Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Only Real Valuable Thing Is Intuition ~Einstein...Listen to Your Intuition Today

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up? 

Listening to Our Intuition – July 1

I hate coming in every day.

The people I work with are frustrated with the policies and low pay and half the time everyone is sighing and complaining. I had to reduce the amount of taxes taken out of my paycheck just to survive, and almost got fired for my lateness.

I just don’t want to be there.

I get an ache in the pit of my stomach thinking about going back after a peaceful two-week vacation.

Helping customers and servicing others in retail is not a good fit for me.

I need to be able to have downtime by myself to recharge, and all this job does is drain my energy.

I am willing to take out money of my IRA in order to survive for a few months in order to find a new job, and hopefully transform my job into a career.

I need some peace, and my intuition tells me to quit.

I just landed a part-time job with some earning potential, and I could focus on that and also find a temp job during the day or land interviews for a new one.

The only thing I am worried about is insurance coverage.

~Worker Living in NORTH CAROLINA



We already know what to do if we listen to our intuition.

Go back and re-read today’s story. As she talks about her intuition she talks about the actions that she is and could take…then what happens?…her brain takes over…it tells her to fear…doubt her intuition…think about insurance coverage…. anything to stop her in her tracks.

Don’t let anything stop you on your path, on this journey…not even your own fears…listen to your intuition…


What is intuition you might ask?  Intuition is tapping into this all-knowing universal mind that is inside of all of us. It already knows what you should do and where you should go. Until you listen to and trust your intuition you will continue to struggle and wonder.  Once you can tap into this universal mind the entire “game of life” makes sense because you are in alignment. 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Happiness Is A Choice; Get the Stress Out of Your System Then Decide To Be Happy

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Shouting It Out – June 30


~Worker Living in VIRGINIA

 Stress Release

Yes, sometimes we need to shout out what is wrong.

What is not working.

What we are angry about.

What is unfair.

What we hate.

When was the last time you were able to find a place to shout about all of that?

Sometimes we just need to get it out…somehow we need to get it out of our systems. Until we do, all of that bent up frustration just keeps us stuck, miserable and mumbling under our breath.

Today, find a safe way to release the tension and stress.


My sister Linda helped me edit this book. Her recommendation was to not include entries with profanity or to put in asterisks  (**SHOLES).  I understood her recommendation and even considered it; but I decided to allow the authenticity of emotion to come through.  This is the reality of how people feel who are miserable in their jobs.  They might not curse out loud; but they are screaming in their heads.

It is real.  

If you are going through misery in your job today; you might have to get out all of the negativity swirling around in your head and inside of your body.  

You should not be violent and you SHOULD practice control over YOUR emotions.  It’s a sign of maturity…BUT..if you need to get it out…Get it out…

AFTER you get it out…


and realize that happiness is a choice…and so is staying stressed about your job, the people you work for and with…just move on…and DECIDE you are going to be happy.

REGARDLESS of the work situation you find yourself in today.


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Respect Yourself Because...What You Put Up With...You End Up With

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Having Self Respect – June 29 

I am really depressed with my IT job.

I feel really stressed every day to go to the job. I am in a position of do or die state. If I don’t perform well I will be fired.

I think it’s a better decision to leave my job without having one lined up.

This decision is mainly to retain my self-respect.

~Worker Living in INDIA


Today, I will respect myself. 

I will focus on doing what I have to do in order to respect myself today.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Every Ending Is A New Beginning....Ask Yourself: Am I At The End of This Job?

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Endings Lead to Beginnings – June 28

 I’m not happy.

It’s no longer satisfying or meaningful. I’m not feeling challenged. It’s discouraging and frustrating.

I feel stuck.

There are no more good days.

I wonder what difference I’m making to those I’m supposedly helping and also it’s not making any good of a difference in my life. I am no longer challenged or feel there is any growth from this job.

 ~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

 new beginning


For everything there is a beginning, middle and ending. 

Am I at the end of this job?

Don’t let the answer scare you, let it excite you. 

The end of one thing allows for the beginning of another.

Again, are you at the end of this job?

Friday, June 27, 2014

Your Energy Flows Where Your Focus Goes...TODAY Focus On Yourself...If You Don't Who Will?

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

 Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Focusing on Ourselves – June 27

I need to focus on me and my education.

I have spent a lot of time giving to work, training, picking up shifts, volunteering without receiving anything in return.

It is time for me to focus on me and what I need.

~Worker Living in CANADA


Today, focus on yourself and your own needs.

It’s okay to figure out what WE need and fulfill that need.


It’s Called Being Healthy Selfish…Just For TODAY…FOCUS on Yourself  (Start with your thoughts because they control your life.)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Where Your Talents and the Needs of the World Cross; There Lies Your Vocation.~Aristotle

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

Passions – June 26

I want to do what I am passionate about.

My job is just a means of income which gives me no fulfillment, nor uses my gifts and talents.

I want to offer programs in the community, open a business and write more books.   

~Worker Living in MICHIGAN


Today, I will do something that offers me fulfillment by using my gifts and talents.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Don’t Let Your Job Take Away Your Joy – Do Something Today That YOU Enjoy Doing

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live 

Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?

I’m not respected, this company isn’t my passion. 

I don’t like marketing,

I just want to paint and create things.

~Worker Living in MASSACHUSETTS

24 hours

We might not feel like it, we might be drained and we might be depressed, but, we need to do something today that gives us joy.

Don’t let this job take away your joy.

Use your own time to do something today that you enjoy…even if it is only for one moment.

P.S. You can’t enjoy your life and complain about it at the same time…so if you can’t think of what you enjoy doing…STOP doing something (complaining) that is stealing your joy…just for 24 hours. 

~Ridea Richardson