Thursday, March 26, 2015

Control The Commute - Look At Things Differently

The main reason I need to quit is the traveling time from my home to my work place.

I lose an interest in work by the time I reach the office.

While going back home there is always a traffic jam.

It is giving me stress and affecting my peace of mind.

~Worker Living in INDIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

look at things differently

Today, as you are commuting to and from work come up with a game plan to make it the best time of the day for you. 

If you know you have to commute everyday then come up with a plan to make it “your time”. 

The possibilities are endless.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Peace Be Still. Learn To Calm Your Mind.

I don’t know anything about pharmaceuticals and nor do I care to ever know anything about formularies, drug coverage, eligibility, adjudication, group rolls, etc. I don’t enjoy kissing client’s as*es and speaking on things I’m clueless about.

I don’t like feeling like an idiot because I have received no training to effectively do my job. I must learn everything as I go…except everything changes as soon as I learn it…and I don’t give two d*mns about the things I’m learning. NO PASSION.

I HATE the meetings. I HATE the one-on-ones with my boss – bullshi**ing – my procrastination and my work. I hate the impossible work load and the deadlines that leaves you without a viable social life.

Even if I choose to not do work when I get home, it’s that achy and unsettling feeling at the bottom of my stomach and that heartburn taste in my mouth I get when I think about my job…it’s so time for me to “Just Quit”.        

~Worker Living in MISSOURI

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

peace be still

Today, when you are not at work do not think about work.  If at any point today when you are not at work and you find yourself thinking about work;  refocus your mind by saying:

“Peace, be still”

Continue to say this until your mind is calm. Do not allow work to take over your mind, especially when you are not officially working (and getting paid).  


This is NOT difficult to do. Just keep repeating the mantra…”peace be still”…or just “peace” whenever you start thinking about work when not at work.  Once you can control your mind you’re half way there.


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Will It Make The Boat Go Faster?

Work drains me of purpose, energy and enthusiasm. The owner is greedy and I will not be very successful financially if I keep working for him.

Despite results widely considered as exceptional, an incredible work ethic and longevity, the owner is condescending, doesn’t respect time (late for every meeting), doesn’t listen (uh-huh, uh-huh…good, good).

I have no faith that the owner can grow the company to position me for success. In essence, he will inhibit me from helping him grown the company.  He will not commit to basic principles like writing down a vision or establishing core values.

I have very little passion for this industry.

I am tired of working with people who have little personal goals and instead choose to make life about the drama.

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Make the boat go faster

Today, actively work on discovering your purpose; do what gives you energy and enthusiasm.

Meditate on your purpose for being here on planet earth.


Find a question that works for you and will motivate you to move forward. Above is an interesting story and below is the book:

Monday, March 23, 2015

Bitter or Better. It's Your Choice.

Because I hate what I do.

It’s the most boring thing in the world. I feel like I’ve lost my time and my life.

I have started hating my colleagues (when most of them are objectively pretty nice). 

I don’t want to spend most of my life doing something I dislike and become bitter.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

better not bitter

Today, ask yourself if you are bitter about your life.

If you find that you are bitter you need to realize that you can change your life by your decisions.  First decide if you want to be bitter or to make things better.  If you choose bitter, then you choose bitter and that’s your decision…You’re bitter. If you choose better, then that’s your decision…You’re better.

This is your life and you can work on improving it for the better or decide to stay bitter.  It’s just a choice.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

If You Want Peace Of Mind Stop Fighting With Your Thoughts

Because my mental health is worth more than my success.

~Worker Living in AUSTRALIA

peace of mind

Our mental health is with us at all times.  Sometimes we forget about it because it’s ALWAYS talking to us. The constant drone of the voice that is talking to you in your head. 

You can have money.  You can have fame.  You can have success, but unless you have these things along with Peace of Mind then you will not be at peace.

Don’t let anything disturb or interrupt your peace of mind.

Today, watch your thoughts and check and see if they are healthy.  Take an inventory of your thoughts and see where you are mentally.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Leaving On Top. Move On. Write The Next Chapter.

I want to leave on top.

There is no future for me there.

~Worker Living in CONNECTICUT

life is a story

Sometimes we get to the point where we just know that it’s all downhill from here.  We can’t see ourselves working where we are working another 5 or 10 years.  We can’t see a future there. 

That’s perfect.

We made some contributions.  We have a good track record.

It’s just time to go.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Let Go Of Hatred. Have Compassion. Grow.

The bosses disrespected me. They hire new guys who are less experienced than me and pay them more. They fire a lot of the blacks and hire the Spanish people, which are all related to each other by marriage or family.

My hours have increased, but the pay has not, and they told us to come into work an hour late to avoid paying us the extra hour. When I did get a raise they only paid me .50 cents and 1 dollar on my hourly rate.

Everyday a customer insults me because I ask them questions I have to ask for my job. The pay for my job leaves me with little to no money after I pay my bills. I had to move back into my parent’s house just to afford to live.

I no longer respect many of my coworkers and none of the people in charge.

I’ve had nervous twitches and constipation. I never sleep through the night and I cannot even meet new women.

I’ve also have thoughts of murder or retribution.

~Worker Living in NEW YORK

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


In order for us to move forward and let come a better situation for ourselves, we have to want that for everyone else as well, even those we feel are mistreating us or abusing their positions. Until we can let go of the anger and bitterness of our situation it will continue to keep us stuck.

Any thoughts of hate or retribution that you have towards your co-workers or bosses become aware of it,  and ask for help to have compassion on those who have harmed you. 

If you can find compassion for them it will release you and allow you to move forward in your quest for a better future for yourself, your career and your family. 

It will help you to grow.

P.S. Want to learn to be compassionate?  Great book to read: