Wednesday, July 31, 2019

7 Eleven Coffee Cup...If You Know What You Want, It's Already There

My stress level is beyond healthy and I no longer want responsibility.

~Worker Living in GEORGIA

do it now

Sometimes we’ve had enough responsibility.

We’ve had enough meetings.

We’ve had enough company problems.

We know what we want…no more responsibility for this or for that.

We want some downtime.

We want to just be responsible for ourselves and our family stuff.


What do you want?

I’ll never ever forget an object lesson that my father taught me.  

It was 1991 and I had just graduated with my undergraduate degree.  I had decided not to relocate with Hoechst Celeanse and to finish the last 40 hours I needed for the degree. They had offered me a relo and most everyone was taking the package.  I went looking for all of my options and one of them was to go back to school full-time for a year and finish a degree that was taking forever going part-time. It was a smart decision, but I graduated during a horrible recession and there weren’t many jobs. I was a single parent with a 6-year-old son. Yes, I had a degree now, BUT I didn’t have a job.   It was a difficult difficult time.  

I was broke  when I walked across that stage…dead broke. 

My first mentor ( I’ve had many throughout my career) had invited me to D.C.  She was well-off, owned her own business and her graduation gift to me was an airline all-expense paid trip to D.C. When I left town I felt hopeless.  When I got back from D.C. I was on fire.   I had seen the possibilities. The world was my oyster.  I had confidence.  I had a great attitude about life…even though I was still without a job and broke.  

My father had watched me struggle looking for a job, he’d even tried to “network” for me with the folks who came into his barbershop.  When he saw me after I arrived back from D.C. he noticed the difference in my attitude.  He asked me if I had gotten a job and I told him: “no, I got a better attitude”.  He told me that was all I needed and to come with him.  

He had a 7-11 coffee cup in his hand.  coffee cup

He sat the cup on the table and told me to look at the cup.  I did. (My father was the kind of man that you did what he told you to do :-).  

Then he said he wanted me to stare at the cup.  Look at it really good. I did. THEN he said; “Now I want you to find the cup in the wall.”  I was confused. He explained the instructions again, I was to look at the cup, then look up at the blank white wall and try to see the cup.  

I looked at the cup, then looked at the wall and saw nothing.  I did it about 5 more times and there was nothing there but a wall.

Around the 6th time I did it I could see the outline of the cup in the wall.  I told my father that I thought I knew what he was talking about because I could see the cup. He said: “NO, you don’t have it yet, do it again.”

I did it again, and again, and again.  

SUDDENLY I looked up at the wall and the cup was EMBEDDED in the wall.  It wasn’t an outline, it wasn’t an image,  it was THE CUP.  I jumped up and said:” I SEE IT DADDY, I SEE IT.”


Now, What do YOU want?  Not what you don’t want…what DO you WANT?  You have to see on the inside before you can find it on the outside. 

You are reading from the book Just Quit & Live

Our Just Quit & Live Survey:
Below is a survey link which has a list of questions to help you determine if you are READY to Just Quit Your Job Without Another One:

Take Our Survey!  

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Awaken Your Heart

Currently I am good at my job, I enjoy working with my colleagues and I work in a very busy but relaxed environment; however; it does take a lot of my energy.

For all the energy I put in I feel I need something more rewarding, a job that provides satisfaction in the heart, a job that I am passionate about and I don’t mind putting my energy and mind into it.

Something I can come home and feel it was worth it. Maybe not every single day but most days. 

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

From the Heart

If we listen to our heart it will lead us in the right direction. 

There is a “knowingness’ that comes and the heart recognizes what to do that will bring it satisfaction.

Close your eyes, ask your heart what to do…then listen…

You are reading from the book Just Quit & Live

Our Just Quit & Live Survey:
Below is a survey link which has a list of questions to help you determine if you are READY to Just Quit Your Job Without Another One:

Take Our Survey!  

Monday, July 29, 2019

It Does Matter How We Leave Our Jobs. We Need To Leave With Integrity and Dignity.

Being at a job for over 19 months that I didn’t go to school for is more than enough.

I need to gain experience and have an interest in what I am doing.

I don’t enjoy the majority of the people I work with.

My boss is an ogre who leaves for hours at a time only to give me minimal instruction or support.

I don’t have any benefits and the only thing that keeps me there is the pay which is higher than most jobs for people my age.

~Worker Living in PENNSYLVANIA

How to Leave

While we are on the job today we need to recognize that there is someone always watching.

Just like you are watching your boss and their actions someone somewhere is watching you.

Even if you are miserable, even if you are looking for another job, even if you say: “I don’t care.”; still think about your legacy after you are gone…and one day you will be gone…what will they remember about you?

What type of legacy will you leave there? These are just questions to consider.

It does matter how we leave a place.

We need to leave with integrity.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Your Ideas, A Book, A Cause...CREATE something you are proud of, is needed and offer it up to the world.

I psychologically can’t handle working with sales.

The downs in sales, makes me feel worthless.

~Worker Living in DENMARK

Sell Yourself

Today, I will work on my sales pitch for MYSELF.

A sales pitch for an idea that I have, a book I want to promote, a cause I’m passionate about, my art, my music, my next interview, my whatever…I will sell myself…even if it is only to myself.

We are all sales people.

We are not worthless.

We all have value.

We have something to offer to the world and we need to offer it up.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Below  is a survey link which has a list of questions to help you determine if you are READY to Just Quit Your Job Without Another One.  Take Our Survey!  

Today’s Workplace Entry is from Denmark:

  • Language: Danish
  • Currency: Danish Kroner
  • Viking Country – for about 400 years Viking longboats were feared across Europe and Denmark was Europe’s superpower.
  • Lego’s were invented here.
  • Copenhagen is famous for being a bike city

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Take a Break From the Rat Race & Follow YOUR Dreams

I need a sabbatical, recuperation, and I want to work on other projects.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

Follow dreams

We all need a break from time to time.

How wonderful it would be if we could “Just Quit” our jobs on a trial basis and come back in three months if we decided to; if we couldn’t figure out what we wanted to do; if we had enough income for that three months to be able to live comfortably; to do what we really want to do for just three months.

Well, that’s not how it is; but what if it was

…hmmm…could it be???

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Friday, July 26, 2019

Waiting While Miserable In A Job Is Hard; But Don't Quit Until You Have a Plan

I am miserable in my current job and I do not enjoy it.

I want to leave the job so I can think and decide on something I would like to do.

~Worker Living in BAHRAIN


If you don’t know what you would like to do then you need to focus all of your efforts on that. The answer may not come like a bolt of lightning out of thin air. No one is going to give you the final answers about what you like and what you should do. You have to make this decision for yourself.

Yes, you might be miserable in your current job, but try to push through it while you are working on the “Just Quit” Steps.

Waiting is hard. Waiting might seem like torture, but waiting might spare you the pain of making a big mistake. Do the work. Do Step 4. Be productive while you wait.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


You don’t  have to have another j-o-b lined up…you just need a plan…that’s two separate things…it COULD be another j-o-b-; but it might be to start a business, travel, become a soloprenuer, freelance, ect….you just need a game plan for the next chapter of your life…or how to get to the next port.

P.P.S. About Locations:

Along this journey of blogging and writing the book (and now blogging the book): I’ve become more and more fascinated with the places that the survey has reached.   I’ll start adding a little information from my research about the locations for some of the entries…it’s an interesting world…

Today’s workplace entry is from Bahrain:

  • Official Language – Arabic
  • Currency: Bahraini Dinars
  • It’s the smallest Arab Nation and off the Persian Gulf
  • 92% desert but it’s known for its water
  • Bahrain means – “Two Seas”  – the sweet water and the salty sea
  • Thought to be the setting of the Garden of Eden where Eve ate the fruit
  • Thought to have the worlds best pearls

 You are reading from the book Just Quit & Live

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Work on Finding The Right Industry and Profession So You Can Do Great Work

I am just not interested in the corporate planning industry.

~Worker Living in SINGAPORE

Do great

Today, I will research industries and professions that I am interested in.

I will work on Step 4 – Finding My Purpose

You are reading from the book Just Quit and Live

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Yes, "Just Quit" Is A Risk...BUT...It Can Lead To The Good Life

I studied very hard thinking that I would live a good life after I graduated, but I think I’m the most unhappy person. I hate this place. I don’t care about my job anymore.

I feel like this is punishment for something terrible that I did.

I am a lot happier when I’m at home, with my family, friends, and my boyfriend. I’m happy even when I’m in class and doing everything else outside of my job. My job is tiring and makes me feel sick and the worst thing is the night shift. I feel like crying like a baby when I have to come to work at night. I want to start a business outside of my career. I want to do something that will make me feel good. I want to study further. I am not proud to tell people about my job because I feel that it is stupid.  I complain to everyone and they seem to think that I don’t know what I want.

I want to relax and have fun for a while, take a holiday.

I’m just tired, so tired that I can’t even take care of myself anymore. I can’t dress up to look good anymore. I don’t even do my hair anymore. My body is always tired and I’m gaining weight because of the stress making me eat and sleep.


good life

Today, we will KNOW that things will change.

One day we will be able to live the good life that we have imagined.

When we do we will reach back.We will remember what we went through. We will remember this time of needing encouragement to make it through the day and we will encourage others with our story.

We will make it.

We WILL make it.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Above is a recent interview with Billionaire Google co-founder Larry Page. Around the 20 minute mark they are talking about the unemployment situation in the U.K.  Larry Page offers a solution  – for people to work fewer hours and spend more time with family and on their own interests.

Think about that.  

You have to imagine that Google’s work with robots has something to do with his proposed solution. Couple that with the talk about a guaranteed income in Switzerland and we might be hearing what the future looks like for the working world.  Less work hours for PEOPLE and more free time to live.  What that will mean is that PEOPLE will be able to pursue their own interests (Live the Good Life) and create their own “jobs” based on those interests (again, The Good Life). So, at a minimum we need to know our interests.  It seems like a simple thing to KNOW…except that most people are so miserable in their current jobs that they can’t imagine the good life.

Today visualize the good life.

Just put a picture in your head of what the good life will be for you and your family. Maybe the way of the struggle worklife is coming to an end and those googling “quit my job without another one” are ahead of 80% of the rest of the working population.


What if this IS the future and work and you miss the boat by sitting there miserable in a job that you hate, not skilling up and moving toward what interests you?

Some risks are worth taking.

You are reading from the book Just Quit & Live

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Please Don't Let Student Loan Debt Crush Your Dreams

I want to relocate and be with my fiancé. 

I want to change careers to be somewhere where I am full-time and have benefits since I am currently part-time with no benefits. 

I have student loans coming due for payment.

Bigger City = Bigger Opportunities and I want to get out of my parent’s home.

~Worker Living in ILLINOIS

Student Loan Debt

Oh, to be young and starting out.

Hopes, dreams, opportunities, and student loans.

WAIT, student loans, that doesn’t fit with hopes, dreams and opportunities.

No, it doesn’t; but it’s a fact of life for many of us.

Student loans, credit card debt, mortgages, car loans, on and on and on. 

These obligations hang over our heads like a hammer to remind us that we can’t “Just Quit”.

We have to have another job lined up, don’t we? 

Maybe, but maybe not.

Work Step 2 today…

run the numbers again…

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


Monday, July 22, 2019

If You Fell Into Your Profession...You Don't HAVE To Stay...

In addition to providing no challenge, or fulfillment — my current job is completely unrelated to my personal interests and values.

I fell into the position because it paid very well and came with a certain degree of prestige, but I’ve never truly been interested in the work, or the industry and I’ve been looking for a way out since I hit the three-month mark (I’m currently a week shy of two years).

I’m not able to use my natural strengths, and I am 100% confident that this job is in no way related to my true purpose.

I can also no longer tolerate working with my manager or as part of a “corporate” culture.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK 

Decide What To Be

We know.

We know when we don’t fit.

No amount of money or prestige can hold us when we already know.

Just because we “fell into a profession” doesn’t mean a thing.

You are not stuck there.

You can change it.

Today, start moving towards your personal interests and values.

Don’t wait until tomorrow, start TODAY.

Your true purpose in life will only unfold when you let go of what is not working.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Friday, July 19, 2019

If Where You Work Is A Broken Mess...Just Move On...

I can’t work another day with the person they hired as my direct supervisor (hired because she is married to the supervisor of my area, but with limited skill and no proof of her abilities).

~Worker Living in INDIANA

Just Move On

We all know that life is not fair.

We already know this.

We know that people are not always hired because of their skills and abilities but because of who they are, who they know, or how they look.

Okay, it happens.

Now, we have to get over it.

WE have to move on.

We have to leave these supervisors, departments, companies, and organizations to their own devises…we need to


You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Have the Courage to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love

I am sick of missing out on doing the thing I love doing most.


I work away from the surf for two weeks then come home for one week to look after my kids.

I can go surfing while they are at school only.

This is frustrating me and I’ve never had the courage to do anything about it.

~Worker Living in AUSTRALIA


“Just Quit” is about courage. 

Have courage to do what you know is right for you.

You will know when it’s time to surf (do what you love) fulltime. 

You will know and no one will be able to stop you.

Once you know and are prepared you have to have the COURAGE to do it.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Never Never Never Give Up - Create Something Out of Your Life

I don’t believe in my job anymore.

My boss micromanages everything.

I would like to do something in the arts.

~ Worker Living in TEXAS


Today, do your art or whatever you are passionate about.

Even if you are completely miserable or depressed about your job; do something today that makes you feel alive. 

Even if you don’t WANT to do it, just do it. 

When the Black Dog (depression) came on Winston Churchill he painted. 

Now, it’s your turn to create something out of your life.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Turn Your Cant's into Cans & Dreams into Plans

My job was making me feel worthless.

There wasn’t anything challenging about the work & my coworkers were negative & sucking the life blood out of me.

~ Worker Living in OHIO

 cants and cans

If you are reading this then you are alive.

You have blood running through your veins. 

Okay, great, now live and stop existing and being scared.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Just Quit & Live is Back

Starting today…we will begin re-blogging the “Just Quit” book and stories.

If you want to “Just Quit” your job you are not crazy and you are not alone.