Thursday, April 9, 2015

We Know What We Need To Do

I can no longer stand being around my boss who is not willing to expand her horizon nor allow anyone to make an impact to the betterment of the organization.                                                        

~Worker Living in CANADA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

trust yourself goethe

We know when we are working for someone who is not as smart as we are, and what it is like when THEY know it. 

We know when we are working for someone who is jealous of us and THEY show it. 

We know when we are working for someone who is holding the company back and THEY don’t care as long as they can continue to be the boss.

It’s not very likely that they are going to change.  It’s not likely they are going to go back and pick up the skills or knowledge that they need…they’ll have to admit that they are inadequate in their role to do that…so… it’s very unlikely you can make them change.

We can change.  We know what we need to do.  We know.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Live Everyday...Not Just To Make It To The Weekend.

I cannot seem to even figure out what I have any passion for.

I have no energy, nor can I concentrate to really think about what really makes me happy.  I have no idea at this point.

I make it to the weekends drained and always seem to think about what is coming up the next day or the next week.

Sometimes it is worse than others.

~Worker Living in Massachusetts

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

stop waiting

Today, live your life EVEN THOUGH you are miserable on your job. 

Do not live to just make it to the weekend. 

Find something to do to relieve the stress so that you can free your mind to figure out what you are passionate about. Even if you just take a minute and breathe then that’s what you need to do.  The more you can find what works for you to relieve the stress the closer you will get to being able to use every day to find your way out of this.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

STOP Wasting Your Time. Be Productive Today.

I am totally unfulfilled.

I’ve been doing the same thing for five years now. There are no growth prospects.

I sometimes sit idle at the office because work is slow to come by.

~Worker Living in AFRICA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

wasting time

Today, if you are sitting idle and bored at work ask yourself what you can do to be productive for your own self-improvement…then start doing it.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Whatever You Are Be A Good One - Abraham Lincoln

I’m feeling sad about not contributing.

I’m not improving and it’s damaging my reputation.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

be a good one

Today, think about your reputation. 

Exactly what is your reputation on this job, at this organization, or in this industry?

If this job is damaging your reputation then you need to admit that and take back the control…slowly…but surely.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

You've Been Shown The Truth. Face It & Deal With It.

I work for an unprofessional company. My manager employs all her friends… and son and gives them preferential treatment. I’m grossly underpaid and I haven’t had a raise in five years.

I recently found out that my 10 years of experience (in a very demanding field) has netted me the same income as someone that started three months ago who knows nothing about the job. I’m underappreciated.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

yellow brick road

It’s painful when we truly face our current work situations. It’s like someone pulled back the curtain and have shown us the real “wizard” isn’t a wizard at all. It was all a mirage.  It’s not real.  We aren’t appreciated. We feel used, abused, and tricked.

We can instantly turn things around by being GRATEFUL.  Grateful that we now KNOW the truth.  It’s up to us to act on what we NOW know as the truth.  We can decide to continue to stay or we can decide to leave.  It’s up to us.  We have been shown the truth.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Trust The Universe. Be Brave. Have Courage.

My job is causing me so much stress and anxiety, having that time to really focus and relax before starting a new career will prepare me for what I REALLY want in a job.  I know that I need to leave, no question, there is something else out there for  me, and I trust the universe.

~Worker Living in Canada

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

you have the answer

Today, trust the universe. 

Do what you know you need to do.

Be brave and have courage.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Find Some "Alone" Time. Work On Yourself Today.

I can’t take it anymore.

I feel like I’m the lone wolf that has to take care of everything.

There is never actually “alone” time. I’m always on call and constantly getting alerts and or emails or whatever it maybe. I am constantly awakened and miss out on my personal life because of work. 

~Worker Living in MASSACHUSETTS


If today you are in a situation where you are SO important, always on call and have lost your life by giving all of your time to your job/corporation/boss then you need to ask yourself HOW LONG you are going to continue to make someone else’s dreams come true?

HOW LONG are you going to make someone ELSE rich while today you feel like you are missing out on your life? 


 It’s up to you. Remember, you have to be smart enough to figure this out.  You’re SO important.  You’re taking care of everything at work.  You’re a Lone Wolf. Great, now do something for yourself.