation letter. I could not save money.

I too feel like something good is going to turn up.

I quit 8/27/14 and I feel awesome, relieved, happy, free and my body feels better too.

There is still some nerve damage but it too will heal.

Quitting my job has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life.

Feeling Like A Fish Out of Water? STOP Trying To Be A Fish.

I start to panic on Sunday evening when I think about going to work on Monday. I stay up as late as possible to postpone the inevitable.

I feel like a fish out of water at my job.

I have been getting sick frequently, gained weight, and have skin problems because of the stress.

I stopped caring about the things I used to enjoy. I truly don’t want to do anything in the evenings or weekends because I’m just so exhausted from my job.

~Worker Living in OHIO

Stop Trying To Be A Fish

After we make our list of why we think we need to “Just Quit” then we need to counterbalance it and ask ourselves: “Is it possible that things could get BETTER on this job? Is there anything that might happen on this job, in this place that would make me want to stay?” 

Listen for the answers.  

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Half the time the problem we have is that we try to be like everyone else.  Or we do what other people think we should do.

Until you have the courage to be YOU and do what YOU are meant to do…you’ll always feel like a fish out of water… even if you SHOULD be happy (because you have a job or you’re making decent money). 


Three Magic Words

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Why Are You Here? What Are You Suppose To Be Doing With Your Life?

I don’t enjoy what I do and need the time and stress-free experience to find out what I truly want to do.

The enjoyment of the job is no longer there and there is no motivation to try and excel at what I’m doing.

It has crept over into my personal life, making me less happy as a person overall. 

~Worker Living in VIRGINIA


We need to find our authentic selves.

Sometimes in order to do that we need to eliminate all of the noise and static of our current job so we can find out what we really want.  That is what “Just Quit” is  about:  letting go of what we know is not working (and will not work) EVEN if we don’t have something to replace it with right away.

We can make preparations to have some time to find our authentic selves (and still be able to eat of course)… that’s why planning is so important.  

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Feeling Demoted Is A Wake-up Call

Because of organizational changes it has resulted in my being pushed into a lesser role than I had previously.

~Worker Living in COLORADO

wake up

Some of us have been here:  we still have our jobs, same title even, but our role has changed.

Our role is diminished.

We feel like we have been demoted.

We can’t see a way forward, only a way out.

Sometimes things happen to cause use to wake up and to act…to do something…to make a change.

It’s a wake-up call.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Stop Crawling. Stop Cocooning. Start Flying.

I am tired of getting up at 5:15 every weekday. I spend two hours a day on the road.

I do not have support of administration in trying to do my best to educate students.

I have been moved three times in two years.

I find myself unable to do anything at the end of the day other than come home, eat, watch TV and go to bed; no energy left over. 

I am ready for a change. 

~Worker Living in TENNESSEE


Today, we are ready for a change.

We will not be afraid of a change.

We are ready and we can handle it.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Monday, September 9, 2019

Having A Strategy

I’m not inspired by what I’m doing.

I’m working very hard and achieving nothing. 

I don’t agree with the strategy or lack of strategy of the work and how it has been put together.  The company has no strong work ethic ethos, and lots of people doing the bare minimum. 

There is no transparency in pay and often projects are under resourced meaning that we fail to deliver quality work on time.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM


How many of the places where we work have well-thought out AND COMMUNICATED strategies?   Not Many. We all know this, and we also know when there really isn’t a cogent strategy AT ALL…communicated or not.

We know when everybody is just showing up, but not working towards the same thing.  Sometimes all we can do is know this, and maybe do the bare minimum (if you can) while you reserve your mental energy to pursue your own interests, develop your own personal life strategy and work it…sometimes that is all we can do.


If you find yourself in this situation today; continue to work hard EVEN if there is no strong work ethics in the organization. Just stay focused and develop a clear strategy for your job.  There is something powerful about doing the right thing even when you don’t see the point.

Just pretend like you are the owner/president/executive director/in the corner office.  This is your organization. Now ask yourself what would YOU (as the owner) want YOU (current job holder) to do? Just pretend…who knows…maybe one day YOU may be the owner…have employees…need a clear and communicated vision..need a strategy to reach the vision…and…change your corner of the world…or the world.

I always go back to Microsoft’s vision that they basically achieved inside of  20 years…it happpened…A desktop computer in every home running Microsoft Office.  

NOW what is the vision for YOUR life in the next 20 years?

What is it????  

There is NO NEED for a strategy if you don’t have a vision.


It is not a mistake that you are in this situation…maybe it is to wake you up…have a vision and strategy and stop just going through the motions.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Hold On Tight To Your Dream. Move Towards It. Focus On It. Do It.

The working conditions are unbearable and making me sick.

I also feel like I am being deterred from following my dreams. I can’t afford to waste another minute that can be used to pursue my dream.

There is something out there better for me than the present; a more promising future.

~Worker Living in the BAHAMAS


Today, I will know that only I can do the thing I am meant to do and no one else.

I can either pursue my dream or it can go to the grave with me.

That is the choice.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live