I can’t stand this workplace, the environment is negative, the workers are unhappy, the customers are ghetto and classless.
The Store Director has a chip on his shoulder.
It’s a very political place.
~Worker Living in California
When we are clear of what is not working for us in our jobs, we are half-way there. We know what we don’t like. We know not to put ourselves in that type of work situation in the future.
There is something about your current job that you do not like. What is it? Just name one thing that you don’t like. Sometimes just naming it helps.
Try not to forget what that one thing is so you don’t end up back dealing with that one thing again in another job down the road (out of desperation or just forgetting what was not working). There is something that this work situation is trying to teach you, learn it so you don’t have to repeat it down the road.