I’m always exhausted and I think that I may be depressed.
I have no training in any career path but I know working meaningless service work is not what I want to do.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Are You "Maybe" Depressed? You Pulled Out Before...You'll Do It Again...
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
The Future - A Plan - A Better Day - Just Hold On
I feel depressed every morning when I drive to work. Sometimes I cry, often I just want to.
I don’t spend enough time with my fiancĂ©e and I haven’t even been able to make plans towards our wedding because I’m tired every day.
~Worker Living in the United Kingdom
Today, we need to take a look at our lives and our future.
What are we looking forward to? What are our plans for the future?
Now, how does our current job fit into our future? We’re just taking a look down the road at our future.
Exactly how does this current job fit into our future plans?
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Look At The Hand You've Been Dealt. Now Be Creative And Play It Well.
I am bored at my job and I’m not learning anything that pertains to my degree that I am pursuing.
Since I am about to graduate I want to spend my time working on my portfolio and learning things that pertain to my career and find a new job.
~Worker Living in VIRGINIA
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Sometimes we can find ourselves in the situation where we are pursuing a degree for a particular profession, but we are currently working in a different profession.
It can be frustrating because we don’t feel like we can apply what we are learning in the classroom to the real world.
So, we have to think creatively because we might not be able to change jobs right away. We might have to volunteer somewhere, or interview people in the profession we want to work in, or start freelancing in the new profession. We just need to move toward what we want to do…take some real action towards the goal.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Feeling Like A Failure? GREAT. Join the Club. Now S-t-a-r-t Again.
I work over 12 hour days during the work week and still work on the weekends and I am still behind.
Upper Management is now giving me attitude no matter what I tell them about the challenges and what I have done to try and overcome them.
My health is being affected and I am always finding myself sick.
No matter how much harder I try to catch up there is more workload coming at me.
~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Today, figure out EXACTLY how much time during the week that you have to focus on YOURSELF and improving YOUR situation.
There are 168 hours in a week. Everybody only gets 168 hours each week, including YOU.
How many of those hours can you carve out to work on yourself and do what you need to do to “let come” the future that wants to live through you? Once you have that number…even if it is only one hour a day or a total of seven hours a week… use THOSE hours to change YOUR life.
Even if it takes you a year (7 hours x 52 weeks = 15 full days) make the best use of those hours.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
You Only Live Once - WRONG. You Live Everday...You'll Only Die Once...
Because I dislike who I have become. I am drained all the time and this is affecting my home life. I want to be able to spend quality time with my son without falling asleep or not being able to listen to his daily adventures while he is talking because I am trying to wind down from my work day so I can be ready for tomorrow.
I am over worked and under paid as well as unappreciated.
This job is affecting my confidence level in many areas in my life and it just isn’t worth it anymore.
~Worker Living in MICHIGAN
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Today, dedicate quality time to do something that you love or be with someone that you love.
You have to take your life back.
You are in control of your time away from work. (That means you HAVE to control your mind and what you are thinking!)Slowly, you can be there for yourself and for those that you love.
Start today to slowly find yourself again.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Chronic Job Stress Is Like A Cancer...Remove It & Live Out Your Passions
I hate it. I wake up every day mad because I have to work that job.
It’s a cancer in my life and future.
~Worker Living in OHIO
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
You can make a change.
You can remove the chronic job stress that is like a cancer in your life.
If you have identified that your job is like a cancer in your life – you can remove it and heal yourself with work that does not cause you pain.
After more than two years of reading and meditating on the survey entries I believe chronic job stress CJS (that’s what I call this phenomena that is happening across the globe) is like a cancer. It is slowly killing people from the inside out.
Thinking of it that way – like a cancer – I am pondering:
1. what is the treatment for CJS?
2. how do we give CJS sufferers empathy or at least sympathy and understanding?
3. how do we give CJS sufferers support?
I feel like I am coming full circle with this blog post. I don’t know why, but it feels like puzzle pieces are coming together. When I started this blog I had the dandelion theme, let go to let come from Theory U, the tag line (for individuals, organizations and countries) came while I was in a conscious dance class (countries??? it just kept coming back that countries would be impacted by the work I needed to do) and now all the people who are painfully employed feeling like their jobs are a cancer in their lives. Something new is being born…just waiting for this new thing to be born from all of these bits and pieces over the past few years…
Friday, March 27, 2015
Thank You For Being A Teacher
I have been a teacher for going on 10 years . I never have liked it.
I would love it if I were teaching PE, which was my major, but instead I am teaching Engineering, which I hate! I have a bachelor’s in physical education with minors in biology and health. I started off as a Jr High Science Teacher. Now I’m also teaching three High School engineering classes that I took two week trainings on (not enough).
The evaluation system and paperwork is getting worse. I am not a good teacher. I never have been good at getting up in front of people, especially to teach something I don’t really like. I am 33 years old and I hate teaching.
I like kids for the most part and am a caring person, but I am sick of having “homework”, lesson planning, grading, etc. Believe me, I know teaching has major benefits. That’s why I’ve stayed with it for so long. My unhappiness with my job and stress is affecting my life in a negative way. I just know I would be a better mom, friend, girlfriend, etc. if I didn’t have this job.
~Worker living in INDIANA
Today is appreciate a teacher day.
Do something today to show your appreciation for the teaching profession.
Even if all we do is for all of us to collectively send positive encouragement through our thoughts and prayers to your teachers, your children’s teachers, your grandchildren’s teachers or the teachers who helped you along the way.
Appreciate a teacher today.