I cannot seem to even figure out what I have any passion for.
I have no energy, nor can I concentrate to really think about what really makes me happy. I have no idea at this point.
I make it to the weekends drained and always seem to think about what is coming up the next day or the next week.
Sometimes it is worse than others.
~Worker Living in Massachusetts
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Today, live your life EVEN THOUGH you are miserable on your job.
Do not live to just make it to the weekend.
Find something to do to relieve the stress so that you can free your mind to figure out what you are passionate about. Even if you just take a minute and breathe then that’s what you need to do. The more you can find what works for you to relieve the stress the closer you will get to being able to use every day to find your way out of this.