Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Just Quit Is A Process...It Takes Time

I’m going through periods of what the f@£k am I doing to feeling confident of my decision.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

a process

“Just Quit” is a process.

You will go back and forth at first wondering if you are crazy to even contemplate quitting your job without another one, and then feeling confident in your decision. 

Just allow this process to play itself out.  It might take some of us months and others years; it just depends on our particular situations.  In the meantime another job might present itself or things might get better on our current jobs. 

No matter what happens the point is to work the steps so that at ANY point in your life that you DECIDE to “Just Quit” this or any other job  — you can.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Monday, December 9, 2019

Marking Your Just Quit Date...

My boss is being an absolute tyrant towards me.

He pinpoints every mistake that I make. And when my only other colleague does the same mistakes he just shrugs it off and makes no big deal out of it.

He is always arrowing at me. He’s an absolutely bad leader who doesn’t know how to manage his subordinates well and his words are cut-throat. This is the last straw for me.

I’ve finally put on the calendar my QUIT DAY.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

Just Quit Date

Are we there yet?

Have we taken Step 8 and marked our calendars with our “Just Quit” date?

It can be as far out as you need for it to be, but it needs to be a commitment.

It’s almost like you are your own boss and you’ve decided that you need to lay yourself off.

If you have gone through all the “Just Quit” Steps then you’ll have at least six months of money saved or have access to enough funds.  You’ll be able to eat and pay all your bills for the next six months, just like you were getting unemployment funds.

What’s the difference other than YOU made the decision?

Just imagine that you are SO prepared and SURE of your decision that you are happy and excited as you count down the days on the calendar.

You have a plan for what you will do after you “Just Quit”.  You don’t know exactly how your plan will work out, or when it will work out, but you KNOW it WILL work out.

This is NOT a joke, it can be a reality.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Sunday, December 8, 2019

There IS Hope And A Way Will Come

I don’t have faith in the leadership at my company.

We are understaffed, people are literally working 70 hours a week. It is taking up to three months to replace open positions. I am not working that much because I don’t want anyone to expect me to do that on a regular basis. I am getting behind because I am not working that much.

I am in a new position and have not had adequate training and everyone is so busy, no one is really available to provide good help and guidance. I am exhausted and stressed out when I am not at work, always thinking about what more I should be doing.

I am having a hard time in the evenings focusing on updating my resume and looking for another job.

I do not have faith in getting any help to make things better. We are all drowning in work and  I have no hope that it will get better soon.

I do not want to work in this industry anymore.

~Worker Living in ARIZONA

process of life

Sometimes we don’t even have hope. 

We just can’t see anything to be hopeful about. 

We don’t see a way out.  All we can see is a messy situation. 


These are lies that our mind keeps repeating over and over again. It is really difficult to break that cycle, but you can break it.

Today, say: “There is hope.  A way will come.  I will quiet my mind long enough to allow peace in.  There is peace available and I need peace of mind to think clearly.”    

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Saturday, December 7, 2019

What Is So Hard About Treating People Like You Want To Be Treated?

My current job has horrible management where there is favoritism and nepotism.  They come up with the most ridiculous ways to write someone up.

They constantly cut hours so there aren’t enough people around to do the work well enough, and they schedule people outside of their availability. They won’t even work with some people who have to take care of family members or need to work around school. They tell them that they have to find someone to switch with for those hours, even though those people will just have to go back to them to get it approved.

They also recently threatened the new cashiers saying that if they can’t work Thanksgiving/Black Friday, then they can just walk out the door.

They also don’t wanna hire any more people where people are really needed, i.e. CSM’s. One customer service cashier has been trying to become a CSM for over half a year now, but they’ve since hired three other people. One later got fired, and the other two quit. And one of the ones who quit actually wasn’t even working for as long as she should have before she switched departments from Photo Lab into being a CSM. The policy states that you have to work for six months before you can switch. She had just started working for three months at the store in Photo Lab before they switched her to being a CSM. And it turns out that she was the granddaughter of someone who worked for the store for 25 years.

Another thing is that they want you to work weekends. It is so hard for people who go to church to get off on Sunday (myself included), so we tend to miss church a lot, and yet there are people who get off on Sunday just to stay at home. And then there’s some people who get the entire weekend off!

I could go on, but there’s just too much stuff that has been going on for me to type in this box.

~Worker Living in DELAWARE

treat people

Yes, we have workplace laws. 

Yes, we have training for management. 

Yes, we have employee manuals and guidebooks, and on and on and on.

Throw out the laws, all the training, the manuals and the guidebooks and today, treat your employees and your co-workers like you want them to treat you. 

It only seems as though no one is paying attention.  It only seems like people are getting away with workplace abuse…not so…remember everything comes to the light and everything and everyone is connected.

What goes around comes around, so today, treat others the way you want to be treated…or the way you want your children or children’s children to one day be treated…think about it…

Friday, December 6, 2019

Paying The Mortgage AND Having A Career With Meaning

I need to quit to keep my sanity. I am so stressed that I can’t focus.

I hate getting up in the morning to go to work, but tell myself “I have to pay the mortgage!”

I used to like what I do but now I don’t care anymore. I don’t like feeling like this. I’m getting close to retirement and I want to find something I’ll enjoy doing again – an “encore career” –  that has meaning, but I’m afraid that I’ll slip into poverty over time.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK

Follow Your Bliss Doors

How did it happen where the choice is to pay the mortgage vs. a career with meaning? How and when did this happen?

We can do both.  We can have a career that has meaning to us AND pay the mortgage. It takes some planning but we can make it happen.

“This” is our job…to find our life’s work… our reason for being here on planet earth…and it is NOT to get a paycheck to pay the mortgage.

If we actively pursue our life’s work –  WITHOUT FEAR  – the universe will actively work with us to make the connections.  Doors will open.  Doors WILL open.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

You HAVE To Let Go In Order To Let Come

Quitting will allow me to review my life and bring my focus back to getting together what I’m really passionate about doing which is massaging and educating.

It will allow me to accept whatever will come next and not worry about financial  concerns just as long as I stick with the plan.

I don’t want to be sick again, depressed and blindsided.

This job was making me sick mentally, physically and emotionally.

~Worker Living in California

Let Go

We have to let go of what is not working in order to let come what will work.

It’s as simple as that.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Come Up From The Brink and Do Something About Your Career Today

I simply hate my job. 16 years of my life has been wasted on a mindless job with terrible hours.  

~Worker Living in Ohio


Year after year after year we sit in mindless jobs. 

Jobs that don’t fulfill us. 

Jobs that pay the bills but not much more than that. 

Jobs that interfere with living…with our lives. 

It doesn’t have to be this way…not year after year after year. 

Times are changing. 

People are waking up. 

You can be a part of this awakening: living authentically, doing work that you love, coming up from the brink, to live with purpose.