Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Career Path? Calling? Passion? Don't Be Confused.

I am in a new job and something is disturbing me. I am not getting sleep :-(. I am very confused on if I want to continue this job and just how long I can continue this. 

I want a change in my career path, but I’m not sure how to go about that :-).

~Worker Living in CALIFORNIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Find Your Calling

How is it that we go ALL the way through high school, some of us finish college, graduate school and have professional certifications, but we STILL don’t know how to find our career path?  How did that happen? Really, how many people do you know who are doing work that they LOVE?  It’s not many people.  These people are not the norm.

How do we “go about” finding our career path? 

We HAVE to start by looking within.  We will not be looking for a “job” but for our “calling”.  The career path is not about a career at all, it’s about what we were brought here to do. Our rightful work. You, me, we… are all here to DO something that only you, me, we can DO. 

It is our “job” to figure out what that is.

Today, ask:  “What am I being called to do?”  Just keep asking that over and over and over again.  If you keep asking… the universe will answer.  Stay open to the answer coming from seemingly “strange” places…a street sign, a book, an overheard conversation, watching the sky, listening to the birds, listening to the ocean and waves…just stay open…the universe is big and it’s beautiful.  Everything in the universe is ROUTING for you to find your calling and life’s work. 

Monday, December 23, 2019

Ideas, Dreams & Hopes For Tomorrow - Be Productive Today.

I have never enjoyed working at my current job, and I feel like I need the space to figure out my next direction.

While stuck in this job, I lack the energy to creatively pursue anything else. I feel that it keeps me from opening myself to true experience and opportunity.

I know that I could embody and fulfill so much more potential if I had some time to really focus on myself and my happiness.

~Worker Living in Wisconsin

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live


You might have to work at a place right now where you feel stuck, and you might be stuck, but you can make the best use of your time. 

Today, don’t waste any time. None. Not a second of your time today. Just for today be productive for yourself.

You’ll be amazed at what that feels like and just how much time and energy we can spend going in circles stewing about our situations. Today, any time you have even a moment to yourself make it count.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Take A Stand For Yourself For A Change

I wake up every day and wonder if this is all there is. I don’t believe I am doing the public any good. My company is purely driven by profit and I am not that type of person.

I truly want to do something to better the world.

My boss, though not a terrible person, buys into the corporate jargon.

I care about people and all I do is determine who to cut. It is truly depressing.

~Worker Living in PENNSYLVANIA

take a stand

Today, take a stand. 

Take a stand for SOMETHING you believe in.

It doesn’t matter what that SOMETHING is, just take a stand. Until you can start TAKING a stand you will continue to waver and wonder exactly where you stand. 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Action...Do Something Today...

I feel miserable every morning and every minute I spend in this office. I don’t believe in their corporate values. I am constantly loaded with a huge amount of stress.

I am not listened to. I am being lectured and patronized every day about how I shouldn’t get so stressed. My boss is making me feel as if it is only my fault and that I take things so personally (maybe it is, but this is the way I am).

I don’t give a sh*t about what I am doing.I am not passionate about it in the slightest and that is why I get so stressed about it probably.

I can’t switch off properly when I am leaving the office, because when I come back from holidays an overwhelming feeling of anguish is pervading me.  I feel like I am wasting my time.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Just Did It

All we have is time. Our life is just a series of minutes, hours and days. We have today.  We begin each day with a clean slate.

What are we going to do with today? 

What actions are we going to take to make it out of this job situation? Today, we need to take one action; maybe it is to start and develop one new habit that will help us to break the cycle.

Do something today. 

Friday, December 20, 2019

Don't Give Up. Just Hold On. Hold On To Hope. Hope That Next Year Will Be A Good Year.

I’ve been working my butt off for almost nine years and have never gotten a promotion. I don’t make enough each month to do anything extra because I’m a single mom who just got her daughter through college and another one in Cosmetology School.

I have racked up $52,000 in parent plus loans.

I’m frustrated that in order to buy Christmas gifts this year I had to use credit cards and know that I will struggle for another 6 months next year to pay them off. I never am able to go out to dinner. I never am able to take a trip anywhere while all my friends my age are able to.

I also have every responsibility on my shoulders and between that stress and work stress I had a heart attack last year.

I’m sick of everything and want to make my life simple. I want to give up. I don’t even have the brain power to think up a plan let alone a penny to save for my “six months without a job” plan.      

~Worker Living in PENNSYLVANIA

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

Hold On Pain Ends

Sometimes and some days it all seems impossible. 

We can’t keep up and we want to give up. Things just aren’t working out for us.  Things don’t seem fair and we don’t know why. 

It doesn’t seem like we are going to make it, but we are.  We are going to make it.  We have come too far to give up now. We have endured too much to give up now. 

Just hold on.  Life is about change.  Nothing stays the same.  This time will pass and we will get through it.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Is Your Workplace A Sad Place To Be Everyday? Find Your Happy.

This is not what I was looking for. 

I’m not learning and it’s not what I have in mind for my career.

I have a job and it pays and I still have something to do each day when I show up here, but I am not inspired. I’m not learning and I’m under-performing.

It’s just a sad place to be each day.

~Worker Living in the UNITED KINGDOM

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live

making you happy

There are only a few universal emotions that everyone experiences: happiness, joy, surprise, anger, fear and sadness. 

From time to time we all feel sad. That’s okay.  It is not however okay when we feel sad every day or almost every day.  It is not okay if we don’t remember the last time we felt joy or happiness.  It’s not okay.  We are not fully living if we are not experiencing the full range of emotions.

Today, ask yourself how you feel and try to make sure you are aware of your feelings and have honest access to the full range of emotions.

You deserve to feel joy and happiness. These too are universal emotions and you should want to experience them on a daily basis. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

4-7-8 Breathing Technique For Stress

I have major depression. I can’t imagine going another day doing what I’m doing and where I’m doing it.

I’m burnt out and on the verge of a breakdown.

My career provides zero satisfaction and I’m not utilizing my talents and interests. I’m dead here.

~Worker Living in California


We are not dead.  We are alive. We only feel dead.

We only feel depleted and depressed, but we are alive.  Because we are alive that means we have more to do. We have a chance.

Today, get up.  Just get up and breathe in to the count of four, hold for seven, and breathe out to the count of eight. Close your eyes, focus on your heart area and rhythmically breathe.  You are alive.  You have a purpose. 

This suffering you are experiencing is helping you to move forward towards that purpose.