I’ve been at my job, a kitchen for eight years. I recently had an episode a month back, it felt like a heart attack. It was one of the scariest things I have ever felt. It happened again and again over the next few weeks.
I went to a heart doctor, and he said, there is nothing wrong with your heart. It’s stress, you’re having panic attacks he said. I have not felt normal for some time.
Every now and again, when I have time off, or am actively participating in my hobbies, and passions, I feel like my old self again.
But most days I just feel bad. It’s a horrible feeling that I would never wish on anyone. I don’t ever want to feel this way ever again.
I have strongly disliked my job for many years and have suffered problems related to stress because of it, but never this bad.
It’s just too much and I can’t put myself thru it any more.
~Worker Living in Florida