I want to quit my job without another one lined up because I am so unhappy that I can’t go a day without crying.
It is tearing apart my relationship with the love of my life.
I dread going into the office every day because it is torture.
The VP over me is completely rude, belittles me, and treats me like a little girl.
~Worker Living in NEW YORK
Today…ERASE the board of your mind and just ask yourself WHAT IF? and WHY NOT? questions. You’ll be surprised how the possibilities will appear. Go ahead…Why Not?
If you are crying every day; if your relationships are falling apart; if going into the office is torture; if you are being mistreated…you need to ask yourself if you deserve better.
If you do, then you need to decide right now and today that you will first accept where you are today… because until you can accept where you are and what is… you will stay stuck hoping, wishing and praying that things will be different – magically – today, right now.
That is not how life works.
You are strong, you will make it through this time and you will be able to share with others the pain and anguish that you endured. You will be able to encourage them with YOUR story of how you made it through.
Just hang in there, it will all work out. You will make it through today and tomorrow and the next day…just hold on and work the Steps…