Monday, November 11, 2019

Honoring A Veteran Today. Thank You For Your Service.

I take $400 out of savings each month to cover what my pay check doesn’t. 

My job has no future.

My house needs repairs and I have the material. My house is too small for my family.

I’m a veteran and I have a degree. I make $15.00/hr. 



Our veterans have endured. 

They have suffered.

Many have survived, but some have given it all. 

Our veterans are coming back from war, some wounded and some to a job with no future.

Today, we will honor our veterans. 

We will honor their service.

We will send up a prayer today for each and every veteran that they may be happy.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Have Compassion. Be Kind. Help Someone Today.

I have been in this field of work for 20 years and with this company for only seven weeks and have not been trained. I have spoken to my immediate bosses who ignore my repeated requests for training. I have spoken to their boss and HR.  I have been ignored by everyone.

I am unhappy and things just keep getting worse. I try to go in with a better attitude every day and keep trying to just work harder.

People are unkind, unprofessional, and sometimes just plain rude to me. I don’t fit in and still unsure of what my role is. I feel so lost and I keep getting negative feedback from my peers and boss.

I went in on Friday morning and just told my boss I need some direction and training and she refused to help me. She said I think you are doing just fine then sent me an e-mail with a list of my current mistakes. By company guidelines I should have 6 weeks of training I had only 6 days.

I work in a high stress clinic and I am counted on to care for patients. I am so afraid I will make an awful mistake. I don’t know the equipment or protocols for this particular clinic. I told my boss that the patients and I both deserve better.

The staff around me complains that I am not helping them enough and that I don’t know their system. My boss still does not understand my concern. The patients are frustrated that I know what I need to do, but not how to do it when I am helping them. 


human kind

Do you remember how it feels to be new, in a new job, new department, new assignment, new responsibility, or learning a new computer system? Look around you.  There is someone struggling to learn that “something new”. Someone on the job is struggling and feels like they are in the dark. If you can help them and ease that learning curve burden, then help them.

Think cooperation and not competition.

We are all in this human experience together.

Help someone else today. Show compassion.   

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Miserable In Your Job? Depressed? Close Your Eyes To Expand Your Perspective.

My body is on fire every day and I can feel my pulse in my neck.

I feel like crying every day.

I’m unappreciated.

I’m cranky.

I hate doing night shifts.

I look ten years older than I actually am.

I put on 20kg while on the job and have developed severe flat feet.

I can’t stand my Filipino co-workers they’re so scheming and cheap. Everyone is cranky at work.

I eat more than I should to justify the effort I put in.


the dark

We are in jobs that are stressing us out.

By now either we know how this stress is manifesting in our bodies or we don’t know. If we don’t know; then we need to start paying attention to how our bodies feel.

Maybe you are losing weight, gaining weight, feel the heated sensation, have panic attacks, eye twitches, etc.  It’s different for each of us.

We need to make it through the day, this day. One way is to close your eyes. 

Don’t just close your eyes when you are sitting down or sleeping.  Close your eyes as you do a routine task…brushing your teeth, taking a shower, eating, typing…it will instantly change your perspective. 

We have five senses, but our sight usually takes over all the others.  When you close your eyes you begin to feel, taste, hear and smell everything more clearly.

You will be more in tune with your body and how stress is manifesting itself in your body. You will also instantly be more grateful that you CAN open your eyes and see this day, drive your car, wash the dishes, read the report, or read an email.

Closing our eyes helps us become open to the present moment and be in our bodies.

Today, close your eyes. It will help you see what you need to do.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Question Why You Hate Your Job: Behind Every I Hate Is A "Why" & Behind Every "Why" Is A Value

I hate my job.

I hate going there.

I hate the patients.

I hate their families.

I hate the administration and their disregard for the hard work I put in.

I hate that my boss changes my time card and doesn’t pay me overtime.

I hate being yelled at by family members.

~New York


I hate this and I hate that. You can list everything that you hate about your current job.  It’s a very easy starting point.

Behind every I hate is a “why” and behind every “why” is a value.

If you don’t know your values…start with your I hate list and it will lead you to what’s important to you in your next endeavor.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Hit A Brick Wall? Time To Find The Fire Within

I’ve hit a brick wall. I’m unhappy working here. My heart sinks no matter what I am asked to do. I’m in a rut. 

~United Kingdom

brick wall

When we hit a brick wall, then, there is nowhere else to go.

We can try to break that wall down and keep going down that path or we can make a right or a left turn and go in another direction.

Maybe the brick walls are there to let us know that we need to make a turn – left or right – new direction.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Time To Face Your Fears

It scares the heck out of me. I don’t know how we would pay for things if I “just quit”.

I don’t know what people would say to me/about me.

I also worry that I would be tempted not to try to find another job!


face your fear

Stay in the present moment.  Right here. Right now. We are just going to focus on this moment.

When our minds carry us on the scary rollercoaster of tomorrow; what if, be afraid, be very afraid ride; just breathe.  Take slow, even, in and out breaths. Allow your body to relax. It will bring you back to today, right now, this moment.

A Breathing Technique You Can Use:

The only way to overcome fear is to face it.

To face it like the bully that it is. Today we aren’t going to worry about the future.

We are going to focus on the fact that we are working on a plan FOR the future, so we don’t have to be AFRAID.

The future will come and we will be prepared to meet it.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Pretend You Are Just Starting Out In Your Career...What Would You Do?

It is only a part time job and I am a college graduate looking for a full time job.

I am unhappy every single day about having to go to work, even on the days when I don’t work.

The hours are very inconvenient and I feel taken advantage of at this job.



Although it doesn’t matter how old you are when you figure out that you deserve to be happy and have the obligation to find your path, the earlier you can do this the better off you are.

Today, we are all starting out.

Today is today and we can look at today as a fresh start.

Today, we are reading this together and all moving towards our highest skills and passions.