Monday, August 16, 2021

Be Creative When You Work The "Just Quit" Steps...Connect the Dots

The job I have is making me sick, physically sick just thinking about being there makes me ill.

It’s where hard work is ignored and politics are constantly at play.

It’s a place that discourages development and growth of its team and encourages “top down” mechanics under the guise of being a company run on new age defining principles.

It’s a place where I feel creatively stifled even though I have a creative role.

I have no desire to work within the field I’m in anymore and there is so much more to life that I have true interest in.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA


In many of the “Just Quit” Steps we have the opportunity to be creative.

Go back to the Steps and think creatively.

You will be amazed at what happens.

You will almost forget all about the crap that is going on at work.

You might even be grateful for it all. Grateful that it has brought you to this point.

The more creative you are working the Steps the more excited you will become at the endless possibilities of the way forward.

Get creative when you work the Steps.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Sunday, April 4, 2021

10,000 Survey Responses Reached!

We now have reached the 10K mark on the “Just Quit” Your Job Survey.

Thank you to everyone over the years who have freely participated and shared their stories.

Below are the results:

Just Quit Your Job Survey Results as of 4/4/21

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Letting Go of Negative Emotions with "Shhhh"

Even if you are not angry, stressed, or frustrated right now,

  you have been in the past.

Those past negative emotions are “stored” in the major organs of your body.

Its time to breathe out these negative emotions.

Do you want to know how?

Breathe in deeply and slowly through your nose


Breathe out through your mouth making the sound “sshhh” all the way until the end of the breath.

This is an ancient form of detox that works on both the emotional and physical levels. It  will not only release stored negative emotions, but it will calm down your mind and all its chatter.

Try it – It works!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Hold On? (Knowing When or If To Let Go)

“Hold on when the world ain’t treating you good, you gotta hold on.  When everybody’s looking at you funny, you gotta hold on.”

~Alabama Shakes Lead Singer Brittany Howard


Holding On Letting Go

It’s the fall season.

Look at the trees as the leaves change colors.

It’s an entire process.

Part of that process is that some leaves fall before others.

 All the leaves don’t fall at the same time.

Some hold on until the very end.  They let go when it’s their time to let go.

Sometimes you need to continue to hold on until it is time to let go.  

If you let go too soon you’ll look back, you’ll have regrets, you’ll wonder if you did the right thing.

Sometimes holding on until you’re pretty sure, is the best course to take in certain situations.

(The below is an Alabama Shakes song , she’s singing about holding on until something changes…not necessarily to hold on, then let go…but you get the point, right?)

  • In the Letting Go Process you have to first Hold On to see if and when you need to let go….

  • You’ll have to Wait and determine if you need to let go or exactly when you need to let go….

  • You have to listen to  the Wisdom of the Ages or to family and friends who have “gone on” and are “up above” saying; “WAIT”…even when you don’t WANT to wait…even when you really want to let go…just wait…hold on…

    Letting Go is a Process

    Watch Nature – Watch the Leaves During This Fall Season If You Want To Learn How to Let Go

     Remember Letting Go Is Not Giving Up, It’s Dying to What Is to Let Come What Could Be

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Letting Go Of Thinking That You Are The Only One Talking To Your Dead Friends


I have begun,
when I’m weary and can’t decide an answer to a bewildering question

to ask my dead friends for their opinion
and the answer is often immediate and clear.

Should I take the job? Move to the city? Should I try to conceive a child
in my middle age?Letting Go Freely

They stand in unison shaking their heads and smiling-whatever leads
to joy, they always answer, to more life and less worry.

I look into the vase where Billy’s ashes where it’s green in there, a green vase,

and I ask Billy if I should return the difficult phone call, and he says, yes.

Billy’s already gone through the frightening door, whatever he says I’ll do.

-Marie Howe

It’s okay to let go of thinking that you are the only one talking to your dead friends and asking them questions.  After all they have passed through the “frightening door” already…go ahead and ask them what to do!  

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Just Quit Thinking You Walk This Journey Alone - Your Ancestors Walk With You

You are not walking this journey alone. Your ancestors walk with you.

The wisdom of the future is contained in the mind, hearts and souls of the past.

In order to go forward, sometimes you must go backwards.  Sometimes you must ask for help from your ancestors.   Their spirits are still alive.  They live in and through you.  Draw from their power. They are waiting for you to use the power that they have been building for decades, for centuries even.

YOU have the Know-How, YOU’VE developed great skills, YOU’VE Prepared Yourself

Now Do Something!

Have the courage to let go of that voice of fear that’s in your head.

Yes, there is a process to letting go.

A Change Is Gonna Come

Yes, you need to be determined in order to change.

Yes, you need to find encouragement somewhere and somehow for your efforts.

Yes, you need to release the past, so that the future that wants to emerge, can come forth.

Yes, it might have been a hard life so far.  There have been ups and downs, but don’t be afraid to die…die to who you are…die to what is holding you back.

Although it’s been a l-o-n-g time coming…A CHANGE IS GONNA COME…be alright with the void…let go…draw from your ancestors and move onward and upward…it’s time.

  Who are the Ancestors that You Need to Draw From?

What are Their Names? How Did They Inspire You?

What Do You Need To Do NOW?

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

How The Story of Life Ends.

“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.”

~Havelock Ellis~

We all know how the story of life ends.

It ends in death.

One day your life will be over.

You as you know yourself will be gone. 

It’s something we all will experience,

but none of us have experienced it.

How Does Life End

So you’re still alive, right now

Do you need to make a turning point? 

Did you need to Let Go of Something or Someone? 

Can you just keep on going down the road that you know is miserable and not bringing you joy?

Are you Afraid of Letting Go? 

The Choice is yours.

 Life is just Series of Choices.

Remember you already know how the story ends. 

It ends in death,

so LIVE a life that matters.

Live a life that makes a difference while you are still able. 

What is one thing that you need to Just Quit or Let Go Of?