Thursday, August 8, 2019

Looking For A Leader? Look In the Mirror!

The company has gone in a direction I do not want to follow.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

“Just Quit” is about letting go of what is not working. 

If I know the direction the company is going in is not the direction that I want to go and I haveleading decided that I do not want to follow, then I have just made a decision to be the leader of my life and destiny. 

I can decide to go in another direction.  

I need to determine the strategic plan for my life.

I can trust myself. 

I can trust the universe and allow the direction to emerge that is just right for me.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Today’s Workplace Situation is from Singapore:

  • Continent: Asia
  • Official Language: Mandarin Chinese
  • Currency: Singapore dollars
  • Singapura means “Lion City”
  • Three Things You Won’t Find in Singapore because they are illegal: Spitting in Public, Litter, and Chewing Gum