Friday, October 4, 2019

Today, Be Healthy, Eat Healthy, and Think Healthy

I’m miserable and not meeting objectives by some senior people’s standards. 

I’m super tired and frustrated so much so that I cannot be there for my 3 year old the way I’d like.

I’m feeling detached. 

My skin is always itching (strange) and my face and hair look kinda lifeless to me.

I don’t think the job or work is a good fit and the people I’m around are petty.

I’ve been through a divorce and unemployment in the past two years. I’m drained and just want to sleep a while with no fuss.

~Worker Living in ILLINOIS

Health and Wealth

Our health is our first wealth. 

Today, be healthy, eat healthy, and think healthy.

You are reading from the book “Just Quit” & Live