Monday, November 18, 2019

Somebody Cares About You...Don't Give Up...Hold On To HOPE

I have been off work from anxiety disorder and depression since July. I believe that the current (and continuing) environment is toxic and triggers my sensitivities to both disorders.

I have been on medication and to therapy since – I have the option to go back in January. However as much as I think I have changed, I don’t think that environment has improved.

While I think I could go back and handle the work, I think I would be very unhappy and it would start to deteriorate all the work I have put into my mental health over the past few months. In the meantime it’s holding me back from moving on and making plans for the future.

I could make it work at this job, but it would be a day to day struggle and I would have to work hard on how to manage the issues I have.

I would rather put that hard work and effort towards something more positive – toward furthering my abilities and career.

~Worker Living in CANADA


Today, just know that there are options. 

We can come up with options for our problems with this job.

If we need to get help then we need to get help. 

Sometimes just knowing that we can get help, helps.

Reach out today if you need to get professional help to deal with your anxiety or depression. Somebody cares.  Somebody cares about you and what you are going through.


If you are thinking suicidal thoughts today because of your job tell somebody. Ask them to listen to you. Tell them you are struggling right now and just need to know that someone cares. There is a program called QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) for people to help those who are suffering.  Your family may not know to outright ASK you the question…ARE YOUR THINKING ABOUT SUICIDE?  Consider this someone asking you the question.  Are You Thinking About Suicide Because Of Your Job?  If the answer is YES please tell someone, or call the Suicide Hotline in your country.

You will make it through this time. You will.  You will find a work situation that is right for you. Please talk to someone and get help so that your story continues and you can continue to contribute your essence to the universe.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Find A Hobby...Do Your Hobby...De-Stress

I’ve been at my job, a kitchen for eight years. I recently had an episode a month back, it felt like a heart attack. It was one of the scariest things I have ever felt. It happened again and again over the next few weeks.

I went to a heart doctor, and he said, there is nothing wrong with your heart. It’s stress, you’re having panic attacks he said. I have not felt normal for some time.

Every now and again, when I have time off, or am actively participating in my hobbies, and passions, I feel like my old self again.

But most days I just feel bad. It’s a horrible feeling that I would never wish on anyone. I don’t ever want to feel this way ever again.

I have strongly disliked my job for many years and have suffered problems related to stress because of it, but never this bad.  

It’s just too much and I can’t put myself thru it any more. 

~Worker Living in Florida


hobbies Churchill

Sometimes all it takes is for us to lose ourselves in our hobbies.

They are our passions.

They allow us to de- stress.

They allow us to un-think.

They can pull us out of a deep depression.

Those hobbies can help us find our way, our path, and our plan.

Today, do your hobby or if you don’t have a hobby then go to a hobby store and walk around it and decide to try something that interest you…then…you’ll have a hobby.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Doors Of Opportunity Will Present Themselves…Even Without A Degree.

I’m depressed; there is no growth prospect. I’m not enjoying what I am doing and I’m working with stupid people.  I feel like I am getting no skills here and not improving myself. 

This job is actually stagnating me and making me unemployable. 

No matter how hard I work I will never be promoted because of my lack of education. I have tried to study but have no support and I am really interested in IT. 

Finding a new job in South Africa with our unemployment at 50+% will be hard but I can’t bear this job anymore.

~Worker Living in South Africa

open doors

If you know exactly what you want, then it’s already there waiting for you to come and get it.

Move towards what you know you want to do. 

Doors will open and opportunities will present themselves…even without a degree.

Friday, November 15, 2019

We Were BORN To Create…So Create Something Today

My job makes me miserable.  I’m not interested in the work at all. I feel so drained that I’ve stopped creating new things to sell in my Etsy business. It’s also damaging my outlook on life and relationships.

~Worker Living in United Kingdom


Don’t stop creating.

  If you can create ANYTHING (food, art, music, etc.) with your hands then do it today.

  Even if you don’t feel like doing it, still do it. 

We were BORN to create…so create something today.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

What Do You Want? Name It. Identify It. You Already Have The Power.

I don’t like my workplace.

I don’t like management.

It’s not what I want to do at all.

It is thousands of kilometers away from the only thing that matters to me – my family.  I don’t like where I live and miss my culture.      

~Worker Living in Australia

wizard of oz

There are some jobs that we have moved away from family, friends and our home country to pursue.  At first it can be exciting…new place…new city…new experiences… THEN…the lights come on and you see the mess that you are in.

It seems almost impossible to figure out how to get out of where you are. You just want to be able to go home…be like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and click your heels three times and just go home.

Well, it might not be that easy, but that is a start.  To KNOW what you want to do.  Name it.  Identify it.  See it. You have to see it on the inside before it materializes on the outside. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Focus on Energy. Research It. Understand It. Use It Wisely.

I dread waking up every morning and going to work.

Sunday nights are extremely depressing.

There hasn’t been any growth for me in more than a year.

I don’t get along with my boss.

I hate sitting in a cubicle.I hate crouching over a computer.I hate sitting under fluorescent lights.

I hate that my life is neglected because I have to go to work somewhere else and give all of my time and energy to a cause I no longer believe in.

~Worker Living in California


Our energy and our essence belongs to us. 

We can exchange our time for a salary, but our energy is ours. 

You can work on a project, or work retail, or fast food for that matter and give your time, mind and hands; but there is a life force that belongs to you. 

Today and everyday carve out time to focus on the energy that flows through your body.  If you feel it is depleted…ask for more energy.  There is an abundant supply of energy that comes from a Source outside of us.

Just ask: “Please give me an abundant supply of life force energy today.  I need it today to flow through my body and help me work on or towards causes that I believe in. Show me what I need to do to get more energy.”

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Go On Your Hero's Journey...Embrace The Unknown

I hate my job and am ready for a career change.

I feel it is time for me to move on and I can’t do that while I’m stuck at my job. The job is guaranteed misery.

Quitting is the unknown but it is certainly no guaranteed misery. It’s the opportunity to start fresh and do something new.

~Worker Living in Illinois

Heros Journey

Change is moving from the known to the unknown. That’s why it seems scary.  But what good is the known if we know it’s not working for us.

It’s time to move on.

Who knows what the future holds. No one knows for sure. You might be on the cusp of stepping into the very reason that you were born…right here…right now…today…