Saturday, August 3, 2019

Finding Support and Learning to Say NO

There is tons of work that is assigned on me.

Too much is expected of me.

I have been supporting all departments in our company. I am supporting external and internal customers. But nobody is supporting me on my tasks.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

We all need support. Learning to Say No

Sometimes to get that support we need to ask for it.

Sometimes to get that support we need to set boundaries.

Learn to say NO.

If you can’t say no; then let people know what is on your plate and when you can reasonably complete the task they have assigned.

If you are not overloaded with tons of work today, be grateful.

You are reading from the book Just Quit & Live

Our Just Quit & Live Survey:
Below is a survey link which has a list of questions to help you determine if you are READY to Just Quit Your Job Without Another One:  Take Our Survey!  

Today’s Workplace Situation is from Singapore:

  • Official Language: Mandarin Chinese
  • Currency: Singapore dollars
  • Many things in Singapore are named after Sir Stamford Raffles, the British founder of Singapore
  • Rickshaws were invented around 1868 and are still used in Singapore.  Below is a ride through Singapore on a Rickshaw – human-powered transport….