You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
Q: Why do you want to quit your job EVEN if you don’t have another job lined-up?
I’m stressed and need to find peace, figure out my passion, and put my family and friends first.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
I’m stressed and need to find peace, figure out my passion, and put my family and friends first.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
I’m driving all over the state “trying” to see doctors whom I cannot see.
I’m tired of educational resources, that aren’t educational at all!
I’m bored.
We cannot call on hospitals, but that’s where we should be.
I keep getting told, “change is coming.”
I’m tired of having to deal with co-workers on the western side of the state who break compliance rules all the time and have asked me to do the same. Completely, undeniably, unethical!!
Some of us have been here; where doing our jobs are almost impossible.
What we are asked to do is just not working. Everybody knows it’s not working, but we keep right on “trying” to do it.
We skirt around the edges of ethics just to get it done.
It gets old day-after-day and we want a change, but change doesn’t seem to be coming fast enough.
Today, we need to ask ourselves: “Can I look in the mirror and be proud of myself AND do this job?”
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
I’m 23 and I feel as though I’m stuck in a dead-end job that has an amazing bonus structure but isn’t in any field that I’m remotely interested in.
I have to have this job in order to pay down my overdraft but I intensely dislike the people I work with.
I constantly feel patronized by my trainers and I feel that there should be more to my post-university life than this.
We were told that we needed a degree, maybe two or three.
We believed the system that told us that we needed a degree. So we got a degree or two or three.
We are smart: but we are in debt and we feel stuck in dead-end jobs.
We are smart: but we are in jobs that aren’t related to those degrees.
We are smart: but we work with people that we don’t like.
We are smart enough to figure this out.
We are and will figure this out…degree or not…we will figure this out and will find our way…
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
The volume of work is too high for one person therefore I do not have time to cross-train or learn other responsibilities.
I’m not learning anything new and I’m sick and tired of doing the same crappy load of work day after day.
I just can’t do it anymore.
It’s a brand new day.
Today, just for today believe that things will change. You will make a change in your life.
Everything will be fine.
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
I need a change because of health reasons. I’m feeling trapped and very unhappy and I just blew a chance at a job transfer.
There are no mistakes.
You haven’t blown it.
If you didn’t take the transfer, didn’t do well on the interview, didn’t get the job offer, or the promotion, or whatever you DIDN’T get; it wasn’t for you.
There are no mistakes only lessons and messages. ~ Ridea Richardson
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
I am stagnate. My current job no longer aligns with the steps I need to take to fulfill my goals and pursue life and happiness, other than to pay my monthly bills. These bills are relatively small, as is my income. Most other jobs would fulfill this need.
I have a long commute and work full-time. I need for my work + commute to be less hours to free up time for educational, business, and self-improving pursuits; or to find a job with a time commitment that aligns with these goals. Preferably, both.
Alternatively, I may be able to structure a lifestyle where I educate myself and pursue my own business, without ‘working’ at all.
Now that I dislike my inconsistent commute, I may be fired any time anyway. My superiors are not competent, and I do not enjoy my repetitive job duties. I am not positively challenged in my job, and my job is a large percentage of my life, therefore I am living ‘comfortably’ but hardly living at all.
Are you “living comfortably, but hardly living at all”?
Is there a lifestyle you can envision where you don’t have to “work” at all?
You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live
My job is absolute misery. I’m working in a field I don’t want to be in, with colleagues I don’t want to associate with and with a condescending joke of a manager.
I want the freedom to pursue my interests with a focus on landing my dream career.
I want to work for it as much as I want it to work for me.
Today, imagine being in your dream career, job, profession, or business endeavor.
Where are you?
What are you doing?
Who is around you?
You have to be able to see it before you can create it.
Once you can see it you can create it.
What does it mean to have a vision? It needs to be VISUAL. For example: below is Microsoft’s early vision: In 1975, Gates and Allen form a partnership called Microsoft. Like most start-ups, Microsoft begins small, but has a huge vision—a computer on every desktop and in every home. During the next years, Microsoft begins to change the ways we work.
(Now think about it… Microsoft’s vision basically HAPPENED…we are now on to laptops, tablets and i-phones…but…before all of that there was Microsoft and desktop computers.)