Sunday, August 18, 2013

You Can Be The Pitcher of Your Life - Just Pick Up The Ball

Pick Up The Ball
Pick Up The Ball


While walking today I found this softball.  It reminded me of being the pitcher of the softball team in 7th grade.

The pitcher.  The person who sits at the top of the mound.  Pitches the ball. Controls the play. Controls the game.

Here we are people in adulthood.  No longer children.  No longer playing softball.  Somehow life has become HARDBALL for the majority of the people in the world…the 99%.

We are all just trying to survive.  To keep healthy food on the table, get and keep a j-o-b, exercise daily, have and keep friends, take care of our families, spend time pursing our passions, keeping our home habitable, keeping our vehicles in good enough shape and with gas, having access to the internet, paying our bills…all of this stuff has somehow become HARDBALL…hard for everybody to keep it all together.

Everyday I read the results of the “Just Quit” Your Job Survey and it usually boils down to someone sick and tired or doing a job they hate, not having time to pursue their passions and absolutely and completely miserable and feeling that their lives are slipping away.  The thing that blows my mind is that this is happening all over the USA (36 states)  and all over the world (35 countries).  Below is an example that came in yesterday:

“My job is absolute  misery. I’m working in a field I don’t want to be in, with colleagues I don’t want to associate with & with a condescending, joke of a manager. I want the freedom to pursue my interests with a focus on landing my dream career. I want to work for it as much as I want it to work for me. – From someone living in the United Kingdom

These are not isolated instances.

I think people are just plain sick of being sick and tired.

The softball did it for me.  It gave me hope. It encouraged me.

I hope you too are encouraged to know that everything will be okay.

Reflect on your life and your accomplishments.  I’m sure there are many.

You can be the Pitcher of Your Life — Again —

Just Pick Up the Ball.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Relationships and Searching For Truth

While looking to see if was available I stumbled across a Mooji talk about Relationships, Searching for Truth, Wisdom and Universal Love….it was the only thing on that website…the ONLY thing…

…Those little things that you “discover” by chance;  aren’t by chance.

          The sign.The squirrel. The song. The whisper. The rock. The person.

 It’s that “universal thing” that’s always with us.  It’s always trying to reach us — to give us hope when we feel hopeless — to keep us on track and to answer  our questions…

…By “chance” I discovered this video and…now… so did you.  

                                                    ~Peace, Ridea                                                     



Thursday, August 1, 2013

Just Quit Your Job Survey Results - July 2013

“I’m so glad I found this site! It’s nice to know that other people understand the urge and even the need to “just quit” instead of continuing to suffer while trying to find another job.” – Comment from Someone Living in New York, USA on July 30th, 2013

Everything Will Be Okay

Sometimes in life you have to “Just Quit” what is not working so you can let come what will work for you and your life. Below are the comments and results for July 2013 

A Total of 278 People Have Responded To Our Survey

30 Countries Around The World  – 33 States in the U.S.A.

United States17262%
United Kingdom218%
South Africa21%
Hong Kong21%
Saudi Arabia1<1%

Below are the answers to the question: Why Are You Thinking About Quitting Your Job Without Another One?

  • My job was making me feel worthless. There wasn’t anything challenging about the work & my coworkers were negative & sucking the life blood out of me.
Wednesday, Jul 31st  10:40AM
  • I don’t believe in my job anymore. My boss is a micromanagement. I would like to do something in the arts.
Wednesday, Jul 31st, 8:59AM
  • Because i am sick of missing out on doing the thing i love doing most. Surfing. I work away from the surf for 2 weeks then come home for 1 week and look after my kids. I can go surfing while they are at school only. This is frustrating me and I’ve never had the courage to do anything about it.
Wednesday, Jul 31st 5:20AM
  • Can’t work a day with the person they hires as my direct supervisor (hired because she is married to the supervisor of my area but with limited skill and no proof of her abilities).
Tuesday, Jul 30th 11:04PM
  • I don’t feel valued. I don’t trust my own team. I don’t feel like I can maximize my value to the firm. The stress is making me physically and mentally ill. I’m not doing the work I love. The company’s values are inconsistent with my own.
Tuesday, Jul 30th 10:22PM
  • I have been working hard with very few breaks since I was 15. In the last several years, I have been trying to shoe-horn my life into my job rather than the other way around. All the travel and long hours are making it impossible to focus on things that are more important to me. My health is suffering. Physically, I am unable to consistently make time to work out; I eat out for almost every meal; do not get enough sleep; have an inconsistent schedule; and I haven’t been to the doctor in years. Mentally, I am affected by the sleep, schedule, and stress. I have difficulty focusing on my job and have lost most of my passion for it. I do not feel that I am learning or that I am in charge of my life inside or outside of work. I am constantly near the boiling point and get angry very easily when I feel that my company has done anything to negatively impact my life again. My work has become boring and repetitive, and it forces me to skip many activities that I enjoy, even when they are after normal business hours and all my friends can make it. The job is significantly hindering all my relationships. It is difficult to maintain existing friendships, let alone make new ones, and I am not able to spend time with family – including my roommate – anywhere near as often as I’d like. The relationship with my girlfriend is also suffering from undue stress due to all the travel and time spent forced apart. On top of all this, I am paid less than employees at other companies with comparable skills and experience that work fewer hours with little to no travel.
Tuesday, Jul 30th  7:07PM
  • In addition to providing no challenge, or fulfillment — my current job is completely unrelated to my personal interests and values. I fell into the position because it paid very well and came with a certain degree of prestige, but I’ve never truly been interested in the work, or the industry and I’ve been looking for a way out since I hit the 3 month mark (I’m currently a week shy of 2 years). I’m not able to use my natural strengths, and I am 100% confident that this job is in no way related to my true purpose. I can also no longer tolerate working with my manager or as part of a “corporate” culture.
Tuesday, Jul 30th 5:52PM
Tuesday, Jul 30th 2:57PM
  • I am not performing well and really hate my job.
Tuesday, Jul 30th  12:45PM
  • So many reasons beyond my well being
Sunday, Jul 28th 10:21PM
  • Relocating and being with my finance and changing careers to be somewhere where i am full time and also have benifits since i am currently part time with no benifits with student loans coming due for payment. Bigger city= bigger oppurtunities. and i want to get out of my parents home.
Sunday, Jul 28th 12:46AM
  • I studied very hard thinking that I would live a good life after I graduate but I think Im the most unhappy person. I hate this place. I dont care about my job anymore. I feel like this is punishment for something terrible that I did. I am a lot happy when im at home, with my family, with my friends, with my boyfriend. Im happy even when im in class and doing everything else outside my job. My job is tiring and makes me feel sick and the worst thing is the night shift. i feel like crying like a baby when I have to come to work at night. i want to start a business outside my career. i want to do something that will make me feel good. I want to study further. I am not proud to tell people about my job because i feel that it is stupid. i complain to everyone and they seem to think that i dont know what i want. i want to relax and have fun for a while, take a holiday. im just tired, so tired that i cant even take care of myself anymore. I cant dress up to look good anymore. I dont even do my hair anymore. my body is always tired and im gaining weight because of the stress making me eat and sleep.
Saturday, Jul 27th 7:17PM
  • I am miserable in my current job and i do not enjoy it. I want to leave the job so i can think and decide on something i would like to do.
Saturday, Jul 27th 2:42AM
  • I am just not interested in the corporate planning industry.
Friday, Jul 26th 11:20PM
  • Burnt out, bad management with no hope of changing. Bad team.
Friday, Jul 26th 1:15AM
  • Because I am bored, unchallenged and not sure if I want to continue in this profession.
Thursday, Jul 25th 7:49PM
  • Sabbatical, recuperation, other projects.
Thursday, Jul 25th 5:57PM
  • I am physically sick. I have anxiety everyday when I enter work. I have even gone to the bathroom because I thought i was going to puke from the amount of anxiety i have. i also got vertigo while there in april, and it hasnt gone away completely since – it is now august. i work with manipulative people, they act like they are in high school – they expect you to know things that you were never taught, they try to keep you at the lowest possible rung with no way of getting out of it, and they dump all of their work on you and dont help.
Wednesday, Jul 24th 8:32PM
  • I can’t stand to go to my work anymore
Tuesday, Jul 23rd 11:01PM
  • I dread going to work. I don’t like the direction the ompsny is going. I feel very unfulfiled in my job and there are no opportunities for advancement in the company. My health is suffering and I believe it is the stress of the job.
Monday, Jul 22nd 10:34PM
  • overlooked for promotion
Monday, Jul 22nd 12:51AM
  • Because being at a job for over 19 months that I didnt go to school for is more than enough. I need to gain experience and have an interest in what I am doing. I dont enjoy the majority of the people I work with. My boss is an ogre who leaves at hours at a time only to give me minimal instruction or support. I dont have any benefits and the only thing that keeps me there is the pay which is higher than most jobs at my age.
Sunday, Jul 21st 10:00PM
  • Currently I am good at my job, I enjoy working with my colleagues and I work in a very busy but relaxed environment however it does take a lot of my energy and for all the energy I put in I feel I need something more rewarding, a job that provides satisfaction in the heart, a job that I am passionate about and I don’t mind putting my energy and mind to it. Something I can come home and feel it was worth it. Maybe not every single day but most days.
Sunday, Jul 21st 5:48PM
Saturday, Jul 20th 1:40PM
  • If this was a romantic relationship, my friends and family would be begging me to run.
Saturday, Jul 20th 4:44AM
  • Been looked over for positions and my suggestions are not being taken seriously anymore.
Friday, Jul 19th 3:42PM
  • I don’t do what I would like to be doing
Wednesday, Jul 17th 5:44PM
  • No Career Development
Monday, Jul 15th 11:20PM
  • Repetition at work, bosses are speaking down to me yet I am one of the top 5 employees (by survey metrics / completed assignments) out of my team.
Saturday, Jul 13th 2:27AM
  • I hate it. It’s making me sick and bored 
Monday, Jul 8th 10:42PM
  • Can’t take the poor management and nasty customers.
Saturday, Jul 6th 4:30PM
  • I’m thinking about doing this because I feel like I’m in a rut and stressed. I’m not bein respected and I’m unhappy
Friday, Jul 5th 11:15AM
  • I can’t take it anymore! I’ve been working in the advertising field for 9 years, and I have been working in my current agency for almost 7 years. The idea of quitting had been haunting me for the past 3 years, but I always tried to oppress it by trying to highlight the positive side of my job which is mainly the working environment and how lucky i am to have a sweetheart boss, and how I am being appreciated at this job regardless of the stress, late nights, my boss’s swinging mood, crappy clients…and lately the feeling that I don’t fit anymore with the crowd in the agency. I hate Sunday nights, I drag myself out of bed everyday to go to work, I get stomach cramps when I get a phone call from my boss on my mobile. I don’t feel motivated anymore! when a new client calls in, I wish and pray that they don’t proceed with us as I don’t want any more extra work! nothing excites me anymore in this job. And last but not least, I don’t see myself in this career in the future. However, I feel so lost, I want to quit but I don’t know what will I do next, I don’t want to stay home doing nothing, I know I can go crazy! As well as everybody thinks I am crazy to take this step!
Thursday, Jul 4th 6:48PM
  • Because I feel trapped and lonely
Thursday, Jul 4th 7:17AM
  • Stressed out and salary not raised as promised.not fullfilling
Thursday, Jul 4th 5:53AM
  • My current job and boss is making me feel so miserable and useless. It is a small company (3 people), and having just moved countries its important to have human contact and meet new people – I can literally go 8 hours having only spoken to just my boss. He puts me down, asks me inappropriate questions or makes comments which are unethical. Hes totally under paying me, does not know how to manage people or work and thinks that everyone he works with or for are useless. Most nights I come home and cry, which is obviously effecting my relationship with my partner and my unhappiness is stopping me from going out there and meeting new people and having fun.
Wednesday, Jul 3rd 6:35AM
  • My job is taking it’s toll on my physically and emotionally. Everyday is like a never ending marathon of things that you never enjoyed doing.
Tuesday, Jul 2nd 11:23PM
  • The company has gone in a direction I do not want to follow.
Monday, Jul 1st 11:36PM
  • I can’t stand my boss. It’s not worth the stress.
Monday, Jul 1st 1:38PM


Female: 61%  Male: 39%


Income Levels


 Under $50,000              57%
 $50-000 – $100,000              32%
 Over $100,000              11%
Comments About Income:
  • At over $90k, the pay is decent, but it is way below what I can get elsewhere for similar, if not substantially less work, and probably in an area with a lower cost of living.
Tuesday, Jul 30th 7:07PM
  • I am in South africa. I earn R12300 per month. This is equivalent to $15073 per annum
Saturday, Jul 27th 7:17PM
  • £56k sterling
Thursday, Jul 25th 5:57PM
  • I work 67 hrs a week not including travel/ expenses. My salary is 40K.
Saturday, Jul 20th 4:44AM
  • My income is $10,000 per year.
Saturday, Jul 20th 3:10AM
  • I haven’t been treated properly nor have I been given proper raises
Friday, Jul 5th 11:15AM

The 10 Steps to Get Prepared to “Just Quit” – Are You Prepared to Just Quit?

The Below are in the Order of How Many People Have Completed That Step (most people are concerned about how this decision will impact their loved ones)Number Of Respondents who have completed  this stepPERCENTAGE
  •  Thought About How This Decision Will Impact Your Family/Spouse/Children
               229        14.43%
  •  DECIDED to “Just Quit” – You May Not Know The Date, But You Have Made The Decision
               200        12.6%
  •  Thought About “The Story” You’ll Tell About “Just Quitting” (While Between Employment)
               184       11.59%
  •  Have a General Idea or Specific Plan About What You Really Want to Do (Without doing this you’ll probably get stuck again doing something that makes you miserable)
              183        11.53%
  •  Saved or Have Access to Enough Money for 6 Months for Basic Expenses
              178        11.22%
  •  Thought About How You Will Celebrate When You “Just Quit” – How Will You Feel That Day – What You’ll Do That Night & The Next Morning
              140        8.82%
  •  Completed A Spreadsheet To Find Out How Long You Can Go Without A Job
              132        8.32%
  •  Determined the Actual Date You Can “Just Quit” (This is Your “Just Quit” Date)
              128        8.07%
  •  Talked to Others Who Have “Just Quit”- Listened to Their Stories/What They Did (Note: You will not find many people who’ve had the courage to do this. Most people stay stuck or wait until they find another job.)
             108        6.81%
  •  Written Your Resignation Letter (You MUST do this and give proper notice. NO EXCEPTIONS.)
             105        6.62%

General Comments From July 2013 Respondents:

  • I did quit, extremely hard decision as for an uneducated individual, I made excellent money. It was the best paying, least satisfying job I have ever had..& BTW..I am degree & not many skills, but I had to do it for my sanity. I will be attending a 1 year course for nursing & hopefully, will find my passion.
Wednesday, Jul 31st  10:40AM
  • I have not performed a spreadsheet, but as long as I put my plan to buy a house on hold, I have enough money saved up to last me several years at my current spending rate, which should go down since I will not need to eat out for every meal. I don’t feel one is needed. One of my biggest hurdles is that I really don’t know what I want to do for my career anymore. I plan to take some of this time to try and figure it out. Being unmarried with no kids makes this a lot easier.
Tuesday, Jul 30th 7:07PM
  • I’m so glad I found this site! it’s nice to know that other people understand the urge and even the need to “just quit” instead of continuing to suffer while trying to find another job.
Tuesday, Jul 30th 5:52PM
  • Really enjoyed your blog. I just wrote my resignation letter and was feeling quite sad which I didn’t expect and for a second was having second thoughts thats how I came across this website. My mind is clear now I am going to quit and I have a copule ideas of directions I am going to pursue. Thank you
Sunday, Jul 21st 5:48PM
  • I feel of having no values, and advancement place.
Saturday, Jul 20th 3:10AM
  • I am just unhappy
Friday, Jul 5th 11:15AM
  • thank u
Thursday, Jul 4th 5:53AM

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Wisdom is Knowing What God Wants

Where to start?

One of the beauties of living alone is you can do whatever you want.  For about a month I’ve been having some serious conversations with God.  Every time I realized that I was just having this stupid nonsense conversation in my head with myself about much of nothing I would immediately start talking to God…just like I was talking to someone in the house with me.

I felt like Job or one of the other folks in the bible…letting God have it.  It might seem irreverent but my relationship with God has gotten to be close enough where I’m okay questioning God.  I think having a Black Folder has gotten me that way…and how can you have a relationship without asking questions…and tough questions?

God what are you doing?  What is going on?  Why are you opening doors and then closing them shut?  What exactly do you want?  Just tell me what you want me to do?  Where do you want me to go? I’m sick of trying to figure it out. Why the mystery?  GOD – WHAT DO YOU WANT?

On and on it has gone for over a month.  Day in and day out. Then, God comes back with:

I want you to get out the way. YOU are in my way.  I can’t do what I want because you keep doing what you want.  I’ve BEEN trying to get your attention.  I’ve BEEN trying to see if you’ve learned anything yet. I’ve BEEN trying to see if I can trust you and use you to do some of the stuff I want to do. It’s been years. How much more of the same do you need?  Are you ready to move on? Are you ready?  Are you? So, yep, you are exactly where I need you to be, asking the right question, to the right source,  at the right time.

When you get here with God it ain’t no joke.

So, I thought maybe I needed to pick up a spiritual text since I’m having this conversation (fight) with God (yeah I started to get a little nervous and thought I should show  more reverence).  I have plenty of spiritual texts in my house from every major religion.

So, I asked God, did I need to read something, and God said to pick up the Bible. Now, that seems like such a simple request, but it was NOT.  I have an entire treasure chest (literally a treasure chest) of Bible and Bible Related Books from my days of what I call my “15 years of Sunday, Sunday, Wednesday religion'”.  I felt I’d read the bible so many times and knew the bible stories and the psalms and the proverbs. But…I was just trying to get out of God’s way, so, I picked up the bible.  I actually picked up two bibles and put them by my nightstand. One was the Kings James version, which I started reading but it took me back to those 15 years of ‘institutional religious mind-numbing book, chapter and verse finding the proof text to prove you’re right yet lacking inclusion, compassion and the spirit’. So…then I picked up the  The Illustrated Bible which is written in a tone and intent of trying to apply the bible to your life.  All the while I was thinking:

oh, has it really resorted to this? Really God? Aren’t you bigger than one book?  Please tell me that the last 7 years of my life of my spiritual journey has not been a wild goose chase. Are you serious that the answer to what you want  and how I can get out of your way is in the Bible?

I wasn’t proud of thinking that, but it is what I was thinking.  I could not hide that for God. I knew God already knew what I was thinking…so…I just went on with reading the bible at night before I went to sleep…hoping, wishing, thinking that maybe God would let me read something and then personalize it in my dreams that night.  I was just trying to find the answer to what God wanted. BUT…the answer to my question WAS in the Bible.  I needed WISDOM.  There it was this one simple yet profound line:


I had never, ever, ever, ever seen it written like that. It was like a bright light, a signpost, it was a direction to go in, it was something to seek…WISDOM…

Wisdom is What God Wants


It’s taken me years to Learn to Ask For Wisdom  if I Want to Know What God Wants.   And why wouldn’t I want to know what God wants?  Why would I go another second, minute, day not wanting to know what God wants?

Next Question:  “Okay God, How Do I Get Wisdom?”

Answer:  “You already know the answer to that.  You need to get back on the Meditation Cushion. Yes, walking daily and doing a walking meditation is good…but I need you to truly quiet your mind and your body so that I can give you wisdom.  

Then I thought back on another post and the video about  How and Why To Meditate“…wow…then I ran across this the other day… The Daily Habit of Successful People…confirmation that no, my 7 year quest has not been in vain…meditation is one of the tools to know what God wants and align yourself with that…success is relative…but misery is not.

Meditation Provides The Key…but…

Knowing To Ask For Wisdom Points You To The Door

Next Question:  “What happens God when my thoughts, words and deeds are aligned based on Wisdom?”

Answer:  “You shout it from the roof tops and you Tell Others…and when you tell them let them know it’s not you, but it’s the God in you…and don’t you forget that…don’t take credit for ANYTHING from here on out.”


My mother knew Wisdom, so did my father.   They both knew and I thank them for helping me to Seek Wisdom, yes I thank them both. I can feel and hear my mother mostly (maybe because it’s coming up on a year since she’s been gone).  She’s saying: Rita I’ve crossed over…I can see you Rita…Just let God do it…God is everything…God knows everything… God is in everything…God WANTS to do it…Rita Just Let God Do It…Seek Wisdom Rita…Seek Wisdom Rita…Seek Wisdom Rita

Monday, July 1, 2013

Just Quit Your Job Survey Results - June 2013

Total of 212 Responding

22 Countries

United States13765%
United Kingdom178%
Saudi Arabia1<1%
South Africa1<1%
Hong Kong1<1%

United States  –  33 States:

New York129%
North Carolina64%
New Jersey43%
District Of Columbia32%
New Mexico11%
West Virginia11%
New Hampshire11%


Why Are You Thinking About Quitting Your Job Without Another One?

    • Been at the same company 11 years and going nowhere. The work is not at all challenging, and so much is expected of us (with little in return). I don’t care about the product we make or the work we do–it does not inspire me at all. I detest Sundays, and just struggle through each week until I can make it to the weekend.
    Yesterday, 12:00AM
    • I hate my job. I literally hate it. I’m miserable there. I spend long hours stuck in traffic, driving from appointment to appointment (I work in home health care). I’m overwhelmed by the number of clients that I am expected to see. My boss keeps pushing me to see more and more people and I already feel that I can’t keep up with the number that I’m expected to see now. I spend countless hours in the evening and on weekends writing reports and answering emails. I feel like my job is taking over my life. Sometimes I feel like I can’t breathe because I am just so stressed and overwhelmed. I don’t want to get up in the morning because I don’t want to go to work. I just hate it. I have never had a job that made me this miserable. The worst part is that I’m not even making good money. My boss is completelely underpaying me and profitting off of me. I’ve been looking for months and can’t find another job. I’m just worried that if I quit I won’t be able to find something else.
    Friday, Jun 28th 6:58PM
    • Because everyday I feel sick at going in there is constant people talking about me I have panik attacks and cannot sleep worrying that everyone hates me I also have gone into myself I’m not the happy confident person I used to be.
    Thursday, Jun 27th 4:32PM
    • Set up for failure
    Wednesday, Jun 26th 11:32PM
    • It’s stressful, I don’t like what I do anymore, I don’t like most of the people I work with, not paid enough for what I do, taken advantage of, hate the hours
    Monday, Jun 24th 7:18PM
    • I have been a contractor for almost three years and I want a permanent position within the company. The Director and Manager of my group have known that I’ve wanted a permanent position for almost a year but they have failed to move on it or address it to me.
    Monday, Jun 24th 7:09PM
    • Because I am bored with my job, it’s not in the field I am passionate about.
    Monday, Jun 24th 12:31AM
    • Job has become stressful and a lack of leadership in management.
    Sunday, Jun 23rd 11:16AM
    • My work has no purpose, helps nobody, and I don’t believe that the organization really cares about the results. They are simply interested in getting grant money from the government and have no intention to use that money to develop a product. I also don’t think the management has any idea what they are doing.
    Saturday, Jun 22nd 11:43PM
    • I am miserable every day I hate going to work monday I hate that I never see my husband I hate my hours I hate my customers
    Saturday, Jun 22nd 7:01PM
    • I feel stuck in my job and my career. I’ve been plotting this years ago, but I was waiting to get some things I needed (loans, a surgery paid trought the healthcare, etc).Now I’ve got all I need. It’s time to quit and start over.
    Tuesday, Jun 18th 4:45PM
    • The job I have is making me sick.. physically sick just thinking about being there makes me ill. It’s where hard work is ignored and politics are constantly at play. It’s a place that discourages development and growth of its team and encourages “top down” mechanics under the guise of being a company run on new age defining principles. It’s a place where I feel creatively stifled even though I have a creative role. I have no desire to work within the field I’m in anymore and there is so much more to life that I have true interest in.
    Tuesday, Jun 18th 12:12PM
    • I hate the micromanaging bureaucratic culture. I also especially hate waking up in the mornings. I don’t want another job because it will just be the exact same thing as the one I have.
    Tuesday, Jun 18th 1:08AM
    • I psychologically can’t handle working with sales. The downs in sales, makes me feel worthless.
    Monday, Jun 17th 2:38PM
    • I am not good at my job. I hate going to work. I am always late at work. The work is boring. My boss work on my nerves. I hate presentations. I have no passion for my work. I am not keeping up to date with my profession. People expect me to be an accounting expert whic I am not. I am not doing my job. I want freedom. I want a new career. I want to wake up late in the morning. I want a job for which I have passion. I want o be an expert in my job. I want the freedom to travel for long periods. I want to spend my time reading. I want to feel alive. I want to stop feeling anxious.
    Monday, Jun 17th 1:03PM
    • I have more important things in my life that work. I do not deserve to be treated like shit and be unappreciated at my place of work. My job has caused serious healthy issues for me. I do not get sick days or vacations. I can still do whatever I want and no worry about money for over a year.
    Sunday, Jun 16th 4:48PM
    • Hate the profession Don’t find it works with my values Don’t think it works with my strengths Makes me feel low Takes away everything I like about myself
    Saturday, Jun 15th 10:41AM
    • Ah actually, I did quit. I’m taking this survey out of curiosity. After almost fifteen years in manufacturing I’ve only managed to work my way up to $15/hr. I am intelligent, well spoken and extremely well written. I am analytical, capable of complex abstract thought, have keen spatial visualization and problem solving skills. I could only take so much of being reminded these things by co-workers and engineers without due compensation. The final straw came when I was passed up for a gainful opportunity within another department which I was an ideal candidate for, because of my apparent value to my current department. That was it. It was already bad enough that I didn’t love my job, being overlooked in lieu of a lesser qualified candidate because my manager would not let me go was a direct insult to my integrity as a human being.
    Friday, Jun 14th 2:00PM
    • I want to change career field and staying at current position which is so demanding and not enjoyable I hardly find time to pursue my interests in new career field. However I try my best but staying at current job is just not an option anymore.
    Thursday, Jun 13th 11:31AM
    • Things I Hate About My Job**1.)I hate how I have to cover everyone else’s time off when I can’t ever seem to get enough for myself. 2.)I hate sleeping all day and working all night. 3.)I hate the wannabe military atmosphere that permeates here. 4.)Im sick of the facility—all stairs, being hot, being cold. 5.)I really hate the stupid heavy boots that I have to wear. My ankles are in serious pain every day. 6.)I hate most of my co-workers with their military wannabe attitudes and the supervisors who all look like they were the nerds in school and are taking out their past torture on everyone. 7.)I hate hearing about how great we have it here and how we are all lucky to even have a job—would you tell an abused woman that she is at least lucky to have a boyfriend?. 8.)I hate how my vacation was accepted then denied a week before I was supposed to leave. 9.)I hate stairs. 10.)I hate the loud obnoxious alarm testing I have to do every night. 11.)I hate having to work 12 days straight without a day off, then get one, then work another 6 straight. 12.)I hate working 12 hour shifts whenever they tell me to. 13.)I hate my supervisor’s ridiculously serious attitude about the job—it really isn’t that serious and the way you let them treat you is undignified. 14.)I hate sitting in a quiet office with nothing to accomplish other than the occasional mouse click. 15.)I hate how condescending the management and employees are. 16.)I hate how the job has taken over my thoughts even outside of work. 17.)I am tired of the stomach aches and pains, the headaches, the back pain, the depression, the mood swings, all because of this job. 18.)I hate how there is a “click” of co-workers/supervisors that always get time off, and I don’t—on top of that they always somehow get rewards for good performance…. 19.)I hate the shitty computer systems we are stuck with. 20.)I hate the following words: Sir (most hated word), Captain, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Egress, CSO, SOPs, Sierra, Alpha, Egg, Mat. 21.)I hate how we have to wear a one piece jumpsuit and how my underwear rides up my ass constantly all shift. 22.)I hate how when I leave in the morning, I have to be back the same friggin day. 23.)I hate third shift and what it has done to my complexion and weight.
    Thursday, Jun 13th 5:19AM
    • The job is too frantic and I often cannot get one thing done without being dragged away to something else.
    Wednesday, Jun 12th 9:15PM
    • Because I hate working in fast food and I feel miserable just thinking about it. I get abused by customers and the management there is terrible. I want out. Straight away.
    Wednesday, Jun 12th 6:22PM
    • I hate my job. I think I hate my profession. I feel under-utilizied, under-appreciated.
    Wednesday, Jun 12th 3:30PM
    • It is a terrible, hostile, and unorganized work environment.
    Tuesday, Jun 11th 10:52PM
    • Lack of direction in the current company. I see no future for the company or myself.
    Tuesday, Jun 11th 1:58PM
    • i hate my dead end job where there is no recognetion or appreciation
    Tuesday, Jun 11th 2:33AM
    • If I don’t quit I will be fired so I’m trying to do the not so worst part even though both are bad.
    Tuesday, Jun 11th 12:47AM
    • Job doesn’t interest me .. Field doesn’t interest me . Don’t see myself anymore with this company. Work life balance is completely out of whack . I live in a country and my wife and kids in another . I can’t sleep at all! I am stressed , spaced out and miserably down all the time. I lost my faith in myself
    Sunday, Jun 9th 9:58PM
    • I hate my boss. He is verbally abusive, constantly harasses me, and is making my life hell.
    Sunday, Jun 9th 4:02PM
    • Yes I need to quit
    Saturday, Jun 8th 11:21AM
    • This job has turned me into a sad horrible person. I used to be so awesome and now I feel like nothing.
    Friday, Jun 7th 6:24AM
    • i am so busy at work that i don’t even have the time to look for anther job unless i quit my current job
    Friday, Jun 7th 12:03AM
    • I work in call center in collections and middle age,mother of three I am not doing very well at my job because i don’t enjoy talking a lot. ,every morning before I go to work i have butter flies in my stomach, am I going to do a good job or not,I ask my self why I can’t be multitask er just like other people. taking notes at the same time while i am offering pmt options. I am job hunter and studying part time. Basically I am god gifted artist ( oil landscapes, sketches, portraits, etc) I always wonder how can make living out of this profession.Every evening after work I pray that tonight should be my last day at work.but don’t have another job,so i don’t quit.even if I quit will I get ei benefits By reading your article I felt like this is my story.
    Thursday, Jun 6th 10:25PM
    • Because my boss is impossible to work with. He’s arrogant, condescending, and passive aggressive.He blames me for EVERYTHING even if it’s not my fault and then, when it turns out to be a glitch with the software or when it turns out to be HIS fault, then, suddenly, it was no big deal. He has MANY MANY MANY rules that are difficult to abide by because the rules continue to change. What was okay yesterday isn’t okay today. He’ll say one thing and then say the opposite. Or he’ll claim to have told me something even though he hadn’t.He lies and exaggerates deadlines if I need the day or afternoon off for appointments. I get no medical coverage, no benefits, no sick days, no vacation days.
    Thursday, Jun 6th 9:24PM
    • I have stayed in this job because i needed the income to support myself and my partner. He has got a job now however it is some distance away the commute seems silly 2hrs for a job in a company that doesn’t treat their staff well or help develop people further in their careers
    Thursday, Jun 6th 1:02PM
    • Stressed to the point of being sick. Undervalued. Overwhelmed with feeling of out of my depth. Wrong company -small, no structure, no support, feel ignored, don’t know what’s needed of me, feel isolated. I clock watch, time drags. Fear of failure. Poor money (half what I was earning 5 years ago). Longer than usual hours. Unusually tired.
    Thursday, Jun 6th 3:48AM
    • I’m at a glass ceiling. The job is boring. They have not had a raise in 5 years at this company. I feel that life is passing me by.
    Wednesday, Jun 5th 8:29AM
    • I’m miserable and don’t want to do this job for the rest of my life.
    Wednesday, Jun 5th 7:29AM
    • I hate it
    Tuesday, Jun 4th 11:39PM
    • Company culture does not support the unit. Or me. Affronts my values. I don’t respect my boss. She chooses not to trust me.
    Tuesday, Jun 4th 7:08PM
    • After six years with my current employer I am starting to feel like I am going in circles. I am not really in a good position to advance because I work remotely and yet I am one of the longest employed marketing professionals in my segment of the company. I find I don’t have the patience for the interactions. They feel meaningless. We are doing neat things as a company but I don’t feel like there is any celebration of what we do. Criticism is just heaped on top of criticism and there is always some opportunity that we missed that is reason for disappointment. I don’t really believe anymore that the path that I am on is right for me. Maybe it was two, three, four years ago. But I am back in the same place that I have been several times and I am left wondering when will it be enough.
    Tuesday, Jun 4th 6:02PM
    • Breach of contract No support
    Monday, Jun 3rd 10:38AM
    • I am so unhappy. I go to bed dreading work the next day, I wake up in a bad mood because I have to go to a job I hate. The hours are long and boring. We have no benefits. We hit a ceiling in pay, which I’m already at the most I can make and its not that much. I’m also in school and feel like life has been sucked out of me by the time i get off that I have no energy to devote any time to school work. This list goes on.
    Monday, Jun 3rd 10:20AM
    • Because I am miserable there.
    Monday, Jun 3rd 3:08AM
    • It is crushing my soul.
    Sunday, Jun 2nd 10:41PM
    • Because my job is unfufilling and it makes me even more depressed… its not worth it i wanna kill myself when i think about having to waste 8 hours there each night
    Sunday, Jun 2nd 12:28PM
    • I’m depressed, anxious, stressed, and contemplate suicide at work. I’m physically sick from the depression, anxiety and stress, and being sick at work only makes the mental problems worse, which starts a cycle. My boss is an asshole with unrealistic demands. I have to do all of my work, plus extra, plus clean up my co-worker’s half-assed job.
    Saturday, Jun 1st 12:28PM
    • The type of work that I do, I am not happy with. At the end of the day I do not have a sense of satisfaction or gratification that I did something meaningful or worthwhile. I am in a position where I scam customers for their money in return for very little to them. I do not “help” people in a way that I want to. I wear a suit and tie and I clean cars in 100+degree heat. I did not go to college to do this and I deserve so much better. I work 50 hours a week and I am physically and mentally drained from work. I do not spend time with family or friends like I used to and I have a very bad attitude because all week I take nothing but bullshit from customers complaining over nothing. I bend over backwards to make them happy and make my managers richer while my pay check stays the same. I need to do work where I am helping others in a positive fashion and where I can make a difference. My efforts need to be apart of the “bigger picture”. Working at this company is horrible, the working conditions, the business practices they teach us, and the terrible management invasion of privacy is something I absolutely hate. I need to find something else!

Gender –

Female: 65.52%  Male: 34.48%


Income Levels


 Under $50,00058.05%
 $50-000 – $100,00033.17%
 Over $100,0008.78%

Comments About Income:

  • I’m paid hourly and so my pay fluctuates alot from month to month. I get paid per billable hour so there’s alot of pressure on me to take on more work in order to get better pay.
Friday, Jun 28th 6:58PM
  • Have a lot saved up (50,000)
Monday, Jun 24th 7:18PM
  • $230,000
Sunday, Jun 23rd 11:16AM
  • I make 7000/yr.
Tuesday, Jun 18th 4:45PM
  • Commission based but around 50.000
Monday, Jun 17th 2:38PM
  • I’m an 18 year old part-time worker. I earn $12 per hour. I work hard, and I’m keen to find a job that pays a lot better than that pathetic wage.
Wednesday, Jun 12th 6:22PM
  • I am an India. Currency is INR
Tuesday, Jun 11th 1:58PM
  • making below market rate as a fully designated CMA
Friday, Jun 7th 12:03AM
  • $28000
Thursday, Jun 6th 10:25PM
  • Way under living standards. I am statistically poor.
Thursday, Jun 6th 9:24PM


The 10 Steps to Get Prepared to “Just Quit”?

Are You Prepared To Quit? Check Those Things That You Have Already Done
  •  Thought About How This Decision Will Impact Your Family/Spouse/Children
  •  DECIDED to “Just Quit” – You May Not Know The Date, But You Have Made The Decision
  •  Thought About “The Story” You’ll Tell About “Just Quitting” (While Between Employment)
  •  Have a General Idea or Specific Plan About What You Really Want to Do (Without doing this you’ll probably get stuck again doing something that makes you miserable)
  •  Saved or Have Access to Enough Money for 6 Months for Basic Expenses
  •  Thought About How You Will Celebrate When You “Just Quit” – How Will You Feel That Day – What You’ll Do That Night & The Next Morning
  •  Completed A Spreadsheet To Find Out How Long You Can Go Without A Job
  •  Determined the Actual Date You Can “Just Quit” (This is Your “Just Quit” Date)
  •  Talked to Others Who Have “Just Quit”- Listened to Their Stories/What They Did (Note: You will not find many people who’ve had the courage to do this. Most people stay stuck or wait until they find another job.)
  •  Written Your Resignation Letter (You MUST do this and give proper notice. NO EXCEPTIONS.)

General Comments From June 2013 Respondents:

General Comments – Please feel free to add any other comments
  • Thank you for this very helpful website!
Friday, Jun 28th 6:58PM
  • Your posts helped me make my mind! thank you.
Tuesday, Jun 18th 4:45PM
  • i need a boost to do something better in my life
Thursday, Jun 6th 10:25PM